Lightroom plugin cr2hdr v3.0 DEV (WIP)

Started by kichetof, March 18, 2014, 05:04:33 PM

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@arboldeconfianza :)
Could you share a DNG file to try?

Walter Schulz

And maybe he should repeat his issue in Spanish to clarify what the problem is.


An idea would be to chain MLV processing going straight to dualiso processing after the files has been developed into dng files. Maybe an option in the MLV dump selection menu eg. "Process dng to dualiso after conversion" or something similar. Better yet would be if you could mix dualiso MLV files with non dualiso files and your plugin would test the first dng file for dualiso and if not proceed to the next folder with dng files or next MLV file depeding on what order you would do things. I do this in by the way.


Quote from: Danne on March 15, 2017, 09:41:48 PM
...Better yet would be if you could mix dualiso MLV files with non dualiso files and your plugin would test the first dng file for dualiso and if not proceed to the next folder with dng files or next MLV file depeding on what order you would do things. I do this in by the way.

5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109

arboldeconfianza now i have 2 diferent iso! but no HDR dng

Puedo converitr los archivos MLV en DNG pero no estoy pudiendo convertir lo archivos DNG con dos ISO en uno solo, como uno puede hacer normalmente en CR2 cuando filma RAW, no puedo hacer el HDR video con los DNG que tengo!

...Better yet would be if you could mix dualiso MLV files with non dualiso files and yotr plugin would test the first dng file for dualiso and if not proceed to the next folder with dng files or next MLV file depeding on what order you would do things. I do this in by the way.

thats sounds great!!!


To chain it, I need to rewrite the plugin:

Quote from: kichetof on March 13, 2017, 04:31:30 PM
Maybe I'll rewrite the entire plugin...  8)

Actually, we don't export anything, so, why do you use export menu ?!

I think I'll use the Library -> Plug-in Extras to store all the actions.

What do you think about this GUI for the plugin ? (there are no options, no optimisation, only a copy paste to see the result; removed troubleshooting tabs, do you use it ?)

The gain with this method, is to be able to load cr2hdr options in MLV importation to chain the operations.

The only thing that we'll loose is the shortcut CMD+SHIFT+E to quickly access to export menu.

Any suggestions ?


Not even sure if this is due to an user error on my part or should I be reporting this to you, @kichetof?

This happens with both LR5 and LR6.
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


You need MLV files inside the folder you open up or else you,ll get that error. Since lightroom doesn,t recognize the MLV format you can create a folder from inside lightroom or import a folder with a recognizable format(eg. CR2). Put the MLV files in the folder and open up the plugin again.


Not sure if I follow you, @Danne? I mean may I see about how you go on it in a quick screenflow because I don't understand how can I tell it which Folder to look into within the plugin? Do I need to set pathway for it to find it or something?
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


@DeafEyeJedi I need to catch this error. Could you explain me what did you do ? (in details)

To use the plugin, go in Library Module, select a Folder inside your tree (a folder that contains MLV files) and then go to Library Menu -> Plug-in Extras -> Import MLV file


What Kichetof said

Just see to it that:
1 - you have access to a folder with MLV files from inside lightroom(you won,t see them but you will now they are there)
2 - Stand on that folder then go to library and open up the MLV plugin.

If you open the plugin from a random folder without MLV files then there will be complaints.


@Danne yes the plugin will tell you that the folder contains no MLV but here the plugin crashed, so I need to fix it. What I do to catch it seem to be not enough, I'll investigate!

I could reproduce the bug. I'll fix it! fixed!



I got the same problem when i great a new folder in WIN Explorer and copy the MLV in there. After I create a new Folder direct inside LR, copy the MLV in there, everthing works very well like @Kichetof say. Also is working irf you Copy your MLV File in on inside LR existing folder.
EOS 5D3 -113,-123, EOS 7D2, EOS 400, Lens EF16-35 f4 L, EF35 f2 IS, EF85 f1.8, EF 24-105 f4 L, EF 100-400 L II, EF 600 f4 L, Samyang 14mm f2.8, Canon Tc 1,4III, Kenko Tc 1,4 DGC




the new Version works very well in WIN 10, LR 15.9 CC. I try it with MLV record 1920x1080 50 Fps streched Files without problem.

One thing I believe will be helpfull, when I select the Folder in LR Libary, Import MLV Fies, I see all Data´s from MLV, including how many Frames and also the selected FPS, example 25,30, 50, 60 Fps. In the sup folder for the DNG is only the Folder name. It will be helpfull if there is the Info about count of frames and FPS as well for next steps in the workflow.
EOS 5D3 -113,-123, EOS 7D2, EOS 400, Lens EF16-35 f4 L, EF35 f2 IS, EF85 f1.8, EF 24-105 f4 L, EF 100-400 L II, EF 600 f4 L, Samyang 14mm f2.8, Canon Tc 1,4III, Kenko Tc 1,4 DGC



The video MLV is DUALISO?

is possible process DUAL ISO MLV?

thank youuu guys for all!

Walter Schulz

@arboldeconfianza: Is your question about Dual-ISO video or HDR video?

Dual-ISO: Every frame has the same exposure. But inside each frame different ISO settings for alternating lines will be used. Example: Line 1, 3, 5, ... ISO 100, line 2, 4, 6, ... ISO 800.
-> Frame rate unchanged (30 fps recording = 30 fps output). Aliasing will be increased. Noise in shadowed/darkened areas will get reduced.

HDR video: Alternating frames with different ISO settings (and therefore different exposure). Example: Frame 1, 3, 5, ... recorded with ISO 100 (= darker frame). Frame 2, 4, 6, ... recorded with ISO 800 (= brighter frame). Odd and even frames will get processed as HDR to get a single frame.
-> 30 fps recording = 15 fps output.


@NoCp_Albert Could you give me some examples for subfolder name with fps and/or frames. Something like that: M04-0001_240frames_30fps ?

@arboldeconfianza for the moment, you need to do that in 2 steps. 1. Import MLV; 2. Convert Dual ISO


@Walter Schulz

i recording MLV with option HDR VIDEO with fps override 23.976!

i am thinking in my concept of HDR VIDEO and DUAL ISO is wrong,  now i know is not the same thing, but i dont have module DUAL-ISO in my 5D MARK II ML i need download...

for you explanation i cant make the video HDR  with 30fps now, i need take again but with fps override 50fps?

i can make workflow of dual iso o HDR with this plugin in lightroom?, MLVFS is amazing but i have problems in windows with GUI, but y not found procces dual iso o HDR for WINDOWS o LINUX, i preffer linux!, thank you for the attention!

sorry my english..


@arboldeconfianza on Mac and Windows with Lightroom, you'll be able to import MLV files and process Dual-ISO files with this plugin  8)



Yes I made all Test video in Dual-Iso, with 25, 50 and 60 Fps. Workflow: Kichetofs new LR-DualIso, Import MLV File in to LR with conversion to DNG, export to cr2hdr v.3.0 DEV. After DualIso is finished import the dualIso files to After Effects for streching and Grading to CineLog-C. If you work with not streched Files you can finish everything also in LR, ACR.

Also you get the posibility to go the resolve davinci process.
EOS 5D3 -113,-123, EOS 7D2, EOS 400, Lens EF16-35 f4 L, EF35 f2 IS, EF85 f1.8, EF 24-105 f4 L, EF 100-400 L II, EF 600 f4 L, Samyang 14mm f2.8, Canon Tc 1,4III, Kenko Tc 1,4 DGC




@NoCp_Albert Could you give me some examples for subfolder name with fps and/or frames. Something like that: M04-0001_240frames_30fps ?

Yes, his will be fine

EOS 5D3 -113,-123, EOS 7D2, EOS 400, Lens EF16-35 f4 L, EF35 f2 IS, EF85 f1.8, EF 24-105 f4 L, EF 100-400 L II, EF 600 f4 L, Samyang 14mm f2.8, Canon Tc 1,4III, Kenko Tc 1,4 DGC


AMAZING all my question resolved!, now i try shot video with dual iso but i cant said me is not for my camera, 5D MARK II dont have dual iso?, thank youu guys for the assistence! i appreciate!

Walter Schulz

5D2 does not support Dual-ISO in movie mode.