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Messages - sridvijay

Quote from: a1ex on July 19, 2013, 09:35:16 PM
For 5D3, you can't remove the bootflag safely yet.

Thanks for the heads-up!
Quote from: Rick M on July 19, 2013, 02:56:34 PM
Third post in the FAQ available above this:

Success rate is 100%, unless you don't follow instructions.

Thanks for the reply! To confirm: No one will realize the boot flag has been turned on (i.e when you start the camera on a certain shooting mode, it won't show the boot flag enabled screen) and will not be able to turn it back on unless they follow the instructions themselves to install ML, yes? Last thing, the ML.fir file is just the Magic Lantern Firmware File for the Mark III (in this case) right?

Thanks again for the help, appreciate it!
Hey everyone,

I was wondering if as of now, is there any way of completely removing ML on a 5D Mark III? By that, I mean no trace of it on the system at all. If yes, as of right now what's the success rate of removing it (AKA is everyone able to remove it completely, or is there like a 50% success rate in removing it)? Any help on this would be great! Thanks a bunch!

P.S I tried finding a solid, recent answer online, but couldn't find one which is why I'm asking it here. Sorry if this is a repost!