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Messages - meckimac

Hi folks,

let me first say that I love the ML community and I really enjoy the latest release on my 5DII.

I apologize if this feature has been requested before but I was unable to find anything like that using the search function.

So here is my idea:

I'm shooting sports like soccer and professional Ice Hockey from time to time. I'm mostly shooting in Manual mode since the lighting conditions are really stable and especially for Ice Hockey, the camera meter gets crazy when shooting in either Aperture or Shutter Priority.
What I'm looking for is a feature that would let me dial-in my exposure in M mode and save that exposure using a button. Whenever I decide to change any of the 3 parameters (Aperture, Shutter, ISO), the camera would adjust one or two of the other parameters to keep the same exposure.

I'm shooting in M mode at f/2.8, 1/1000 and ISO 1600 (a typical Ice Hockey exposure setting). I suddenly need to get more depth-of -field because there is fight going on very close to me and I want all the fighters in focus. I would like to close-down my aperture to f/5.6 and have the camera adjust either shutter-speed or ISO to reflect the smaller aperture and give me the same exposure as before. So the camera would either slow the shutter speed to 1/250 or it would boost the ISO to 6400 or a combination of both.
Being able to set a range of shutter-speed's and ISO values would be great.
The camera would stay in this enhanced exposure lock until I click a certain button again or until I change to a different program like AV or TV mode.

Am I alone with this or could this be useable for others, too?

If you know a way that we can already achieve this, I'm more than happy to hear your suggestions.

Thanks much for your great work and I can't wait to hear from you.
User Introduction / Hello from Switzerland
September 25, 2012, 10:48:31 AM
Hey folks,

while I"m fairly new at Magic Lantern, I've been shooting Canon SLR's for over 20 years. I recently installed ML on my 5DII and while I'm far from using all the features, I really love the Video functions.

I might have a few ideas that Canon would never implement but I hope the great ML community has an open ear for it.

Cheers from Switzerland