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Messages - algi

Hello everyone!

I made this timelapse video with a Canon EOS 550D on a tripod.

All the night images were shot with a Canon EF 50 f/1.8 II with the iris opened up to max and using a 30 second exposure, shooting an image every minute with the Magic Lantern's intervalometer. Before shooting I focused on the stars manually but then I locked the focus by switching to autofocus, because the clicking itself would slide away the focus if I didn't do that. I was taking pics after 1 AM when the floodlights were shut down. When the buildings and statues were in total dark, the long exposure didn't overblow them.

The daylight images were captured with the kit lens, an E-FS 18-55. I used a 10 seconds intervalum, because anything more would turn the clouds into explosions and anything less would make it humanly impossible for me to move the camera with the tripod. I put a Polaroid circular polar filter on the lens and closed the iris as small as I could, then adjusted the brightness using the exposure. (I used Magic Lantern's zebras to tell me if any part of the image is overblown.) Long exposure is important to avoid the flicker I get when I try to make a timelapse video with a short exposure.

I used Hitfilm 3 Express to stitch the images together, using image stabilization (pattern recognition) to make it fluid and not jump around.

i started making it 7 months ago and while shooting clouds were more about finding the perfect cloud, shooting at night was more about keeping my sanity intact while standing in one place for 4 hours without doing anything, only looking at the camera doing the job for me.

PS. I hope, this is the proper place in the forum and I hope I managed to link the video properly.
Hello there!

This is my first post ever. I tried to look up every information I need to post this question, but it was a bit overwhelming, so sorry if this isn't the correct form or place and please, tell me where to ask it and how if I screw up.

I have an EOS 550D with an EF 50mm f/1.8 II lens and I installed the nightly build. I used a Zoom H4n as a card reader. (First when I tried to install ML, I got the blinking, so I updated the official firmware, then I installed ML.)

Now, the first time I installed the nightly build, I made the error of just overwriting the new files. The result was that my camera shut itself off twice, both times when I turned the focus to the extreme.

Then I corrected my error: I deleted the autoexec file and the ML folder and copied the nightly files on the card.

This time it took more time for my camera to turn itself off, but it happened again when my focus was in the extreme.

Also, I noticed that video is written to the card slower. The bar that shows memory usage never appeard for me with this SD card (it's class 10), this was the first time I saw it. (It frequently appeares with my class 6 SD card.)

My question is: how can I avoid the camera shutting off itself.

I hope I didn't forget any important detail.

Thank you,

PS. So, it happened again. I just switched my camera on and was playing around with it and after like a minute, it turned off itself. I have no idea why. Last time I could wander aroud in the menu for minutes.

PPS. Now my camera turns off even after I formatted the SD card.