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Messages - KyleRichards

Quote from: xNiNELiVES on July 11, 2013, 07:18:17 AM
@2:35 in the video there is some color shifting. Look at the old man in the left corner before the actor walks in front of him, then look at him right after. He visibly changes color from an orange to a grayish color. If you're using ACR that's the problem. ACR adds unwanted edits to your dngs. You haave to change to process 2003 to get away from this.

As far as everything else goes I thought it was very very good. I thought I was actually watching a clip from a real movie!

Didn't notice that before - thanks for pointing it out! Will keep that in mind when doing the final grade. Thanks very much for watching! Glad you liked it!
Quote from: pascal on July 10, 2013, 09:28:36 PM
Good work man. I didn't really understand what is going in the clip but the actors made a good impression. I think there are some issues with your colors and noise. In some scenes the noise is really visible, e.g. inside the truck. Maybe you can treat that with a noise reduction. Plus in most shots the coloring is very gray with no white/black highlights which does not look so good. Just compare second 59 with 60. The colors are different, while the scene at 60 seconds looks color richer.

Pascal, thanks very much for your feedback! This is just a short clip from the film, so it will make more sense in the context of the rest of the film when we release it ;)

This is not the final grade, we still have much more work to do on it. This is just a test and we wanted to start promoting the film so there is some public support when we pitch it as a TV series to get funding to create a TV pilot.  The shot at 59 you were talking about is actually shot on a GoPro Hero 3, so that might be partly why the shot after it looks so jarring in comparison. There are actually a total of 2 shots that we did on the GoPro, the rest of the film is shot entirely on the 5DIII running the Raw function.

The noise looks OK on my monitor, but I will definitely be sure to take a closer look when we do final grading, etc. But thanks again for your feedback, will be very helpful when we're working on the final cut.
Quote from: Andy600 on July 09, 2013, 09:55:38 PM
This looks great Kyle! I hope you get a chance to make the pilot. Reminds me a bit of Weeds (which I loved).

TBH I started watching because of the 5d3 involvement and forgot all about it within a couple of minutes. That's a sign! ;)

Best of luck!!

Thanks very much Andy! Will keep everyone up to date when more content comes out! :)
After over a month's worth of post production work, I'm happy to finally be able to share this with everyone in the DSLR/Magic Lantern/Raw video community! On June 1st and 2nd, I the Director of Photography on a short film called "Mother Bear" - shot entirely on the 5D MK III running Magic Lantern's Raw function. We're excited about this project because, to our knowledge, we're the first to shoot a full-production narrative film utilizing this technology. Check out this preview! (Be sure to watch at full screen in 1080p!)

Our goal is to use this short film as a way to show off what we can do, and attempt to secure funding to create a TV pilot based on the plot/characters of the short film. Every view we receive helps. PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD! There is already a 45-page pilot completely written.

We're planning on releasing BTS video of our production and post production workflows, along with raw footage from the film for everyone to download and practice on. Stay tuned for the rest of the film by connecting with us: