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Messages - xanderhyde

What I needed was two things:

A. A lightroom / davinci workflow
B. A way that I can "steal" or "reproduce" looks in Davinci.

What I did is:

A. LR / Davinci

1. downloaded a color chart from the net
2. graded that chart in Lightroom
3. imported the graded still and the original into SpeedGrade
4. used the "automatch" feature
5. exported the generated look as a zip to somewhere
6. opened up the zip, and copied the .cube file from it into Davinci's LUT folder (on win7/64 its c:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\LUT\MyLUTS)
7. used the LUT as a node and ... thats it :)

B: the "stealing a look" workflow is very similar:

1. Exported a still from a movie (e.g. Matrix ... or Blade Runner ... or ... :)
2. Imported into Lightroom, color grade to NATURAL colors (white balance, colors, saturation, black / white levels ... )
3. imported the graded still and the original into SpeedGrade
4. used the "automatch" feature
5. exported the generated look as a zip to somewhere
6. opened up the zip, and copied the .cube file from it into Davinci's LUT folder (on win7/64 its c:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\LUT\MyLUTS)
7. used the LUT as a node and ... thats it :)

... and I have a couple of "film-luts" now ... from Casablanca to 300 ... :)

I know, I know, this is not a "perfect" solution ... but ... hey ... it helped me recently :)

btw, the LUT works in Nuke, After Effects, Photoshop, Scratch, etc....