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Messages - 5D3shooter

Real nice! BRAVO!
Hardware and Accessories / Re: Recording RAW to SSD
June 23, 2013, 04:47:25 AM
Quote from: PeteTomov on June 21, 2013, 09:43:03 AM
That is if the Black Magic 4k camera hasn't rendered the adapter useless by then. I'm waiting for footage to make my call on that one.

Most of us are not gonna buy that.. We want our damn SSD adapter!!!  lol
Don't believe any claims of 150MB/s... it all ends up being 80-100MB/s...

Hoodman steel does this too
Share Your Videos / Re: FRIDAY FEELING - 5D Mark II
June 21, 2013, 01:53:53 AM
What model glide cam do you use?  You did a good job with it, I could never get mine balanced and sold it.
Yes, what is your workflow please?  I'm still dialing mine in too
You could've bricked your camera installing ML, cmon man, bust her open and start soldering!

LOL, jk...

Seriously though, I think the profit is there.. Do the kick starter (after u can confirm it works in camera), you will probably pledge $10,000 and receive $200,000.. I see that everyday on there, for stupid shit too.
I know some good guys in China that have helped me with many things and I tipped them off on this too, because I want them to make some money if they can do it.  A lot of people are working on this, it's just a matter of time.
Hardware and Accessories / Re: CF to CF-RAID
June 14, 2013, 05:29:09 PM
It just seems like more of a step backward than forward, no offense.  Most people are using shoulder rigs and mounting an SSD to it would not be a big deal.  It would be even lighter than an EVF, etc.  The workflow with an SSD would be so much better too because you can plug that baby into the computer via SATA and get ~500MB/S speed.  CF Cards will have to go through USB(3.0)/FW and will be much slower to work with,  and when you're dealing with these huge file sizes that can be really important.

Dang, that H6 is nice.  Swappable mics too—Genius!
Hardware and Accessories / Re: CF to CF-RAID
June 14, 2013, 03:32:57 PM
That idea would be cool until you consider that you can buy a 512GB SSD for about the same price we're paying for 64GB-128GB CF Cards.
We need the SSD solution.
Nature''s Creatures is friggin awesome man, great shots!
Hey everyone,

How do you enable sound recording?  I looked around and didn't see anything on it so I just wanted to ask.
I see you can start recording a .WAV from the ML menu list, but I was wondering if there was a way to trigger that recording
to start when you push record for video.  Or do you have to start recording and then start the video?

Just want to clarify how it works.

Quote from: Steven on June 14, 2013, 01:42:25 AM
How much is the Lexar 128GB doing?

I'm not exactly sure, but 64GB cards are supposed to be the fastest. 
Share Your Videos / 5D III RAW test videos
June 14, 2013, 12:28:41 AM
Nothing special, just my first test using RAW.

1920x720 Test (2.66:1)
Even if it is capped at 160MB/S won't that get us close to hitting 4K?  1920x1080 only requires ~80MB/S
Then if Magic Lantern team can optimize the code even more.  That might be just enough speed.

We're all setting ourselves up to not be able to live without RAW video, so I hope it works. 

Kickstart a motherboard mod lol, anything to not have to buy a new cam.
Those sons of *******
I emailed them and they said their cards are 45% faster than sandisk, and since they claim 100MB/S, they figured they'd claim 145MB/S because of that.  And then the guy posted me a link to their photographer testimonials.

I'm like thats great and all, but I'm still not getting anywhere near 145MB/S.  Not even 120MB/S.

He says "do the same test with a cheaper card and it won't be as fast"...I sent him the Komputer Bay benchmarks that are hitting 120MB/S.

So conclusion, the card is reliable, but not close to 145 MB/S...I wouldn't recommend to purchase these at this point.
If you are in the market for a brand name CF, get the lexar.

I'm very interested also, I'm so sick of CF cards.

Just so you know, if you do kickstart this, you will definitely receive more than $50,000...probably $250,000
A LOT of people want this. 
The benchmark doesn't look too good, and today I can't even record in 1920x1280.  For some reason black magic speed test shows way higher than the magic lantern benchmark.  Anyway, I'm gonna email them right now and ask if this is normal because if it is I want my money back.

Never said it was cheap, I said it was SOLID.  I checked out every card available and decided to spend a little more for peace of mind.  And I liked the fact that they're in my neck of the woods, I can always drive down there and swap with them if anything should happen.  No dealing with mail-order or samys snobs etc.

I did plenty of 60P today, btw  ;)
Well, I was up all night researching and came to the conclusion that Hoodman Steel has the best card and warranty.  I took a drive over to their warehouse this morning and purchased it directly from them.  I also picked up the USB 3.0 reader.

All my other cards were 400x/533x so I was only able to shoot in 720.  But today after I popped this baby In I was filiming in 1920x1080 with no issues. The card seems solid, I had only one freeze all day and it was because I was using focus zoom and presed record.  It seems you have to get out of the 5x zoom assist before you hit record or it will freeze.  I will post some benchmarks if you guys want. 
Hey Guys,

I just got word back from china, and my guy found those CF adapters, but he wrote me asking:

"OK, I able find one in china.
I want confirm you need.
It's IDE host to CF disk?
CF host to IDE disk?
CF host to SATA disk?
IDE host to SATA disk?
Just tell me you want ,clearly."

Which one do we need guys?
Hopefully these set ups work and then someone can build it into a battery-grip type of device that will screw onto the bottom of the camera and connect into the CF card slot.  It would be really cool if not only you could plug a SSD/HDD into it, but also 2 batteries for the camera.  So it would be like a battery grip/HDD interface in one.  That would be the ultimate setup 8)  Sounds like a PITA to design though.
Hey everyone, I just jumped on the 5D3 RAW wagon too!  Anyways, I just wanted to let you know I got my guys in China looking for that CF>IDE adapter.  If they can find it or make it I'll let you guys know.