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Topics - axisvideo

General Help Q&A / Dead pixel...?!
July 28, 2012, 10:14:17 PM
Dear Alex and developers,
I had problems with the latest version of ML:
during some timelapse night in all the frames appear several pixels white and blue ... before the time lapse, in the test exposures, there were not. After i removed ML menu, test shots with Canon menu in high ISO values ??and long times 10 seconds, there are no dead pixels, what happen?
One suggestion if you let me: in the next release it would not be better to divide the functions of ML kind of interest, meaning you have to do a time lapse loads only the functions of the time lapse, if you have to do a HDR load functions for HDR, if you work with the video loads only the video features. May be this we could avoid the possible conflicts that seem to make but not completely stable ML. I do not know ...
Thank you,


Config file
# Magic Lantern v2.3.RC2.2012Jul15.5D2212. (d5735cf30260+ (unified) tip)
# Build on 2012-07-15 10:10:32 by alex@thinkpad
# Configuration saved on 2012/07/28 09:30:51
menu.upside.down = 0
menu.first = 9542382
debug.timed-dump = 0
audio.monitoring = 1
audio.draw-meters = 2
audio.filters = 1
audio.input-choice = 4
audio.alc-enable = 0
audio.o2gain = 0
audio.lovl = 0
audio.mic-power = 1
audio.dgain.r = 0
audio.dgain.l = 0
audio.mgain = 4
buffer.warning.level = 70
bitrate.indicator = 0
time.indicator = 3
h264.bitrate-factor = 10
h264.bitrate-mode = 1
h264.qscale.plus16 = 8
battery.drain.rate.rev = 88
lcd.adjust.position = 0
bmp.color.scheme = 0
preview.saturation = 1
preview.contrast = 3
arrows.bright_sat = 0
arrows.tv_av = 0
arrows.iso_kelvin = 0 = 0
arrows.set = 1
arrows.mode = 0
digital.zoom.shortcut = 1 = 0 = 0
halfshutter.sticky = 0 = 0
quick.delete = 0
play.set.wheel = 2
play.quick.zoom = 2
af.frame.autohide = 1 = 0
dof.preview.sticky = 0 = 0 = 0 = 0
movie.log = 0
shutter.display.degrees = 0
display.dont.mirror = 1
lcdsensor.wakeup = 1
electronic.level = 0
defish.projection = 0
defish.preview = 0
idle.rec = 0
idle.display.gdraw_off.after = 0
idle.display.dim.after = 0
idle.display.turn_off.after = 0
spotmeter.position = 1
spotmeter.formula = 0
spotmeter.draw = 1
spotmeter.size = 5
clear.preview.mode = 0
clear.preview.delay = 1000
clear.preview = 0
vectorscope.draw = 0 = 38
waveform.size = 0
waveform.draw = 1
hist.log = 1
hist.warn = 3
hist.colorspace = 1
hist.draw = 1
focus.peaking.grayscale = 0
focus.peaking.color = 7
focus.peaking.thr = 5
focus.peaking.method = 1
focus.peaking = 1
zoom.overlay.split = 0
zoom.overlay.pos = 1
zoom.overlay.x = 1
zoom.overlay.size = 1
zoom.overlay.trig = 3
zoom.overlay = 0
falsecolor.palette = 0
falsecolor.draw = 0
crop.playback = 0
crop.movieonly = 0
crop.index = 0
crop.enable = 0
zebra.rec = 1
zebra.thr.lo = 0
zebra.thr.hi = 95
zebra.colorspace = 2
zebra.draw = 1
global.draw = 1
transparent.overlay.y = 0
transparent.overlay.x = 0
transparent.overlay = 0
disp.mode.x = 343
disp.mode.c = 1
disp.mode.b = 1
disp.mode.a = 1
disp.mode = 0
lv.disp.profiles = 0
bramp.calib.5 = 0
bramp.calib.4 = 0
bramp.calib.3 = 0
bramp.calib.2 = 0
bramp.calib.1 = 0
bramp.calib.0 = 0
bramp.calib.m1 = 0
bramp.calib.m2 = 0
bramp.calib.m3 = 0
bramp.calib.m4 = 0
bramp.calib.m5 = 0
bramp.calib.sig = 0
picstyle.rec = 0
picstyle.rec.sub = 1
bulb.ramping.manual.focus = 1000
bulb.ramping.manual.expo = 1000
bulb.ramping.percentile = 50 = 100 = 1
bulb.ramping = 0
motion.trigger = 0
motion.release-level = 8 = 1
bulb.duration.index = 15
bulb.timer = 0 = 0
zoom.focus_ring = 0
zoom.halfshutter = 0
zoom.sharpen = 0
zoom.disable.x10 = 0
zoom.disable.x5 = 0
silent.pic.sweepdelay = 350
silent.pic.highres = 0
silent.pic.mode = 0
silent.pic = 0
lv_3rd_party_flash = 0
flash_and_no_flash = 0
audio.release-level = 10
focus.trap = 0
interval.stop_after = 2 = 2
interval.start.timer.index = 3
interval.timer.index = 16
hdr.scripts = 2
hdr.iso = 0
hdr.seq = 1
hdr.delay = 1
hdr.ev_spacing = 16
hdr.frames = 1
hdr.enabled = 0
iso_selection = 0
lvae.disp.gain = 0
lvae.iso.spd = 10
lvae.iso.max = 104
lvae.iso.min = 72
bv.av = 48 = 111
bv.iso = 88 = 0
rec.notify = 3
screen_layout.ext = 1
screen_layout.lcd = 0
shutter.lock.value = 0
shutter.lock = 0
enable-liveview = 0
movie.rec-key = 0
movie.mode-remap = 0
movie.restart = 0 = 100 = 100
wb.kelvin = 6500
hdmi.force.vga = 0
focus.patterns = 0 = 0
focus.follow.rev.v = 0
focus.follow.rev.h = 0
focus.follow.mode = 0
focus.follow = 0
focus.step = 5
focus.stack = 0
focus.rack.delay = 2
focus.wait = 1
focus.delay = 1
focus.stepsize = 2
fps.sound.disable = 1
fps.preset = 0 = 1000 = 1000
fps.override.idx = 10
fps.override = 0
hdrv.iso.b = 101
hdrv.iso.a = 72
hdrv.en = 0
lcd.release = 0
digic.cartoon = 0
digic.swap-uv = 0
digic.negative = 0
digic.desaturate = 0 = 100 = 1024 = 1024