Danne's crop_rec_4k, 5DIII

Started by Danne, November 09, 2018, 05:11:37 PM

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Test another build and compare.
If you want more help more info will be needed.


Quote from: ewinemiller on July 18, 2020, 06:22:24 PM
Hi all,

If anyone is interested I put together some intermediate presets for 2.20:1, 2:1, and 1.85.1. I was looking for something a little in the middle of the 16:9's crop and the 2.35 aspect ratio. All are continuous on a 1000x KombuterBay without spanning or anything.

I will try to put it up on bitbucket, but have to get my head back around that process again. I don't use it enough to be comfortable or even remember the basics, and might not have time to work through it this weekend.

All changes in crop_rec.c from Danne's crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_isogain_1x3_presets branch. Thank's Danne for your work. It was super easy to build on.


Amazing ! how can we download it as a autoexec "classic ML file" ? (I know nothing about coding, I'm more into video..)
EOS 5D3 123 crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_isogain_1x3_presets_2020Dec11.5D3123


Ask ewinemiller for a build. My laptop decided to die today so taking a real break here.
Looks like he uses ratios directly from RAW video section so meanwhile you should be able to change from there directly as well.


Quote from: wib on July 20, 2020, 10:57:49 AM
Amazing ! how can we download it as a autoexec "classic ML file" ? (I know nothing about coding, I'm more into video..)

Only been tested lightly with 1.23. It's just the croprec module. Drop it into the ML\modules folder of your card. It should play nicely with the rest of Danne's latest build.


Edit: Just saw Danne's post and I'll try to update this later today with full builds.


Should be fine with a single crop_rec.mo too if you use the updated code.


along with the 15 july version of yours ?
EOS 5D3 123 crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_isogain_1x3_presets_2020Dec11.5D3123



EOS 5D3 123 crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_isogain_1x3_presets_2020Dec11.5D3123


(sorry, can an admin delete this post ?)
EOS 5D3 123 crop_rec_4k_mlv_snd_isogain_1x3_presets_2020Dec11.5D3123


Is it possible to make a 2x2 Preset like 2880x1620 (16:9) or better a 1x2 Preset like 2880x1920 (2.5:1) = 5760x1920, or is this still impossible?


Quote from: Bender@arsch on July 22, 2020, 01:19:52 AM
Is it possible to make a 2x2 Preset like 2880x1620 (16:9) or better a 1x2 Preset like 2880x1920 (2.5:1) = 5760x1920, or is this still impossible?
Have a look on the bayer matrix. 2x2 is only possible theoretically for b/w, because you loose the color information.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


I am not a programmer and unfortunately I already thought that it would not work...


Quote from: Bender@arsch on July 22, 2020, 12:24:21 PM
I am not a programmer and unfortunately I already thought that it would not work...
This has nothing to do with programming, but with how a sensor is build. You have a RGGB layout on it. And if you just read 2x2 and start at R, you get only R pixels.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Not sure if this has been addressed before, but the only module I see when I install the Jul15 build is the Bench.mo module.

I am using the 113 version and I re-installed ML, formated, low level, tried an other card, reset to ML defaults, even created the SETTINGS folder and made a SD_UHS.EN file. I can see and load all the modules with the nightly exp 2018Jul22 build, but for some reason, this build I can't load or see any other module than bench.mo.

A lens is installed, only the SD card is in and the camera is in movie mode.


All modules are autoloaded except for bench.mo. I also plan on adding adtg_gui.mo as an optional module.
Do note that my builds comes from a fork from another experimental build. This is actually experimental on top of another experimental build.


Quote from: Danne on July 28, 2020, 10:48:00 PM
All modules are autoloaded except for bench.mo. I also plan on adding adtg_gui.mo as an optional module.
Do note that my builds comes from a fork from another experimental build. This is actually experimental on top of another experimental build.

That explains it ! Thanks, I do feel dumb now. From my understanding of the replies on this thread, the card spanning module is in the raw video section ? I cannot find it, even in the advanced menu. Could only find one post mentioning that it was in the Raw video tab, but I don't see it there.

EDIT : Found it. You need the CF card in as well for it to appear. Sorry for bothering.


You need both SD and CF card inserted for it to show up. For the very same reason you won´t see the SD overclock option if not a sd card is inserted.


Hi all,

l did a little comparative test of the sharpness between the 3k, 3.5k UHD, 4K 12.5FPs, 5.7k 7fps, 5k anamorphic, fullhd, fullhd h264 modes. I shot with an EF L 24-105 canon Lens at F.14 compensating the cropfactor. All were upscalled or downscalled in 4k (true 4096) which I take as a reference resolution. We can see that the sharpness is better in 1: 1 mode than in anamorphic mode, but the difference is minimal. The difference between UHD and 3.5k is not really obvious. The FullHD is very mushy and the h264 ... let's not even talk about it;) In conclusion, the most interesting modes are
- the anamorphic mode because there is no crop and a real-time feedback, the loss of sharpness compared to 3.5k is not so bad. it looks very well in 4k.
- 3.5k mode, the crop factor is only 1.6 and there is still usable feedback (zoom x5). But the ratio is wider than the 2.39. If you want more vertical resolution you have to go to 3k.

- full HD, it's ugly but it works so well!

Thank you Danne for your  incredible  build!



Just to be on the safe side what is the max safe temperature for 5D3 please? I had over 47C today in just a couple min so want to play it safe.

I'm just trying to figure out a reasonable higher res workflow. Full HD from nightly works fine and is a big improvement over H264, and in my case keeping 16mm as close to 16mm is very important. I know the answer is R5 but hopefully this will still keep on developing.



Quote from: Danne on July 18, 2020, 07:09:09 PM
Nice. Will check it out when I have the chance.
Ongoing code atm:

I piggy back on a git account but still include hg commits working with my compiler tool:
After commits I push all hg and code changes to the git account. It's all temporary. Bitbucket are deleting all mercurial sources. Bad move on their part.

Thanks for the heads up, @Danne! I've went ahead and ran the latest Compiler on this Hackintosh running 10.15.5 and all seems well. I will try to spit out a build as soon as I can.

Actually could I get a reminder on which branch is the one that is usually found on the beloved bitbucket download page (Option 1 or 5 from the branch option menu)?

Appreciate the recent quick fix for Catalina's environmental friendly when it comes to compiling the latest. Always carrying the EOSM w me everywhere I go. Such a gem!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Since the last update with sd overclock module I can't seem to be able to format sd card AND keep ML on it. It's formatting everything. The usual menu and copy log before formatting is gone.


Yes, it's intentional. Formatting camera with sd uhs enabled will potentially destroy your sd card. Havn't found a way to disable patching yet so for now I disabled the keep ml after format function.


Can rack focus be used with raw video? I can set the endpoints and preview the focus change in liveview, but I'm not sure how to activate it after starting to record.