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Topics - Boygetslost

Hey everyone, I used to use this a while ago with after effects. But the link to download it does not work anymore.

Does anyone know where I can get a copy?
Or is there another solution?



I am messing around with the 5.7K anamorphic on the 5d3 and really enjoying it.

Does anyone have any good recommendations  of how best to desqueeze the Anamorphic DNGs in AE and Resolve?

Any settings to yield the best result possible?


Does anyone have any advice on dealing with the vertical lines that appear in dark under exposed areas. Im trying to work with the noise floor of the 5d3 in 14 bit. So far I am handling/dealing with the chroma noise ok. But the vertical banding is very difficult to remove and if there a slight hint of it, really damages the sharpness when Youtube compresses it.

Is there anything I can do, I assume this is normal?

Has anyone got any advice with how to deal with this ?

(The lines are more noticeable in movement then in a still frame)


5D3, 14 Bit uncompressed 1920 x 1080
Build: crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_isogain_1x3_presets_2020Dec11

Raw Video / Card not Formatted issue with 5d 2.
January 09, 2021, 03:29:15 PM

I am using my 5d2 and whenever I format the card, I get the cannon message that the card can't be formatted.
Has any one had this error?

Without Magic lantern the card formats fine. Is this a build issue or has something changed?

I never had this issue in that past.

Any advice or thoughts?

I just finished a short film shot with the 5d2 with Magic lantern raw.

Not what, but who

Also I made a behind the scenes video.

Does anyone know why I get random frame skips. Sometimes I get a random dropped frame, that seems to mess with the motion and make it feel a little sped up.
Does anyone know why?

Its a 5d2 with the feb 14th version
Shot at 1880 x 1016

I recently used magic lantern for a project.
I recorded 4 mins of footage, then the camera froze. The only way to unfreeze it was to take the battery out.
1. does anyone know why?
2. the 4 mins of footage i recorded disappeared. Is there anyway to recover it?

Thanks :)