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Messages - Michael Zöller

One thing to think about is - would it technically work with any CF camera/equipment? That would potentially increase the audience.
Pete, can you please post some pictures and benchmarks? Thanks!
Did you try formatting the card in camera?
Tragic lantern is the name of our dev 1%s githup repository. He merges his changes and additions into the official magic lantern tree as soon as they work.
For what it's worth, here are some specs for lossy DNG from the official 1.4 DNG docs:

Two Compression tag values are supported in DNG versions before
• Value = 1: Uncompressed data.
• Value = 7: JPEG compressed data, either baseline DCT JPEG, or lossless JPEG compression.If PhotometricInterpretation = 6 (YCbCr) and BitsPerSample = 8/8/8, or if PhotometricInterpretation = 1 (BlackIsZero) and BitsPerSample = 8, then the JPEG variant  must be baseline DCT JPEG.

Otherwise, the JPEG variant must be lossless Huffman JPEG. For lossless JPEG, the internal width/length/components in the JPEG stream are not required to match the strip or tile's width/length/components. Only the total sample counts need to match. It is common for CFA images to be encoded with a different width, length or component count to allow the JPEG compression predictors to work across like colors.

DNG Version adds support for the following compression codes:
• Value = 8: Deflate (ZIP)
• Value = 34892: Lossy JPEG
Deflate (8 ) compression is allowed for floating point image data, 32-bit integer image data and transparency mask data. Lossy JPEG (34892) is allowed for IFDs that use PhotometricInterpretation = 34892 (LinearRaw) and 8-bit integer data. This new compression code is required to let the DNG reader know to use a lossy JPEG decoder rather than a lossless JPEG decoder for this combination of PhotometricInterpretation and BitsPerSample.
I've moved the posts regarding compilation and TCC to a new thread.
General Help Q&A / Re: DNG RAW tutorial
May 02, 2013, 03:22:18 PM
This is from an eoshd post

Thanks to an EOSHD forum member's advice in the Nikon V1 60fps raw burst mode topic I was able to get a very quick and simple raw workflow with the 5D Mark III going.

Rather than use DaVinci Resolve (which only works with TIFF sequences and Cinema DNG, not plain photographic DNG sequences) I used After Effects to put the sequences of DNG frames together into video clips.

Ctrl-I brings up an import dialog box and you simply put each sequence of frames into it's own folder on your drive, now they act like short clips. Choose the first DNG frame in the folder and After Effects will allow you to grade it in Photoshop, before applying the look to the rest of the frames in the sequence automatically as if it was a video clip.

Then I exported each composition to a lossless Quicktime file, and dropped that straight into Premiere. Of course there's no audio recording to a separate WAV file yet with Magic Lantern so have the dual system audio recorders at the ready.
Quote from: 1% on April 28, 2013, 08:57:01 AM
Should it write start time and end time to the file name?
Its nice to have. Audio wise many use an external recorder and sync with Pluraleyes. Just buffer-recording the first (and last?) two seconds might be enough for it to sync. But we wouldn't store audio into the resulting video file anyway, would we?
Yes! Great, a1ex :)
Feature Requests / Re: Keeping config between cards
April 05, 2013, 08:11:05 AM
Quote from: Marsu42 on April 04, 2013, 08:10:46 PM
But the copyright I set in the Camera is automatically written to the picture files, isn't it? If so, the ml config would also end up there unless ml actively prevents it.
ah, yes. you're right.
Feature Requests / Re: Keeping config between cards
April 04, 2013, 11:58:50 AM
Quote from: Marsu42 on April 04, 2013, 07:08:34 AMI'd be ok with the ml config and not my name in the cr2/jpg exif data)
no, not exif - that'd be just storing the config diffrently but still on the card
Feature Requests / Re: Keeping config between cards
April 04, 2013, 11:30:12 AM
Quote from: a1ex on April 03, 2013, 07:06:51 PM
You can keep some small bits in the copyright strings, but that's not enough for most settings (maybe store a compressed diff?)
Hmm, how much bytes are those?
Feature Requests / Keeping config between cards
April 03, 2013, 03:54:00 PM
I now this has been requested before and we have a rather strict policy on not doing any permanent changes except for setting the boot flag and changing some canon menu accessible settings.

But - I have just returned from a multicam, multicard shoot and I found keeping the configuration between different cameras and cards very difficult. And one aspect of it was that whenever we switched cards, we had to update any changes we made to ml config during the shoot (we did obviously sync ml config between all cards before the start of the shoot).

So I was wondering if maybe here is an option to store ml config in canon memory? Maybe there is an area that cannot be used for anything else and where we can safely store a (compressed?) ml config?

Also I'm wondering if maybe there are other options. For example - is it save now to, say save current ml config to card, then swap cards without shutting down the camera and then re-save ml config to the new card? If not - maybe we could add a function that makes it save (ie swap cards keeping config - it would save config, prompt the user to swap cards and re-save config, signaling the user when when everything is safe again.)
Reverse Engineering / Re: Paparazzi over IP
March 20, 2013, 12:42:10 PM
Yep. Seems they just exploited a couple of well known attacks on an unusual device.
General Development / Re: PicoC -> TCC
March 20, 2013, 12:40:32 PM
That's wonderful :) Great work!
General Development / Re: ML UI rationalization
March 02, 2013, 05:06:32 PM
Quote from: basovandrey on March 02, 2013, 02:37:13 PMWhen you do not know what will happen if you press the SET button.
You have not actually used the "new" interface, have you?
Great work. thanks for looking into it! On what cameras should this work now?
Duplicate Questions / Re: New OVERLAY (DOF)
February 16, 2013, 05:00:37 PM
If this can actually be done in a more or less reliable way... wow!
I'm afraid that a hardware error is very likely. But first there are a few more things you should try:

With these special autoexecs you might get some insights. First try the led blinking one, then the logger and post the log here. Maybe we can spot something.

Glad you liked our little short. It was a crazy week :)
First, try without a card and in every dial mode.
Oki, in that case I'll just wait for nanomad and improve the HTML if needed.
I can do the design. Any rules or wishes?
And what magic lantern version?
Main Builds / Re: Missing files in latest zip (Jan18)
January 18, 2013, 09:32:25 PM
Just merge/overwrite the files from the 2.3 release with the files from the nightly and you should be good. If you need to patch the autoboot flag,just use the 2.3 release and replace with the newer files then.
1ricca, please don't cross post the same message in different subforums. I've deleted the copy in "Bug Reports".