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Messages - Nick2333

thank you very much dmilligan, i love you!
I could rescue a lot of data, just by copying the beginning of  a working mlv into a corrupt, even audio was still there and synchronized... i had to cut more or less of the beginning of the corrupt files, but it worked out!
fotunately it seems like most of the files were only damaged at the begining...
but i'm still struggeling with some files. one corrupt 13gb .mlv file is tricky for me, with the copy paste technique i just can get parts of the file.
when i paste the working mlv code at the beginning of the 13gb .mlv, i just get the first 37 seconds of the file, then it goes black. second time i delted half of the file in HxD and pasted the beginning of a working .mlv, i also get 37 seconds footage, but now the middle parts of the file... its strange... because for some reason i got as a result, 37secs or 18 secs of footage on several files...   i guess it's not a coincidence, but my lack of knowledge about what i'm copy/pasting... i used on all files the same .mlv code of a 20GB working .mlv footage, on most files it worked out... but there are still some that just work for exactly 37 secs then it goes black... 
i have three different cases, first case it works fine (data rescuded!), second case i just get 37 secs, and third one i get about half of the file, in MlRawViwer it looks like this:

it just stops loading the other half, in mlrawviewer i can not preview it, but i can convert the one half into dng...

if you got some more tips i can try, it would be nice... nevertheless you helped out a lot! big thx!
it seems like there are some dng data in it, or am i wrong? is it possible to copy the beginnig of a working .mlv and replace it with the corrupted in te hex editor? or am i thinking to simple? dmilligan if you know how to prozess with the broken files, please give me a advice how i can start.
some more screenshots of the broken file...

thank you very much for clearing this up! your expectrations could be true, it makes sense now, when the usb3 card was used, i realized a overheating of my cpu, also the usb3 expresscard was pretty hot, my cpu was running on full power... ,  i could never think of that this could be the conciquences of a usb3 expresscard.

i seems like this situation is the worst case ever that can happen to files?... so i guess i can say au revoir to my files?

but where is the connection between my usb3 hardware and this 'goog-badbinurl-shavar.cache' in my .mlv file?
yes it really could be like this, all the broken .mlv's were transferd over the usb3 expresscard to the external drive... (i'm not 100% sure but it looks like..) is there sth. i can do in this case?
out of the5dm3, the cf card( formatted in exFat) went into a usb3 card reader, then i connected the cardreader  to a usb3 expresscard 54mm that is in my laptop win8.1 pro. 
some footage went directly to the local SSD inside the laptop, after it was full, i transfered the footage directly from the CF Card reader to a external HDD drive which was also conncted to the usb3 expresscard... the external HDD first was a local system  drive with windows 7 on it, i formatted it with the windows internal HDD Manager.
i put the HDD into a 2,5 usb3 case and use it as a external drive, although the settings of this HDD still say its a local drive....
i've tried mlv_dump, but it doesn't work either....  but i got this message from MLVBrowseSharp

i also opend a .mlv file with a hex editor

Hey there, i've got a problem with some .mlv data. The files were made with a 5D Mark 3, firmware 1.2.3, i used the build 2014August07.5D3123.
Nearly 20% of all the .mlv files seems to be corrupted.  I've tried to convert the files with MLV Converterv1.9.2, but no luck... I also tried to open the files with MLRawViewer_1_2_3, but mlrawviewer doesn't even load the mlv files. Same effect with mlv2dng and with MLVViewSharp...

this is the only info i get with MLV Converter :

Does anybody know wether there is a another way how i can open the .mlv container and get the dng sequence out? I would appriciate avery advice to solve this problem.