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Messages - cristofayre

Rather akin to the person who used the timestamp to break up images, I have developed a system whereby the photographer photographs a QR code before each photo, and then post-processing scripts "read" that QR image, and embeds the QR code / keywords / copyright / description into photo using exiftool. The idea is that the photographer gives the QR label to the customer so that when they scan the code later, they are taken directly to their photos on Zenfolio. (A similar system already exists called "Snapizzi" ... but I've added a few extras!)

The downside is the need to photograph the label. The software can decifer poor-ish images, but I feel there is a better way. My idea is to use an Android app, and use the built in camera to photograph the barcode. Also, photos will be sent to device using Eye-Fi so the keyword can be embedded "on the fly" inside the Android ... but it's virtually impossible to find an SDK that will allow you to write IPTC codes on Android. Nearest I've got so far is "PressIPTC", and am seeing if that can be adapted to work with camera. I've got developer code for the camera side of things, but IPTC is proving elusive.

And before you ask, whilst I do plan to promote my software in time, this isn't an ad for the product; it's not even online yet, (Snapizzi is, but that's someone elses product)