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Messages - domo94

So I was using the Dec build for 10-12 bit raw video on the 7D; here's a little update to show some love for the camera.

While I was recording 10bit (various resolutions) my screen is killed instantly until it stops recording and writing, but it still records at normal FPS, with and without override.
When I was recording 12bit, the camera functioned normally and I had no issues manning my camera as I normally do; but the video output only gets a rough 15-20 frames a second, making the video look like a Chaplin film with color.

14 bit works just as fine. I did both 5x and normal modes.

Also, while recording 12, and I believe 10, The recording frame was not aligned properly- here's what I mean:

To anybody working on the 7d, or to who can point me in the right direction, I'd like to contribute and accelerate the development of this firmware for the 7D as much as I can. So if you'd like some info or logs from me, please let me know what I can do.

Check my signature if you want to see an example of the footage and the quality (fixed from tech errors)
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 7D Mark I
April 02, 2017, 06:41:14 AM
so I've been keeping track of what's been going on lately with the 7d, but so far it seems like a great camera, with very little attention and popularity.

I want to get on board with helping the development of this camera for ML as well as share my progress and results when I film with this camera.

Can anybody help a starter out? I'm pretty tech savvy, but never really dealt with code before so.
I have the same lens and body.

Love the quality it produces, it's amazing

Hey there, I don't use the forum often or know how to navigate it well, yet. Do you still want to learn how to set up RAW on t2i or have you figured it out?
Share Your Videos / Canon T2i (550d) Raw Video Shooting
September 02, 2016, 05:14:11 AM
When I discovered how to do RAW the right way with my canon T2i, I was floored.  :o :D

So I made a couple videos. I hope you enjoy them!
Just kind of hopping on board with the 550d train.

Got this camera a year ago because it filmed 1080p and I did some research which ended up giving me information saying that hacking this camera was the way to go and that in the hands of a great user, you can get some great footage out of it.

Let me tell, it's true.

I catch on to these things quick, and just recently I decided to leap into RAW video with this camera.

Still my first and only camera I've bought and personally owned and I've done a lot of great work with it.

Here's a short video I did to test out the RAW capabilities of the camera- details inside the video link at vimeo.
(P.S - I think I'm misaligned with my camera or so, but the focus is wrong on half the shots here, and I didn't realize til after I edited and was already working on getting the video together, so I just went with it.)

Enjoy :)