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Messages - deufrai

OK, Final touch to the script is done

It will continue to live here :

Thanks again
Scripting Q&A / Re: CropMarks in zoomed Liveview ?
June 27, 2018, 06:52:34 PM
I'll test this longer to mimic my real life scenario (~ 10mn of uninterrupted zoomed LV without touching anything on the camera) to see if some other event redraws on top of the marker

If I go the seconds_clock way, I guess 'll have to move all the tests (are we in photo + liveview + 10x zoom) in the draw_target() function to avoid drawing at the wrong moment

And marker move is not needed. The whole idea is to move the mount so my reference real life objects (i.e. stars) line up with the drawn marker

Thanks again for your valuable input
Scripting Q&A / Re: CropMarks in zoomed Liveview ?
June 27, 2018, 05:53:55 PM
Any advice on this first shot will be much appreciated
See :
Scripting Q&A / Re: CropMarks in zoomed Liveview ?
June 27, 2018, 04:48:44 PM
I started looking at

I'm not asking for fish, here, just needed some advice about my plan, i.e. :
Have my LUA define some sort of event handler for keypress(KEY.ZOOMIN) and check lv.enabled == true and lv.zoom == 10. If true => draw my target/crosshair on top of LV

Does that sound good ?
Scripting Q&A / Re: CropMarks in zoomed Liveview ?
June 27, 2018, 01:23:18 PM
That could indeed serve the purpose
So .... Diving into LUA scripting

I'll report progress

Thanks again for your prompt replies and usefull pointers !
Scripting Q&A / Re: CropMarks in zoomed Liveview ?
June 27, 2018, 11:56:17 AM
Thanks for the quick reply.

Something I did not mention, sorry, is that I'm in need of cropmarks when shooting stills.
And zoom box location / cropmark location  accuracy is not a main issue here

I will explain my workflow, and again, sorry, I should have made all this clear in the first post

I'm shooting astrophotography with the DSLR hooked to a motorizer equatorial mount.
In order to calibrate the mount I need to proceed with a few steps for which I need to have a fixed and repeatable reference point on the LV screen while LV is zoomed 10x.

I could use some (softly) adhesive tape put on the screen during this . Was just curious if this could be done with the ML cropmarks
Hi everyone

I'm a happy ML user for years now. First on a 550D and now on a 70D for almost 3 years.

As my needs change, so do my experimentations and questionning. Here's one for you guys :
I need to have cropmarks visible in LiveView even when I zoom into the liveView.

I was running an old 2015 build and just upgraded my ML to magiclantern-Nightly.2018Feb17.70D112. I cannot find a may to achieve what I just described.
Is this a feature that would need to be implemented ?

Thanks in advance for any hint and many more for this great project that saved me bucks and time for all these years