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Messages - starley

Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 700D / T5i
October 14, 2014, 01:40:36 PM
Good takes Felipe. Maybe we will use it in some works, maybe in weddings has a out of control risk, Another think that it is very important for me it is the sound. Do you know when don´t work fine the sound with the cbr increase? Working in the wedding we meet two possible bugs the last saturday. An error report about lens, and when I connect the camera for transfer the files to computer, it works fine, but when i finish and set off the camera, the next time that I put it on, magic says me that camera don´t shut down right and i must to wait to charge the files a few seconds. Another thing that we meet is that when temperature is high 55ºC or 60ºC, the record symbol and the vu meters don´t works fine, sometimes it doesn't appears.
Someone knows is the most stable version of magic lantern for 700D?
Thanks so much
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 700D / T5i
October 13, 2014, 08:02:40 PM
It´s very insteresting Felipe, what you said about cbr, but maybe it is not very funtional for weddings because we record a lot, another question it is use it for short films or another kind of short videos. Do you work with 1.9x in long record works? Thanx so much
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 700D / T5i
October 10, 2014, 05:24:11 PM
Thanks of new Felipe your help it is great. yes, for the dynamic range we use neutro with -4 -3 -2 settings, and yes too i meet better the slightly sharper. About iso i refer to 640, 1250 and 2500 iso it is very good for me, it reduces the noise of gain in more steps. Sometimes for example I can use 1250 better than 1600, with a less video noise for the take. about cbr settings at the moment I quit this option and I let that the original firmware make the job. What cbr do you use? 1.3X? Do you make it works well in long takes with the sound? What kind of sd cards do you use for increase the cbr? Do is the increase of CBR very good? I am from spain, but I suppose that we can not talk in spanish in this forum. Thanks so much
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 700D / T5i
October 10, 2014, 12:39:11 PM
Muchas gracias Felipe. I just install ML in my 3 sd cards and in the camera and it works right. Finally we will go with the two 700d cameras with magic lantern nightly build from 12 of september. We only will use vu meters, peak, zebra and middle pass of ISO, in the install says that it is not recomended for work... I hope don´t meet us with any problem... anyway i will go with my canon xha1 too. DO is recomended use ml in field work with a nightbuild? Or maybe the risk is too high? How i could unistall the ML? Thanx so much
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 700D / T5i
October 09, 2014, 09:13:26 PM
thank you very much tabb. The possibility that you have said is very likely to eventually do so. What cards you say I have a question. We usually use two 32 GB sd card for camera and wedding. Are we at a low level format both, install magic lantern on each, and update the firmware once per card? Does the configuration of the magic is stored on each card? Can I add and remove one or the other without problem? Thank you very much again.
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 700D / T5i
October 08, 2014, 07:59:33 PM
Hello, I am working with two 700d cameras for record wedding and we are very interested in some options that magic lantern can give us. Principally, the peak, the vumeters and the middle step of ISO. We installed the magic lantern nightly.2014sept12.700d.113. And it works decently in the first look. But it is very important to know if i can trust in the stability of this version in a wedding recording we can´t have a fail with the camera, it could be very bad for our work. I would like that someone could respond about the question if i can use this version of magic for this three options or maybe another more stable version or at this time is not recommended use any versión for fieldwork.

Thanks to all and specially to the developers for this great work.

I´m sorry for my poor english