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Messages - Kakiisch

QuoteGood stuff Kakiisch... how was your cam stabilized?
Oh, and what was your shutter... 1/100 or more?

The testing was done a few months ago but I'll try to recall the settings and gear as accurately as possible:

I used the Glidecam HD2000 with a Canon 50mm f1.4 at f2 - f2.8 for most of the shots. There might have been some shots with the 70-200mm 2.8L II hand held as well, I'm not entirely sure. Most of the footage was shot at 1/200. There's two reasons for this... twixtor is best used with really fast shutter speeds, but the environment wasn't exactly optimal for that due to the lighting. I think I was at 800 and 1600 ISO at all times.

I don't think it makes a huge difference anyway, with the background being so vivid and things moving in and out of frame. Twixtor goes ape shit with that kind of stuff so the shutter speed is the least of anyone's concerns.

- K
Hello all!

I just want to express my gratitude to Baldand for creating such an awesome RAW workflow tool. You're a god among men, sir!

It's just mind blowing how well MLRAWviewer works and how mind numbingly straightforward it is to user ML with it. This program is the sole reason I've enthusiastically started a big free time project fully in RAW and I hope there's more to come.

Thank you for all the active forum members, as well! I wish more people would post their private test material here. The footage is always interesting to watch.

Here's some test footage I captured at our cheerleading practice earlier in the autumn (50fps 2.35:1, 5DmkIII):

It's nothing special, I just slapped some twixtor (to many of the clips demise) on some of the footage and let the music roll. The action starts about halfway through.

- Kakiisch
QuoteThings to check
1. Check the export directory is valid. Press W and select a folder
2. If export still stays on 0%, press Y in case you have paused the exporting process
3. Find the log file and send to me. Look in your home folder for the hidden ".mlrawviewer" folder, and find mlrawviewer.log inside that.

The directory was "valid". Basically the issue was that I was, for the first time during all these tests, trying to use MLRV to footage that was on my external hard drive. And this USB3.0 capable HD is only using the not so optimal USB2.0 bottlenecked by my 6 year old motherboard. I'm not too code or tech savvy so the reason why MLRV wasn't able to convert the footage to .MOV is beyond my understanding. At least now I can convert the footage when I use my normal hard drive.

I appreciate your responses here on the forum and the commitment to this exquisite software.

First off, thank you for developing such an awesome RAW workflow enhancer!

I've been playing around with the MlRawViewer for a few days now and everything was incredibly smooth until the last test I did which left me helpless. I was recording my RAW files as per usual and put them on my PC. I fired up MLRV, fiddled with the settings and tried to export the footage (one 20sec file with 50fps and one 25sec file with 25fps). MLRV just creates the .WAV-files to the specified directory for both MLVs (e.g. M04-1508.WAV + M04-1508_00.WAV for one file) and then stops the export at 0.00%.

What to do?