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Messages - woodybrando

This is amazing! Unfortunately I just sold my 5diii last week cause i pre-ordered the bmcc pocket and switched to m43. Now I may be back in the market for a 5diii before long :)

I was wondering is there any way to run the live view footage through the camera's h.264 encoder? and maybe get more dynamic range and sharper h.264 footage?

Also, I just love that you've unlocked the potential of the 5diii. Canon has become notorious for withholding technology and you guys just broke open the treasure chest they didn't want us to find in their DSLR's!

Modules Development / Re: 14bit RAW DNG silent pics!
April 30, 2013, 09:32:53 PM
Seems like the only way it could work for more than a second is maybe if it can be subsampled from 14bit to 8bit and sent out the HDMI. are either of those things possible?
Modules Development / Re: 14bit RAW DNG silent pics!
April 30, 2013, 12:30:26 AM
ok figured it out. Just click import in after effects, then highlight the sequence of dng's and pick import as "Footage" and click "Camera Raw Sequence" box. And it'll let you choose raw settings for the sequence. Also, I'm not seeing the corrupted data anymore that was on the bottom and left side. The whole image is clean now.
Also, getting 49 frames when I choose to shoot raw only and shoot 720p. But it only fills half the frame with a squished image.
This would be great for 5 second films.
Modules Development / Re: 14bit RAW DNG silent pics!
April 30, 2013, 12:09:50 AM
This is pretty cool it's like when I first got my super 8 camera and only shot for seconds @ a time. How are people batch processing the raw files. I tried to open up about 400 frames in after effects and got tired of clicking ok on the raw data window.
Thx A1ex and company this is pretty great!
Modules Development / Re: 14bit RAW DNG silent pics!
April 27, 2013, 01:29:33 AM
Quote from: Francis on April 27, 2013, 12:52:51 AM
Build your own. It isn't very hard.

hah, it isn't hard if you know what you're doing. I've spent about 20 hours trying to get compilers working for android or magic lantern or linux and haven't ever gotten them to work. There's always some tool in the tool chain that's .1 version too old or too new and 5 hours later troubleshooting I remember why I quit studying computer science.  :)

USERNAME@USERNAME ~/magic-lantern/platform/5D3.113
$ make
[ AS       ]   entry.o
/bin/sh: /home/USERNAME/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2012q4/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc-4.7.3.exe: No such file or directory
../../ recipe for target `entry.o' failed
make: *** [entry.o] Error 127

Modules Development / Re: 14bit RAW DNG silent pics!
April 27, 2013, 12:43:59 AM
Hi Hookah,
could you share your autoexec.bin for the 5d3?