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Topics - photofreak126

Feature Requests / 5D mkIII Auto ISO optimisation
June 15, 2015, 02:09:17 PM
Hello Guys!

Following proposal:
I would love to use the Auto ISO mode on my 5D mkIII but the algorithm is too rudimentary until now:
It is focal lenght sensitive but my normal shooting pattern ist twice the shutter speed than Canon provides.

Example: if I use a 50mm lens in Av mode it sets the ISO according to an exposure of 1/50, I would shoot at 1/100.... if i use the 400mm it sets the shutterspeed to 1/400, and i would shoot at least with 1/800 ( if not faster)

is it possible to equip the Auto Iso option or the Auto exposure mode in general with a multiplicator so that there is the possibility to calculate the Exposuretimes more conservative?

all the best!
Feature Requests / 6D remap of SET Button
February 26, 2013, 09:18:45 AM
Ist it possible to include a remap option for the 6D that when the SET Button is pressed the center focuspoint is selected? it would almost completely restore the AF-joystick on like on my old 5Dc !