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Messages - helmut600D

Thank you all very much for your help :)
Maybe in the future this bug will be fixed!
I identified the problem now!
The value for "37377 Photo.ShutterSpeedValue SRational" = -2147483648/1
I changed the value to 327680/65536, like it is on other (openable) photos! Now Gimp opens the pic!
I'm happy now that I resolved the issue but I still don't understand why this problem occurs ONLY with ML long time exposure pics?
Hi Walter,
I tried this now but it still doesn't work. I tried to erase the exposure time and I tried to change the exposure time to 20s!
Both ways doesn't work. It is significant that every picture which is made with >30s (with ML) is not accepted by GIMP.
There is no error, gimp writes in the status "opening" but nothing happens! I also think that this is a gimp problem!
Hopefully I find a solution soon ;)
Oh sorry, I didn't tell you that I export the raws with DPP into JPEG! Gimp doesn't open the JPEG!!
Post-processing Workflow / Unable to open Pics with gimp
February 02, 2014, 01:13:15 PM
Hi together,
I've a problem ;)
At first big compliments to ML! I started using it yesterday and it's very amazing!
My system:
Canon EOS 600D (1.0.2)
ML 2.3

computersystem and prog
Win7 64bit SP1
Gimp 2.8.10

Yesterday I shoot some pics at night! I tried to open the long term exposure pics (>500s) in gimp but gimp doesn't open the pics!
Gimp opens all other pics (BULB <30S)!
Is somebody there who had the same problem already?
Thanks in advance and best regards!