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Messages - delrosestephen

I just wanted to say thank you for this. I recently built a Hackintosh and MLVFS saves me so much time with post. Davinci Resolve works beautifully with this :)
Take your time! Thanks so much for keeping us updated!
Just bought the Cinelog LUT for Resolve last night. Very impressed! Most accurate Log conversion I've seen for the 5D so far!
DaVinci Resolve 11 is going to have Higlight, Shadow, etc sliders. But in Resolve 10 you can get the same results. Applying  a LUT isn't going to fix it though. You need to mess with curves.
Raw Video / Re: Raw video on 5DMK2
April 09, 2014, 03:32:22 AM
A few months back I used RAW_Rec and shot a project in 2:35.1 and I could enable the recording frame to make sure everything was framed correctly. Now I'm using the Feb16 build with MLV_Rec and I see no option for a recording frame. Am I missing something? Or is recording frame not available in MLV_Rec?
I'm interning at a startup. They're creating a mobile barber shop and wanted me to do quick video interviews with the barbers. I'm the only video/photography intern and have limited equipment. This was done with a 5D2, zoomh4n, and a cheap shoulder rig.

Also sorry about the talking in the background. I plan on reshooting the interview soon.

Quote from: Yoshiyuki Blade on December 17, 2013, 05:18:22 PM

Nice short! I enjoyed it and was compelled to watch it to completion. That dancing baby was creepy as hell.  ;D

On a related note, I noticed that most videos I've seen (related to RAW) have a odd levels (non-black shadows and nonwhite highlights). Is this the style people are going for these days or are they accidentally outputting to TV levels instead of PC? It lowers the contrast by quite a bit.


The non-black shadows and non-white highlights for me was an aesthetic choice. I wanted to give it a little bit of a 90s television/movie feel. If you look at the image that I attached to my post you can see my color-correction process, and see that I started with a pretty leveled image.
Just finished filming a 10min short film for school using my 5DM2. All shot RAW. 1880x800 Scaled to 1920x818. I know the acting isn't great, it was my friends and I. We shot this in a day and a half.

It was graded entirely in Davinci Resolve, started off using Hunter's LUT then went from there. Film grain is by

Before & After example of the color correction. Click for larger image.

The original RAW DNG had the BMD Film applied to it in Resolve.
I enjoyed this a lot. I prefer the "restored edition" the dirt and stuff over the other one was  a little too much for me, I liked the color though.
Hahaha that was me. I know what you mean. I'm not an actor at all and that wasn't my natural voice. My friend Matt ("Sam" in the show) and I wrote this and made up the characters ourselves and figured we'd play them. Thanks for the input, glad you liked it!
One of my projects for my Senior Thesis was to write a 10 page script, turn it into a short film and direct it. I decided to shoot it using ML RAW. I had only shot short tests on it and decided it was time to really put it to the test.

Web Men was an idea I had kicking around during the summer. My friend Matt and I wanted to make a fictional comedy/drama series based around the 1990s internet/tech boom.
You probably won't find this funny at all if you don't get 90s web/tech references.

Some of these shots are not the greatest, we literally shot this in a day and a half. With winter some of the lighting changed drastically fast. Our audio guy decided not to show up so the camera operator was running audio and video at the same time and had a hard time keeping track of all the microphones. But despite the troubles we ran into I am very happy with this.

With actors as bad as us we needed multiple takes. In the end we had filled my 64gb card multiple times, and ended up with a little over 300gbs of DNGs. Once color corrected and turned into MOVs the footage was around 600gbs.

I graded in Davinci Resolve, I started with Hunter's LUT and color graded from there. I feel like Hunter's LUT is a great starting point for RAW footage.

I only had one 64gb card to shoot on. It was a Transcend 1000x. When that card got full we would dump the footage onto a laptop. (2009 Macbook Pro no USB 3.0) The transfer times were insane. Not ML's fault. But it took me 1 hour to dump 64gbs. Next time I will definitely have a second card on hand.

Syncing up audio when editing was a bit of a pain. But not too much of a hassle. We used a clapboard, and since the camera beeps when recording starts I just had to make sure the beep was right at the start of the clips, and the clapboard matched up.

Anyways, here is Web Men: (password is: coolpics)

We are planning on making more! I have written 3 episodes already. Feel free to leave some input below, hope you enjoyed this!

Camera: 5DM2
ML Build: 10/25/13
Shot at: 2:35.1 1800x800 scaled to 1920x818
Color Grading: Davinci Resolve 10 (Hunter's LUT + Extra coloring)
Audio: Zoom H4N + 2 wireless lav mics
Lenses: 50mm f/1.8 + 24-105mm f/4.0
Video Grain: