MLVFS - a FUSE based, "on the fly" MLV to CDNG converter

Started by dmilligan, August 31, 2014, 02:01:24 AM

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Canon eos m

Hey everyone, I must admit that I am completely lost with what to do. Have reached a point (after endless hours of sitting on the computer and a bad back with a few 10's of $'s spent on buying programs that will let me buy .dll files and all) where I can go into the cmd and request the computer to execute the mlfvs executable and all that. But do not understand what to do next ... for example where do the converted DNG's surface. Cannot see these anywhere .. and since there is no error on the cmd screen, I reckon all must be good.

My workflow:

I first download the mlvfs_x64.exe zip and then unzip (naturally  ;))
Then copy the unzipped mlvfs_x64 folder to the my f:/ drive
Mount the f:/ drive to my z:/ drive - so now all that is on f:/ shows up on z:/ (every thing and the mlvfs_x64 folder too)
I also copy the mlv that I want to convert to the f:/ root folder
Then, I just go to cmd where if first bring the computer to f:/ (then) it is f:/mlvfs_x64 (then) f:/mlvfs_x64/mlfvs_x64.exe f:/ --mlv-dir=z:/out (where 'out' is my intended output folder on z:/ where I want my DNG's to go

Not sure what to do with the dokey elements. When I download it, it is not coming on but there is an error in the .exe

I am on Windows 10 at the moment. Will try using these executables (FUSE and all) on the my Macbook pro to see if I come up with different results.
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


Once you start mlvfs like this:
mlvfs_x64.exe Z:\ --mlv-dir=F:\

That is all you have to do.

Now if you copy an MLV file to the root of F:\, look in Z:\, you should see a folder with the same name as the MLV file, inside it are your DNGs.


do not mount the drive somewhere with windows methods.

just extract the files to f:\mlvfs_x64\
open a commandline

cd \mlvfs_x64
mlvfs_x64.exe Z:\ --mlv-dir=F:\

if it doesnt work, show us screenshots of what you typed
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Quote from: dmilligan on February 25, 2016, 01:55:00 AM
That is just a log file. When you run MLVFS using the Automator workflow, the standard output is written to that file. The cat command simply displays the file, alternatively you can open it with a text editor or whatever.

Thanks anyway I had to take parts of the log out into context since it was too large to paste the entire textfile on this post so here it is...

Last login: Thu Feb 25 23:41:04 on ttys000
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ cat ~/.mlvfs.log
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webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2318.MLV...
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/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
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webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2145.MLV...
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webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2249.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2250.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2258.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2301.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2257.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2302.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2303.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2304.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2305.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2306.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2308.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2307.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2310.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2309.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2311.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2314.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2313.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2312.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2315.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2316.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2320.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2319.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2318.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2317.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2321.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109



Quote from: g3gg0 on February 25, 2016, 09:24:59 PM
yep, uploaded

Thanx! Great improvement over the last one !!!

1. Can create dirs and files everywhere including root dir
2. Can delete files! but not folders (guess related to the dokan issue)
3. One annoying thing: .M00, .M01 ... files are visible in root dir. Definitely we don't need this, because it's possible to delete them and mlvfs crashes its a..s off :) tested.



After some pause I finally find time to continue with MLVFS testing.
Setup: Dokan 1.0.0-RC1, 25-Feb-2016 20:24, Resolve
1. Any file with non-MLV and non-IDX extension present in the root of the virtual disk. All the chunks, wavs, and so on. Actually, its not a problem, just wonder why.
2. Performance is greatly redused. I have constant lags in playback. Without any option enbled(everythig "OFF" in "Configuration Options") mlvfs_x64 consumes 52-56% of CPU all the time and this looks as main reason for that.


Right. On my system plain file copy shows that, CPU is higher 5-7% vs 10-14%, but speed is about the same 100-125mb/sec.


Canon eos m

computer is looking for dokanfuse1.dll on my windows 10 machine after i press the command on cmd

now downloaded the latest mlvfs_x86 file version 2/11/2016 and when i execute cmd i get the message 'unmount' but no files.
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)

Canon eos m

Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)

Walter Schulz

Just installed it for the first time on W7. Dokany 0.8.0. Worked.
May I offer a Teamviewer session?

Canon eos m

what is a team viewer session?

after giving up on windows 10, i tried the mac but am getting a permission denied for the mlvfs executable file - what do I do from here?
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


@Canon eos m:

please uninstall dokan from your control panel
install dokan v1.0.0-rc1
unpack mlvfs_x64 into your folder f:\mlvfs_x64\
open a commandline

cd \mlvfs_x64
mlvfs_x64.exe Z:\ --mlv-dir=F:\

did you do a chmod +x FILENAME ?
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you are right too much noise did you read my messages above?


yeah, the higher load -> need to examine
Mxx files -> todo

my goal, after breaking some stuff, is to make it usable again and these are nonfunctional requirements.
had to rework a lot of stuff due to the win32 specialities and added new features like proper .MLD support with nesting folders etc.
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magic lantern: 1Magic9991E1eWbGvrsx186GovYCXFbppY, server expenses: [email protected]
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yeah take your time, thanks for doing all this stuff.


Canon eos m

ok getting closer to the end goal .. on my mac have everything lineup but now there is localhost8000 error: safari cannot open page localhost8000 because safari cannot connect to server 'localhost'

tried to execute chmod + x but get the error the file does not exist (at least now know what chmod does  :-)

success on mac .. finally .. will try on Windows10 later
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


Now that makes the two of us reporting these so called web GUI errors on OS X ... Anyone else experiencing this as well?
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


delete ~/.mlvfs.log and then run it one time where it fails and then send me the log (I want the log of a single failing run)

is there anything mlvfs related in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports ?

Canon eos m

i finally cracked it. downloaded the latest FUSE version that g3gg0 shared yesterday (see a few postings above the last one). It was an easy ride thereafter:

1. the FUSE automatically stations in the desktop folder
2. then, i created a blank folder in the desktop folder (mine was called MLV) - remember this should be blank
3. transferred, the camera recorded mlv file to a new folder on my desktop (not the blank MLV folder mentioned above - this should stay blank for till the FUSE is run on it)
4. then went to this folder with the mlv recorded file and right clicked. Created an association with the mlvfs format - this is the second last menu 5. 5. option on the drop down that shows up when you right click the mlv recorded folder
6. the moment you click the mlvfs tab it will show a folder for you to look for the place where you want to mount and transfer your extracted mlv file. 7. here i just directed the mac to the previously created blank MLV folder and the rest is history
8. opened the extracted files as a sequence in AE .. all showed up fine

Hope this helps everyone struggling to make this work - i have literally died trying to set this up - cannot still work out how to do this on Windows (that would be better since i have all my recorded mlv's in there) - but the donkey folder shows up some error (shared the error with g3gg0) - lets see

I am still trying to figure out how to covert several mlv files in one go or at different times using the same folder the I first created (at the moment have to create a new one each time). Plus, the FUSE GUI that opens up continues to show the first file i covered and now the new ones

Lastly, i covered the files and imported the sequence in AE. This took me to the ACR GUI. I changed the frame but the changes stay with the first frame - anyone know how i can transfer the effects and changes to other frames in the sequence

Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


"Lastly, i covered the files and imported the sequence in AE. This took me to the ACR GUI. I changed the frame but the changes stay with the first frame - anyone know how i can transfer the effects and changes to other frames in the sequence"

When you import an image sequence in AE, the changes to the first frame should be applied to all frames in the sequence.

Canon eos m

Hi Frank, they aren't. Have been googling this since morning. when i log out of ACR the xmp sidecar isn't created either. even forcing ACR is not working. So, when I import the first frame is the corrected one but other don't carry the change. still looking will share if i do find what the problem was.
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


@Canon eos m:
did you uninstall all dokan versions from your control panel before?

> but the donkey folder shows up some error (shared the error with g3gg0) - lets see
you mean "dokan". you sent me the *installer* logfile.

for the installer: are you sure you have all windows updates installed on your system?
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if you redownload, it might be a bit faster. i am caching internal structures now and skip checking for existense of the MLV file internally.

getting inconstistent performance measurement results when using resolve.
the most CPU time seems to be used in the locking mechanism.

guess resolve is loading the files in different threads and the locking is a bit coarse.
but i am trying to find that out.
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magic lantern: 1Magic9991E1eWbGvrsx186GovYCXFbppY, server expenses: [email protected]
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Canon eos m

@g3gg0, I did uninstall all versions that the I had and checked. Not sure about the latest windows updates - Wil check later tonight and report.

Dokan is clearly the challenge. Have the Mlvfs working on the Mac for the moment and am satisfied with the speed of conversion bit struggle to understand the GUi interface and related. Will work to master in the coming days and report progress. I wanted to work with mlvfs since I want to work with mlv lite. Hope to test that too this week and next.

But for now the more pressing issue is the dng and xmp side car problem I am facing. Need to work out how to transfer modifications made with ACR on a single frame to all others. Mac not creating sidecars but understand that is not possible with dngs anyway since the xmp data is baked into the dng. So, the problem maybe with AE - not sure yet.
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)