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Topics - Mikkel

User Introduction / Hi! from Copenhagen, Denmark
January 23, 2013, 12:18:58 AM
I was happy when i got the 600D, for first time i could use my old Zeiss glas digital, and then my photographer cousin told me about ML, it could not be better!!!!!
A great thanks to the tough guys who made it happen.

Feature Requests / [IMPOSSIBLE] 1>3X digizoom on 600D?
January 20, 2013, 11:35:56 AM
The smart 3X digizoom feature on 600D (that make my 135mm to an 648/2,8!! eq. ff lins) would be much more usefull if it went from 1X to 3X. I read the thread "Any plans for 3x (Digital Zoom) DigitalZoom like T3i on 60d?" but it was an other isue. If it's impossibly to make (variable), some steps between would still be a huge improvement, (the 3 times is most of the time - to much, (for me). -it is something i have thought of often, but i don't know if its possibly
PS. thanks for this great site!
General Help Q&A / Native ISO or hightone priority?
January 20, 2013, 05:50:33 AM
Hi! All you out there.
I'm brand new to ML, have just install it on my 600D (Cool stuff!!!!!)
Normal i try to let the ISO be on 200, with Hightone priority on (think it works nice in the highs)
I read that the 600 have an native ISO of 160 (anybody know if its true?). So now i have to deside if i shall use 160 or do as before.
Have anybody expirience on that? (shure i have to make my own, i know) I try to get as much dynamic (details) and as little noise as possibly (Yes i know that the foremost important, is right exp.) I would use Cinestyle as (for stuf that should be graded).
English is not my native lang€%& Sorry!
Mikkel - Copenhagen