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Messages - DrGkill

General Help Q&A / Focus by electronic increments
June 29, 2016, 04:54:27 PM
I had some difficulties to find a subject for this topic, i'll try to explain the need :

I do astrophotography with a Tamron 600mm and actually I need to do a manual focus with the lens ring.
It's not very accurate as perfect focus is a very small point at 600mm.
So the question is, can I do with magic lantern a "manual" focus using the electronic capability by incrementing or decrementing the motor position ?
General Development / Re: Bulb Ramping on 5D3.113
September 22, 2013, 07:03:23 PM
Thank you RenatoPhoto !
I'm gonna test this and report how it works :)

And btw, any reason why it was removed ?
General Development / Bulb Ramping on 5D3.113
September 22, 2013, 01:23:14 PM
Hey Hi !

First of all, I have to say GREAT WORK \o/. ML is just fantastic :)
I use it on a 50D and a 5D3, it's amazing.

I have compiled my own build and have almost all fully working on the 5D3 but I don't find bulb ramping anymore. Is it normal for that the feature not to be present anymore ? Is it a script now ?
If yes, where can I find the "official" script ?

Thanks by advance and again, congrats !