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Messages - Stigliano

Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 70D
March 13, 2020, 04:41:23 AM
Using the Google Translate. I bought a 3x1 HDMI "HUB". To connect my C100 and 70D to the same monitor. With a button I change which camera I watch on the monitor. When I make this change, the 70D stops recording video. I found that it always happens, if you put hdmi cable with camera recording, recording stops. Is there any solution for this? Strong hug
General Chat / Re: 70D motherboard replacement
October 15, 2016, 03:08:15 AM
Quote from: Greg on October 14, 2016, 09:58:51 PM
It will not be helpful, but let us understand that calibration is needed -

In my case until it initialized. But thanks for the indication of the site. I'm reading all about! hug
General Chat / Re: 70D motherboard replacement
October 15, 2016, 01:36:57 AM
Quote from: a1ex on October 14, 2016, 09:21:46 PM
I have no experience with this, but there are a lot of calibration parameters in the firmware. That's why I'm usually hesitant about reflashing the ROM with the one from another camera.

If you have an older copy of your ROM, I can attempt to flash it on your new mainboard. Not sure if it's of any help, and I've never did that on 70D, but since you are not afraid of swapping the mainboard, we can probably take a risk.

The 70D also has a serial flash, but I'm not sure whether calibration parameters are there or not. Most cameras also have an EEPROM, which I believe it may contain the calibration parameters for autofocus. However, the install program does not do backups for them (it probably should).

Thanks for the answer. Recording a new ROM to be physically, is not it? You need to send the card to you? If I am in Brazil, would not send for a autoizada? I did not make any adjustment. I received the PCBs replaces. I made the adjustment menu pixel dead. Overall, it works well. With the ML DoT Tune made a focus of regulation, but not this good yet. It would be highly recommended to send an authorized? hug

Obrigado pela resposta. A gravação de uma nova ROM precisa ser fisicamente, não é? precisaria enviar a placa para você? No caso estou no Brasil, não seria melhor enviar para uma autoizada? Eu não fiz nenhum ajuste. Recebi a PCB, substitui. Fiz regulagem de pelo menu os pixel mortos. No geral, funciona bem. Com o ML DoT Tune fiz uma regulagem do foco, mas não esta boa ainda. Seria muito recomendado enviar para uma autorizada? Abraço
General Chat / 70D motherboard replacement
October 14, 2016, 05:56:09 PM
Google translator:

Due to a fall, I needed subistituir my motherboard. Buy one at aliexpress. I made the switch. 2 problems appear. 1 - Auto focus deregulated. 2 Built-in flash does not work. The focus makes sense to be in trouble, but the flash I do not know what can be. A friend also made the switch, the same model, and also the flash did not work. Is there any regulation by software to solve it? Anybody know?
When I repeatedly testing the flash, for a moment or two, he acendou. Not anymore.

Devido a uma queda, precisei subistituir minha placa mãe. Compra uma pelo aliexpress. Fiz a troca. 2 problemas aparecerem. 1 - Auto focus desregulado. 2 Flash interno não funciona. O foco faz sentido estar com problema, mas o flash eu não sei o que pode ser. Uma amiga tambem fez a troca, do mesmo modelo, e o flash tambem não funcionou. Existe alguma regulagem por software que resolva isso? Alguem sabe?
Quando fiquei testando repetidamente o flash, por um ou dois momentos, ele acendou. Agora não mais.
Quote from: Frarike on May 11, 2016, 05:23:01 PM
Page 1

@nikfreak Please can you check your PMs.

I did not find the link to download. Only the description of the version. It could be a direct link to the download.
OlrivrRat sent me by email.

Where can I download this version ? Thank you and hug
Using Google Translate. First thanks for ML . Testing the recording MLV , the lens IS work? It is expected to have when the FPS override ? With the MLV or MOV . In a moment, connected external monitor, the machine 's monitor Touch continued working, not now . What's wrong, anyone know ? hug
It worked! I did not know this module Dottune.
I need to calibrate just right. But it seems that -45 is great.
Thank you for your help. :D
I am Brazilian and I'm using google translator.
Sorry to ask a question beyond the scope of the ML, but this is the only forum I attend. I had an accident with my 70D, I had to change the logic board. I bought over the Internet. I even made the switch. I realized that the automatic focus was unregulated focus. (only in photo mode, video mode is normal, because the focus is made on the sensor). I tried to regulate the micro adjustment that exists in the menu. He improved but was still not sure. I adjusted to -20, and I think we need more -20 to get good. Does anyone know of any software that make this adjustment? Thanks for listening.
[email protected]
Excuse my English. Google Translate.  ;D ;D
I need to use a TV as video assist, connected by HDMI.
Its out image on TV and continue on the LCD?