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Messages - doctormord

Oh well, sorry then.  :)

I guess, disabling it in the settings will make the errors go away?

Shame on me.
Hi all,

i have a problem with my EOS550D since several ML-FW-versions. ML is putting out asserts.log files all the time.

PROP_LEN(80000030) correct:0 called:4
at ../../src/property.c:339 (prop_request_change), task PropMgr
lv:0 mode:2

Magic Lantern version : v2.3.NEXT.2013Nov20.550D109
Mercurial changeset   : f0e14c8f3d77 (unified) tip
Built on 2013-11-20 01:23:15 UTC by [email protected].
Free Memory  : 177K + 1972K

PROP_LEN(80000030) correct:0 called:4
at ../../src/property.c:310 (prop_request_change), task PropMgr
lv:0 mode:0

This even happens with fresh install, full reset, different lenses. Any clue?



Dual shutter would be awesome.

What i got in mind some days ago is, "long expo at real time" which i meant to be like so:

Shutterspeed: 1/30 splitted to 1/n lines. I.e.

odd line: 1/15
even line 1/15

So you may record video at 30fps mit 1/15 shutterspeed by interlacing odd and even lines. Setting up a 1/4 (4 lines) would give a 1/7.5.. :D

Postproduction could be a wired thing then.

Just thougt..