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Topics - Francis

I'm not asking to record from the camera directly onto the computer, I want a command-line solution for recording clips of certain length, then transferring to PC after recording is stopped.

The functionality exists, as it is included in EOS Utility, but I want it to be part of a scripted workflow (record video, do basic processing, add to playback queue. gphoto2 does not do this, it seems. Any suggestions?
It seems like lots of people are using wine to run the command line tools provided with Magic Lantern. Here is how to compile and create symbolic links to the binary to make the workflow a little bit simpler ;).

I'm assuming you are fairly comfortable using a command line interface and navigating the filesystem with commands like cd. If you aren't then this is not the resource for you, you have plenty of other reading to do before you will be ready for this. Edit: for emphasis.

You're going to need a few tools for this: MacPorts, hg, dcraw, and a pre-compiled arm toolchain.

First step is download and install MacPorts, a command line-based package system similar to APT for linux. After installation is complete you are going to want to install a few packages.

In terminal type 'sudo port install mercurial' to download install hg', which we will use to download the source. You'll be prompted for your administrator acct. password. Follow any warnings or suggestions on updating the package list.

Next we're going to download dcraw, which is needed by cr2hdr and raw2dng for conversion purposes. Again in terminal type 'sudo port install dcraw'.

We're done with MacPorts for now and can use hg to download the source tree. Navigate in Terminal to whereever you wish to download the ML source files and type 'hg clone -r unified';. This will create a folder ./magic-lantern/ which contains all the source files.

Now that we have the source we need to get a pre-compiled toolchain to compile the code. Save and extract.

Now we have to tell the ML build files where they can fine the compiler. open ./magic-lantern/makefile.user.default in a text editor and and change the following line to indicate where you extracted the toolchain.



For me its

Be sure to not end your path with '/'

Save this new file as makefile.user (dropping the .default extension). Now we are ready to build.

First, you must compile the autoexec.bin and associated .sym file for your camera.

Now, in terminal, go to your source ./magic-lantern/modules/raw_rec

Type make. You will get some warnings about not having compiled the source for any model but these instructions are purely for getting the utilities to compile. You'll end up with our first utility, raw2dng, amongst other things like the module files.

Now we are going to make a link to raw2dng so that it can be run as a command in terminal no matter what directory you are in.

Type 'sudo ln -s raw2dng /usr/bin/raw2dng' This creates a symbolic link to the original file.

Now we are going to do the same for cr2hdr. Enter ./magic-lantern/modules/dual_iso

Type 'make' then 'sudo ln -s cr2hdr /usr/bin/cr2hdr'.

Voila now these 2 utilities are compiled and ready to be run from any directory through the terminal. For example with dual ISO images, enter the folder with the images and type 'cr2hdr IMG_0000.cr2'

To be totally honest there are probably some bumps you are going to run into and files you may have to edit to get everything compiling. I'll do my best to help but I have very limited programming experience and mostly have gotten through this with the help of Coutts 'developing on Mac' wiki article and a lot of trial and error.
Way to go guys. This is a time lapsers dream come true right here.

Where does the 2040x1428 res come from on the 5d2?

edit: And these DNGs edit just fine in LR4.2, so probably Adobe Camera Raw 7 as well.
It would be great if when upside down display is on the controls of the main dial are reversed so that menu navigation is consistent. The scroll wheel and the multicontroller are fine as is since it is still clockwise down counterclockwise up. Haven't tried the directional keys with the Rebels.
Here's a video where an enthusiast interpolated the 4fps rover descent footage into 25fps so it plays back in real time. Nothing to do with ML but pretty mesmerizing.

Share Your Videos / Time lapse of iris blooming
May 01, 2012, 12:13:01 AM
Made using Magic Lantern's intervalometer. PP with Bridge->LRTimelapse->After Effects

Share Your Videos / How to share your videos
April 30, 2012, 08:11:33 AM
Please share your videos with the community by embedding video links in this forum.

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For YouTube: Use the "
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If you are interested in embedding video from other hosting sites, please let us know below and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Thanks for sharing and enjoy each other's work!
General Chat / Magic Lantern Forum Rules
April 29, 2012, 07:42:44 PM
Welcome to the Magic Lantern forums! Our goal is to make the Magic Lantern firmware community a cohesive collaboration where users of all interests, skill-levels, and backgrounds can learn from and assist one another. From amateur to hobbyist to professional to developer, we want all to feel welcome and appreciated.

Abiding by the following guidelines will help make these forums a vibrant and productive environment.

Forum Rules:

  • -These forums are intended for the discussion of the use and development of the Magic Lantern firmware for Canon DSLRs. Please keep all conversation focused on this and closely related topics. This will ensure the usefulness of these forums to all current and future Magic Lantern users.

  • -Derogatory, insulting, and obscene language (or any other content) will not be tolerated. While contention and debate make for a lively forum and community, keep all criticism constructive.

  • -Developers, Moderators and members are here on their free time.  Please be mindful of your tone when you post and grateful of all members for taking their own time to assist and develop.

  • -Illegal content publishing and linking is prohibited. Under no circumstances may you post copyrighted material to which you do not own the right, especially proprietary Canon firmware code.

  • -Do not post duplicate Feature Requests. Always search before requesting.

  • -Do not cross post.  One thread is sufficient for your post, and multiple posts on the same subject will be considered spam.

  • -Forum signatures are for showing your equipment, ML related stuff, or a sense of humor.  Signatures are not for spamming services, sales, or any other thing unrelated to ML.

  • -Do not bump topics by posting replies that do not further the discussion. In regards to Feature Requests, they will be read and considered. You will not necessarily receive confirmation that it is or is not possible or likely to be included in the future.

  • -Stay on-topic.  If you feel your post doesn't fit in with the intent of the thread, start a new thread.

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