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Messages - Danne

Yeah, probably faulty card. Or card reader if you're lucky.
My first attempt is a more of a testing the living hell out of things and from a non coder background. There are a few good ideas and most operations will work fine but there will probably be a few restarts here and there.
Crop mood build is much more gentle as the crop rec code is much more robust.

Most pink frames will origin from having histogram, zebras or other features enabled. Did not check your first post deeply yet.

The branch @names_are_hard is referring to was the better branch for a lot of things so it's still a good alternative.
My older build is not so stable but the build derived from bilals code is rock solid shared in above link.
The branch you are referring to lacks a lot of functionalities but also a few bugs not taken care of. I would not recommend it over crop mood.
This is the most stable, worked upon build so far. No need for multiple versions.
However. Dvr is not even close when previewing dng sequences when I comes to speed. At least last I messed with this program.

"time, instead of leveraging on the parallelization potential of MLVFS."

How about looking into this  8)?
MLRwviewer reads raw data pretty much in realtime, even on crappy MacBook airs. Complex gpu code but still. It amazed me how both DVR and premiere struggled so with dng files while Andrew Baldwin published stellar code for previewing.
I bet there are solutions for MLVFS to achieve realtime previewing. Probably hard work.
Is it possible to speed up code in general? Multiprocess to get more CPU action? Seems dmilligan outlined a very good program but optimising still seems possible.
What to explain about?
It would be great if you manage to speed up things.
I use MLVFS with fuse for arm64 mac M1 installed. Integrated in script based program 'Switch'.
Png support seems broken.
I turn off RAW video momentarily in code and turning it back on just before the screenshot is taken in my builds :P
Hdmi for this mode could be working. I did'nr look into it at all but there is a lot of nice code around HDMI from Bilal we could play with.
General Help Q&A / Re: Swapping SD cards
March 16, 2024, 09:39:36 AM
Every card needs a first installation to make the card bootable.
Why don't you test the rest and draw you own conclusions?
Runs just fine in Sonoma.
Try in terminal:
xattr -cr drag/Mlv App/here
Push enter. App is now quarantined.
Older version is unmaintained. All functions and more are included in my build.
Could you try this version?

At least one combo you show will not work on eos m.
But you were working on this before right, or am I remembering incorrectly?
What kinds of tests and what fixes  8)? I remember It started out with some good results then it got a bit messy on the way? We need test files for sure. Then some way to test code in smaller steps.
How about yourself. Are you using dualiso a lot?
Would be nice to go over above build so it can get merged into master branch. What is needed?
On mac often solved with installing pip, several versions:

Then if not working creating a Makefile.user script in root folder. Mine look like this and working in releveant parts.
# Host compiler settings
HOST_AR=$(shell which ar)

I am on this branch when building cr2hdr
Could you test exporting to dang also with this app?

There are a few different codebases out there with vertical stripes correction, not all is working perfect
Less reliable than av with timelapsing as I recall it years ago.
For general photography, probably better.
General Help Q&A / Re: ML format restoring doesn't showup
February 20, 2024, 10:13:25 PM
Removed the function back when including sd_uhs module. There is some new code from bilal out there which works with ml format but I did not look into it.
Follow reply #1.
Once done you can select any CM slot and restart camera to assign the selected slot.
Check built in console while program is crashing for hints.
New build again.

- Seems I fixed histogram check automated and without speed penalty.