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Messages - archerhu

Quote from: Audionut on October 09, 2013, 08:58:22 AM
1.  5D3 will save the source images in a multi-exposure.  I would imagine the 6D does also.

6D does not save source images and there is only 2 multi-exposure mods(5dm3 is 4 modes)
Hi, is there possibility to add following feature on ML@6D?

1. 6D support multi-exposure but save combined photo only, is there anyway to make it keep the source photos that we can use DPP to do something.
2. As you know, catch flash lighting is difficult. When we use film, we can use B shoot until the lighting generate. But when we use DSLR, long time exposure will bring lots of noise point, and if we press the shoot button after we see the lighting, that's unpractical. So I think is there anyway ML can monitor the liveview signal, when the brightness raise quickly, then shoot.
3. I am a aerophile, so I like to take some photo when airplane across some landmark of city, most time I  set the DSLR on tripod, then I have to see the sky continual, it's so tired to me. So I think if ML can take a photo first, then when some object appear in this area, then it shoot automatically.

I know this feature is strange, but they really can help us take photo easier, Thanks!
Quote from: aptass on September 01, 2013, 10:35:49 AM
No it will not work like normal. It will be very slow. That's the reason it's disabled. I don't think ML will make it faster. It's in the design of the AF on the 6D.

As the previous I post, I think enable the F/8 autofocus is useful for make focus more  accurater than MF(because DSLR not like the SLR, it's focusing screen is not suitable for MF), and I need the center point focus only, I don't need fast focus @F8, because it's not reality.
Quote from: Marsu42 on September 01, 2013, 10:17:40 AM
You've been fooled by Canon's marketing - the 6d's af system has only -3lv at the center point (other points are +0.5lv) and the outer points aren't cross points, even the center one isn't cross @f2.8. The 5d3's af system isn't only light years ahead of the 5d2/6d as it's faster and more precise, but it's also more complicated because it gets modified by the lens used (read the manual under "lens groups") - that's why I think f8 for 5d3 was more complicated than it would be for 6d.

I think it's bad news for 6D's users, but I still hope your team can do some research for it.
Thank you!
Quote from: aptass on September 01, 2013, 10:05:36 AM
You can tape over/cover some of the contacts on the extender to allow AF but it is disable because it's very slow and Canon wants to provide usability.
It's not guaranteed to work. It is available on the 5D Mark III and 1DX because of a faster AF from start.

According the link you posted, I think that might be use software to let camera miss the extender information, then focus system can work normally.
Quote from: Marsu42 on September 01, 2013, 09:11:23 AM
I'm pretty sure on 5d3 they did more than just "enable" it since the 5d3/1dx af system is much more complicated than other cameras, it has to be adapted for the lens groups. But on 6d, it is likely it's really nothing more than patching out the Canon fw disabling the af system @f8+

Hi, Marsu42
I think I have different opinion, I check the data sheet of 5D3 and 6D. 5D3's focus system can work at -2EV to 18EV, 6D's focus system can work at -3EV! That means 6D's autofocus system maybe powferful than 5D3(maybe just autofocus function but focus speed, because focus speed maybe need othe chip support). At past, camera manufcturer said they can't support F/8 autofocus because the light accross lens is not enough, but now 5D3's -2EV focus system can do that, why 6D's -3EV focus system can't?
So I guess 6D can do that but Canon will not enable it for protect 5D3's market.
Quote from: nanomad on August 31, 2013, 04:44:47 PM
Unfortunately I don't have an F/8 lens to test (the closest is the 70-200 F4 but I have no x2 extender). Anyhow, I don't think that's possible since the AF chip is outside the ARM package.

Do you get any errors when you put your F/4 + 2x lens in AF mode?

nanomad, I think maybe that's some clue in the 5DMarkIII firmware, they don't support F/8 autofocus before v1.2.1. Is there some way to decode and compare the 1.2.1 and 1.2.0 firmware, tha and this function to 6D's Magic Light function?
Quote from: 1% on September 01, 2013, 05:58:31 AM
So this is for extenders only? Don't have one to test

It's not only for extender, you can use to reflex lens(they are F/8 normally)
And It's very useful for photographer limit by buget(F4 lens +2X is cheaper than F/2.8 lens+2X) and weight(400 lens is heavier that 70-200/4 + 2X), is that right?
When I use 70-200/4+2X extender, the max aperture will become F/8, and the camera will not support autofocus.
I think maybe it's possible because it's disable F/8 autofocus on 5D MarkIII in previous firmware too, but at the lastest release support F/8 lens use center point to autofocus. So I guess focus chip is support many function, but Canon disable some according camera's market positioning.
Thanks for your +1.
I think althought F/8 autofocus is slower than max. apertures, but it should faster and accurate than MF :)
I like F/4 lens, because they are more lighter, so I can bring them to all place include peak. According to my experience, it's difficult to bring some F/2.8 lens to walk long time when elevation over 3500m. My F/4 lens(for example 70-200/4 IS) plus 2X will lose autofocus, that make I will not sure the picture what I take is what I want, most times MF does precise enough.
So, I really really want Magic Light can enable my 6D autofocus on F/8.
Thank you very much!
I think 6D is a best equipment if it can make autofocus on F/8. But I think Canon never make 6D can do that, otherwise that's less people will buy 5D MarkIII. So I want to know whether Magic Light can make some research to make 6D's F/8 autofocus enable?