Tragic Lantern for 6D

Started by 1%, December 24, 2012, 07:07:02 PM

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Is the headphone monitoring working? Just waiting for my battery to fully charge so I can load ML on to it...

Is it much like the 5D mark 3 in the way you control it?
6D | 24-105 f/4 | 70-200 f/4 | 28 - 35 - 50 - 50 - 135 |


Monitor only enbles the screen. Headphones still not working.


The M seems to suffer the vertical line thing too, here you can see it starts at about 0:04 and gets progressively worse through the timelapse. I shot this for about 9 hours.


now I know I'm not crazy lol


All new sensors probably have the lines. Did the sensor get hot?


In the Sony FS-100 the 60 fps mode is at 28 mbps CBR, and since the 6D has a 100 mbps ALL-i mode at 24 fps and 30 fps.... It seems as though the cameras processor is capable of high bit rates, but is it not capable of high frame rates? What would be the limiting factor in regards to that? Is it purely something to do with the architecture of the encoder? Or something that can be bypassed with enough digging?

I for one would be happy with 28 mbps 1080 60p.
6D | 24-105 f/4 | 70-200 f/4 | 28 - 35 - 50 - 50 - 135 |


Its 2 things. Sensor timing and HW encoder.

Sensor does like 38/39 fps before it falls over.
Encoder starts jerking much earlier than that.

60P doesn't seem possible... maybe at some reduced resolution between 720p and 1080p and it can't be H264. I'd be happy to find timings that don't produce lines or the overheating?/dark noise.


The above timelapse video should be sent to canon.


They will probably just laugh at our method for pushing the sensor beyond limits (pretty sure we have missed some parameter when configuring sensor timers).

When you alter the parameters way beyond the normal operating ranges, you should no longer blame the manufacturer ;)


I feel like it isn't impossible, I wish I knew a little more than what I was talking about...

I just don't see how a sensor that can take in 100mbps at 30 fps.. can't take in 60 fps at something like 20-30 mbps.

How can I help research this?
6D | 24-105 f/4 | 70-200 f/4 | 28 - 35 - 50 - 50 - 135 |



Quote from: a1ex on April 02, 2013, 10:22:00 PM
They will probably just laugh at our method for pushing the sensor beyond limits (pretty sure we have missed some parameter when configuring sensor timers).

so does this mean the vertical lines issue may eventually have a solution?



I'm french and don't practice fluent english.
By the way, is ML for 6D ready or enough ready to be used without risk ?
If the answer is positive, where can it be downloaded ?
Thanks by advance



Quote from: 1% on March 24, 2013, 05:48:51 PM
With timer A/B control FPS override can be tuned to get rid of the lines. Unfortunately the side effect of timerB is dark noise.. The specs might be dust on the sensor? I'm not sure... Purple cast in the corners is part of the dark noise.


Quote from: coutts on April 02, 2013, 04:13:35 AM
The M seems to suffer the vertical line thing too, here you can see it starts at about 0:04 and gets progressively worse through the timelapse. I shot this for about 9 hours.

Did you guys experienced the same situation without ML in a regular timelapse shot through 6D ? if not, sorry if sounds stupid ( dooh! ) but why do we need ML on timelapse ,to improove what ? ISO is pretty good at high rates, ... what else ?


Can't do timelapse without ML.


oh, I got it. thanks 1%
So the ML will do what we can do with an Intervalometer for example right ?
In this case, I will reformulate the question  : If I use an intervalometer , the result will be the same (dark noise/lines on the final video) ? I am counting the worst case when this option of ML will be impossible to be fixed on 6D .


The dark noise problem appears only when you use FPS override.


There may be a solution to this at some point but not yet. Affects all digic V class cameras. We're not the only ones. Either tinker with the timers till you get neither kind of noise or shoot stills.


Thanks 1% for all the time you've put into this!

I've been following this thread since the beginning, but may have missed this one if it came up: should the movie mode intervalometer work? The user manual says that it should show a "duration of a movie clip" option, but I don't see it anywhere.


I think that feature got cut with new menus.  I have stop movie after X minutes and record on startup.. an intervalometer this isnt.


Ah, thanks. I tried using stop after X with movie restart to cover what I wanted to do for now, but it doesn't look like it restarts after the timed stop. I'll use an external intervalometer + stop after X until I figure out how to make ML changes for myself.


Movie restart is for when recording stops from canon. Stop after is like pressing the record button. I suppose the 2 could be combined.


You can just write a script that implements movie intervalometer.

I'll also include the best scripts in the ML zip.


No body to answer me ?
May be this subject is for developpers only ?
Thanks to give me one confirmation.
Bst Rgds
