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Messages - astroskyisme

btw one more question if you dont mind.
With this regular raw mode of 1280x540 and 24fps after i end up up scaling it back to 1080p would it still end up looking better than say the regular 1080p with most cameras? Thats what i reallly want to know..ohh and i did a test shot of the raw and it seems to add this weriiid thing in the middle that kinda looks like a grid? its kinda pink and stuff..i mean its not CRAZY but like its there and it bothers me and idk why it is there :/ is my camera broken? ohh one more thing if i use it and i look at the color red or something you can see these flying red dots eveyryyyyyyryyyy where :/
Ok but 700D is empty...
Hello,  im new.
I got the 700D latest nightly build firmware and downloaded the files then i proceeded to drag them on a freshly formatted card from the canon menu. i then installed the firmware from the update menu like it said to do. I got well antiquated with most of the setting from the hack its self. Now what i really want to try is raw video mode. Whats the max res i can do for this camera with a 90/mb write time sd card? yes i know the 700D is limited in the internal sd controller its self but i need to know the best settings i can get out of raw that i can just shoot and get started after converting of course. One more thing. I noticed the res is goes low in raw.......why would someone want to show in sayyyy 720p raw when you can shoot in 1080p? It confuses me slightly but im all about the best quality i can get.
Im thinking that because raw is uncompressed that you end up with more info in say 720p in raw than in 1080p compressed.
Is that what it is? Even if i do go full 720p raw, with it being uncompressed and all dose that mean i can upscale it back to 1080p and it still look good?   I just reallllly need to know this info. Im sorry im being a big bother.  Iv read lots of things on here and still can find the info needed.   The card i have is a PNY Elite Profromance / 32gb (class 10) 90mb/s  Sd card. Is that good enough for raw?

thanks for anything in advance. really thanks. :D