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Messages - JamesAdam1987

So I just went to the office and tried again with a PC. Worked first time. Not sure why it wouldn't work on two Macs and I don't really care because it's all sorted now, happy to be running ML again. Thanks for your help.
No, I don't think so. It's a mac so as soon as it downloads a .zip file it unzips it. As far as I can tell all the files are still in the folder named 'magiclantern-v2'. I even tried re-zipping it and transferring it and then unzipping it on the card. No luck. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'm open to any others you might have. I'm desperate.
Maybe i'm being really amateur but I have spent more than 6 hours today trying to get 2.3 onto my 600d. I was running an older version of ML, i'm not sure which, but I removed it from my camera and then I removed it from my SD card by formatting, as per ML instructions. I then Updated the Canon firmware using the link on the ML website to 1.0.2, then i formatted the card, again, so I was now ready to transfer ML 2.3 to the SD card. BUT, this is where I am having problems, for some reason whenever I try to drag and drop the contents of the ML 2.3 zip file onto the SD card with my card reader (i'm using a Macbook running OSX 10.6.8 ) it won't except the files. I get the following error "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in "5D2-212.fir" can't be read or written. (Error code -36)" or, "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in "autoexec.bin" can't be read or written. (Error code -36)" The error code is always the same -36??

The strange thing is i've tried it on two Macs, one with built in card reader. Same thing happens on both. I've tried it with two different cards, one 32gb SDHC and 2gb SD. Same thing happens on both. I'm going out of my mind because it should be such a simple process but it just won't work. I've followed the instructions to the tee. And i've watched about 5 YouTube videos just to make sure i'm not missing anything. I can't find anything on the internet about anyone else having similar problems. Please can anyone help me? Is it something really obvious that i've completely overlooked? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
