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Messages - Samario

Hi All

Firstly, MLRAWVIEWER is pretty amazing (so thanks to the dev team!), because I can take my MLV files with sound, quickly balance/correct the exposure/temperature and then exported out to a very easily editable ProRes 444.  The conversion for me is very fast.

Quick question though.  I have noticed that you allow export of adobeRGB, Log, and Rec709.  What standards/libraries are you using to define your "Log", "Rec709", etc.  I need to know because after I edit these files in Premiere and I'm ready to colour grade (I use FilmConvert and Osiris), it's very important that I identify the source material correctly, for the LUTs to work properly.  I am using a 5dmark3.

Is your Log output exactly the same as the Canon C-Log? or equivalent to some other log like VisionLog. 
Is your Rec709 the same as any other Rec709?
Is the adobeRGB the same as the ML RAW Standard input for FilmConvert (i.e. untouched colours)

Your insight would be helpful as then I know the correct input starting point when I begin my colour grade process.