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Messages - idan_estee

another order of facepalm my way pls thx!
Raw Video / Re: Yellow tint on my images
May 15, 2014, 09:46:25 PM
Yes it is. I was shooting on tungsten WB and when i switched to daylight it was all good!
Raw Video / Yellow tint on my images
May 15, 2014, 09:09:15 PM
Hi guys!

I just got my Lexar 64gb 1066x cards today and super excited to test out the RAW video. On first try I am getting this yellow tint on my images and a weird preview of the images on preview. I imported using RAWMagic Lite and used Adobe Lightroom to color correct on the 5dmk3 1.2.3 using the latest nightly build. I a real newb at this RAW stuff so any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here are some scans of what  I am getting:

On Adobe Lightroom

On Mac Preview

Dan Estee
Hi guys,

Im receiving my Lexar 64gb 1066x cards tomorrow and I cant wait to test out the ML Raw on my 5D3.

I just got a few questions if anyone could help me answer.

1. Should i start with 1.2.3 or try 1.1.3 first?
2. Where can I find the right camera settings for RAW on this forum? (stuff i need to switch on or off in camera settings)

Thx in advanced!
Dan Estee
As per topic. Thx!