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Messages - aamf

Feature Requests / Pre-record buffer
July 11, 2013, 12:38:36 PM
A raw pre-record buffer option could be extremely useful, specially for documentary work.

For example: pressing the record button once could make the camera continuously record to the buffer, keeping it half-full, but saving nothing to the card. When the record button is pressed again, then the half-full buffer could be saved to the card and the normal recording activated. This way one would always have a few seconds of footage prior to actually starting the recording.

This would allow one to wait for the right moment and start recording a soon as the moment has happened or started happening and not miss anything. Without a prerecord buffer one is often forced to keep the camera recording, wasting tons of memory in the cards, which is specially impractical when working with raw.
Feature Requests / Mirror/reverse display
July 08, 2013, 04:19:09 PM
It would be great if the live-view display of cameras without a flip-out screen, such as the 5D mark II and III, could be reversed and/or mirrored. This would make it possible to shoot from the hip using a small external mirror such as this:

Currently there is an option to display the overlay graphics upside-down, but not to mirror or reverse the entire live-view display.