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Messages - 5D3shooter

they would sell like hot cakes! 
At :14 seconds, the girl has some sort of scar on her arm.. I wonder if you could've spot healed that out since shes not really moving.  Not a big deal and only someone like me would notice it, but it would be cool to try--in terms of utilizing the power of RAW video.
Quote from: Fauxto on November 06, 2013, 04:41:15 PM
That was funny. You're american, I guess.

In that senese I don't take most of 5D3shooter's text as a criticism, really, but as an interesting cultural point of view. In Spain, until recently, health care was universal and free, and that change of paradigm is precisely the spinal cord of the story.

You must not read the news, I guess.  America is also facing a huge health-care reform because of people taking advantage of the "FREE" health care... Nothing is free in this world, someone ends up paying the bill.  It's about time everyone has to do their part and pay into health-care.

I don't need to be from Spain to relate obviously as even the character in YOUR short film says "enough milking us dry!"

This is a problem everywhere, not just in Spain.

But anyway, GREAT PRODUCTION!!!  Apply the same treatment to your future projects and you will definitely be successful with your films.
Hardware and Accessories / Re: Recording RAW to SSD
November 07, 2013, 02:40:54 AM
Quote from: Vlad on November 07, 2013, 01:06:54 AM
I am familiar with group of developers who can make the device that the flow of video was written down on SSD. but in their opinion this device will have a small demand. the cost of development is in limits of 20-30 thousand dollars. May we arrange vote to learn real need for such device?

Kickstarter...  If your guys can really do this and request 30,000$ ...They will probably raise over 100,000$
Can it hurt the camera to enable bootflag more than once?  Or will it just not affect anything?

With all the bootflag discussion going on I realized that I've done the procedure like 3 times when preparing a new card when I only needed to prepare the card on its own.  Cam is working fine but I just wanted to know if it could be bad for it technically.

Has this ever been tried?  I know it will go out of focus and hunt, but can it be done without the exposure jumping?
Maybe limit the focus distance in the menu too to prevent the focus from tracking all the way back to near distance, kinda like the switch on the side of the 70-200 2.8 IS II.

If it had a trailer I would imagine the same voiceover from Machete, but instead he would be like:




I mean, I know what you were going for, but the fact is: who the hell is EL TIO to just walk into the hospital with his niece and demand coverage with no insurance and then on top of that cut in front of everyone else?  And if they really did just "lose" his insurance card, they could easily call in and get his information, so they're liars too.  He didn't even look sick at all.  If it's an emergency, call 911 and take an ambulance, don't walk into the hospital and be rude to everyone.

After watching I was like.. hmm I would be pissed off and if I was that guy he kept saying he couldn't hear I probably would've cussed him out and told him to get away from me and then complained to the hospital as well.

Just my opinion because you asked
But again GREAT production quality, I just didn't like the story.
Nice picture and audio quality... Don't know how I feel about the story.
Latest Nov4 nightly build for the 5D3 seems to be heating up the camera very quickly.  I wasn't even recording—I was just looking through the live view and trying different settings and the temperature reading at the top of the screen became red and showed 65C.  And the camera also felt very hot—hotter than I've ever felt it.

Is anyone else experiencing this?
Well I have no idea if 1.2.3FW supports 256GB or if ML will ever be able to be installed over 1.2.3FW
The official canon firmware?  Video is limited to 29 minutes for a continuous video.

It was mentioned in the previous page that with ML firmware the card will only utilize 128GB of the 256GB card.. so I'd go with the 128s

Pretty amazing.  Could be used to make awesome intro titles, etc
Feature Requests / Re: [WONTFIX] Fake delete
November 02, 2013, 12:50:50 PM
Yeah, really a useless feature because you shouldn't be breaking the laws, and if you are within your rights.. man up and stand up for them.  Go watch some Bruce Gilden videos.  Don't be a wimp and let people tell you what to do!
Share Your Photos / Re: Some thangs I do with ML
November 01, 2013, 11:59:58 AM
Quote from: engardeknave on November 01, 2013, 04:44:29 AM
My lighting setup is literally nothing more than a large window and a large foam reflector.

I can see where this is going. These questions definitely aren't as bad as "WHAT KIND OF CAMERA?", but they're in the same vein. I've fallen into this trap as well in the past, trying to figure out how someone created photos I like. It's never any one thing, though. As soon as you pin down one factor, you realize there's something more going on there.

The answer is that it's the culmination of all of these elements--light, the depth of field, a decent curves layer. Also a few other things that have less to do with photography and more to do with beauty: slimming poses, body language, wardrobe, getting the model to "connect" with the camera--which I would define as minimizing any subtle expression of fear.

I don't follow what you mean...  I was just complimenting you and trying to get an idea about your portrait shoot.. sorry
Share Your Photos / Re: Some thangs I do with ML
October 31, 2013, 12:35:00 PM
Man, I had no idea she was a kid  LOL...hard to tell these days

anyway, thanks for the lens info.. what about lighting?  what kind of set up are using?  I ask because I love the look of those portraits, especially with the filmish/airy feel over them.  Sharp as a razor too!
Quote from: kaco on October 30, 2013, 02:23:29 PM
The maximum file size in FAT32 is 4.29 Gb. Since I am constantly getting max recording of 8:48 mins (10 raw 4.29 raw files) I would say this is a kind of a ML bug?

You can format your card with your computer to EXFAT format and then it won't do that.  With Fat32 you will get spanned files that have to be merged back together..this is not that hard, but if your new it might be complicating.  Best is to use EXFAT format.
Share Your Photos / Re: Some thangs I do with ML
October 31, 2013, 08:41:13 AM
I have to say... that girl on the right is amazingly beautiful!  I'd have a few more shoots with her if I was you, maybe even ask her out for drinks!  lol  8)

Fabulous work overall!  What lens used for those portraits??
First of all, the GH2 screenshot is really noisy and flat as opposed to the smooth and vibrant shot of your 5D.  Are you using noise reduction/sharpening in adobe Camera RAW?  Because if you are.. that's your problem.  That works good for still images, but not video.  Use NEATVIDEO plugin for noise reduction and sharpen in your video editor with plugins made to sharpen video.

Also, you don't need to reply the same post to everyone LOL.. we're here for you, don't worry!
Quote from: edwmotion on October 31, 2013, 02:14:35 AM
I also decide to keep my 7D just for its 2.5k raw recording mode. The problem here is the crop factor on 5x mode.  :-\

If only I could use this lens on my 7D   ::)


What about this adapter?

With the extreme wide angle of that lens, it's possible it will smack your mirror though
I sold both my 7D and 50D... kickin' myself in the butt now!  If I would've known what was to come of these cameras with ML I would've kept them and had THREE RAW video cams.. oh well  :'(
You should read more about the BMCC; they sound good until you realize how much extra stuff you will need to get a running rig.  No removable battery on the BMCC = external battery packs + shoulder rig to carry everything.  It's really not practical as a hand-held camera.  Also, I hope you realize that the post production is a lot of work and you will need a very good computer, as with any RAW video.  If you only want to shoot video, then I guess its worth a try, but if you also want to take still photos then I'd recommend you get the Canon 5D Mark III and get best of both worlds. 

"From what I read if I get the MFT version and use a speed booster, I could get the same crop factor as an APS-C sensor, which would be similar to the 7D. Is it possible to use the MFT speed boster and a EF to MFT adaptor so I can use my canon lens on the BMCC MFT while the Metabones EF to MFT speed boster does not come out ?"

I think this question would be better asked on the BMC forum, as I doubt many people, if any, are using this camera here.

Alternatively, you can get the BMC Pocket Camera, and save money for some good glass, but again with this camera a lot of extra things are needed and then it really isn't so much of a "pocket camera." 

"And also, is it a smart choice to get the BMCC instead of the 7d ?"

Not to insult you in any way, but you just got a 7D and you're on a forum asking if you should sell it and get a BMCC...please make sure you are not moving too fast, as you should know what tools you need and don't need on your own.  I think you should shoot some movies on your 7D and enjoy it!  A lot of people made a lot of amazing things with that camera.  Don't get too caught up in the gear—trust me, it happens to all of us!

General Development / Re: focus manual chip confirm
October 27, 2013, 06:19:29 AM
Thats one of the obstacles that comes with using manual lenses on a DSLR.  AF confirm chips just beep when you have focus on your AF point, but nothing more.  I use an M42 adapter without a AF confirm chip, and instead use focus peaking in ML and have always got perfect shots.  There has been talks on the forum in another thread about implementing a way to set the aperture value on the camera while using manual lenses so it will write it to the EXIF information of the file, but again that will only work if you remember to set it.  Honestly, you're better off writing it down, or shooting in a pattern that you will be able to remember.  For me, I don't really care to know what aperture it was taken at later on.. if it was a good shot, it's a good shot.
I already have an H4N, but if I was in the market to get a field recorder today, I'd get the successor the H4N: the Zoom H6
Share Your Videos / Re: Beauty in Nature (5D Mk3 RAW)
October 23, 2013, 02:38:11 PM
Quote from: dude on October 23, 2013, 02:34:51 PM
Speaking of sharpening, is there a way beside resolve?
i don t know if it is a good idea to sharpen in acr, and in ae or premiere you only have the unsharp mask

DONT SHARPEN IN ACR!!! looks like crapola

Great video, Andre!!!
Quote from: maxotics on October 21, 2013, 10:25:22 PM
I don't agree that Canon won't release stuff before Christmas.  We'll see.

I agree with maxotics.  I'd wait and see if they release a viewfinder version.  This camera would be a homerun with a viewfinder IMO.