Tragic Lantern for EOS M

Started by coutts, April 17, 2013, 01:43:28 AM

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I just turned my camera on after being off for about an hour or more. I have ver sept 30 installed. I only set up the raw recording for 1280 16x9 non crop. I was moving thru the menus checking my settings and i went over to the canon menus and I got the red stack overflow message now at the top of the screen. [90] menu redraw task stack overflow free-0 used-8182. it's still there in other displays.



I was moving around some menus quickly and got a crash too.   However, camera is working great!  Switched camera from Alex's bin to ML.   I just pulled battery and started over.

ASSERT: !IS_ERROR( TryPostEvent( this->hTaskClass, this, EV_READOUTDONE_INTERRUPT_EVF, NULL, 0 ) )
at ./Evf/EvfState.c:479, task
lv:1 mode:0

Magic Lantern version : v2.3.NEXT.2013Oct02.EOSM202
Mercurial changeset   : d0c3a6128c37+ (unified) tip
Built on 2013-10-02 04:13:56 UTC by [email protected].
Free Memory  : 666K + 2368K


Ok, will have to see whats up.

*from today's compile I held down the wheel to turbo go through the menu, still no crash.

for AF... it speeds up to 60FPS when it AFs messing stuff up.



%1, having trouble with the 10/1? build.  Shot fine for a day or two.  Then I had a problem where it would turn on but screen would freeze.  Took battery out.  Did that a couple of times.  Then it would only take RAW for about 2 seconds.  I turned on debug report.  Is that what I should do?  Anyway, the dm.log file from that camera can be downloaded from  enter: "dmeosm", then you'll see a link to the zip.

The September build is working great on the other camera. 

Anyway, just deleted RAW from camera and tried again.  Same thing.  No rush on this, of course.  THANKS!


could it be possible someday to have raw video files playback in color on the camera LCD? Probably not, but just asking. also, to delete raw video files while using the camera? To transfer raw files using the USB cable to our computer and to see the files in windows explorer using USB? The only way now is to always remove the memory card and then use the computer card reader. Too bad Canon still uses the old USB 2 when we have USB 3 which is much faster.



Yes, feel free to do the math (tip: look in dcraw.c) and implement it fast enough (so it won't show 1 frame every 5 seconds).


I just installed the latest ML version Oct 5 and I was shooting raw video 1280x720p 24 fps and after about 10 seconds with Continuous recording I got the red stack overlay warning at the top of the display only this time it was flashing on and off.



help a raw noob, pleez.
I shot some raw video to see how long on Continuos it would go and it stopped which looks like at 4gb. There are two files now with the same name. what is the second file and how do i use it? it has an icon like a rar file. it's name is M06-0711.R00 at 256k and the normal file is M06-0711.RAW at 4.194 gb.



Before Alex tells you to read raw_rec.c ;) consider what the camera is doing.  It's writing the image buffer to the memory card as fast as it can possibly.  When it gets to the FAT 2 gig file limit it just starts a new file file.R00. 

Some RAW software will join it for you, but you can do it yourself in a cmd prompt with something like

copy /b name.raw+name.r00 completefile.raw


Quote from: maxotics on October 07, 2013, 02:59:08 AM
Before Alex tells you to read raw_rec.c ;) consider what the camera is doing.  It's writing the image buffer to the memory card as fast as it can possibly.  When it gets to the FAT 2 gig file limit it just starts a new file file.R00. 

Some RAW software will join it for you, but you can do it yourself in a cmd prompt with something like

copy /b name.raw+name.r00 completefile.raw
Max, thank you. I will try it now. and where can I find raw_rec.c  to read? and what raw software will join the two?

edit, I found raw_rec.c thru google in Bitbuckey, but it is all stuff way over my head. I just need the simple explanation. I do know that there are some cameras and apps that have done this. I just never used them before.


I have tried to just open up the full 4gb file and all the frames are pure noise.



It's so hard to make jokes on the internet! :)  the raw_rec.c was just a joke. 

What are you using to open the file with?  I don't know the solution, but a dev would want to know that.


Quote from: maxotics on October 07, 2013, 03:19:42 AM
It's so hard to make jokes on the internet! :)  the raw_rec.c was just a joke. 

What are you using to open the file with?  I don't know the solution, but a dev would want to know that.

I use the latest PDR and then raw2dng. then the dng files open as a sequence in after effects.


What happens when you load the first dng?  Irfanview is good free software to have for that (though you may need an additional feature pack for dng, I don't remember)


Quote from: maxotics on October 07, 2013, 03:37:13 AM
What happens when you load the first dng?  Irfanview is good free software to have for that (though you may need an additional feature pack for dng, I don't remember)
I first tried raw2dng with the main 4gb file. It just flashed the black box on and off the screen and did nothing. I tried the  raw2dng with the second file .R00 and it ran thru extracting all the dng files like normal. But when I looked at any of those dng files , they were all pure rainbow color noise. I just tried your copy/b command and got the same results. PDR gives me the corrupt file warning.
Have your tried recording over 4Gb in raw? If you do, maybe takes 10 minutes, you should get the same type of files I have here. Let the camera stop recording on it's own.


The first time it happened to me, it was fine.  I was able to join files.  The second time the card was full, so it was corrupted.  That is, ML saves file information in the footer and the camera didn't have time to write it.  However, i think I can get the video back, just don't care enough.

Because the second file is probably not starting on a full frame I would expect all the frames to be garbage.  I used to think the RAW file structure was complicated, but after reading raw_rec.c (I have a programming background) I realized the frames are taken in byte chunks and it expects everything to be in its place.  That doesn't mean you can't get your video out.  You can, but the software needs to know where to start grabbing frames from.

You should try raw2dng on the first file.  That one should give you dngs, in the beginning, that work.  I'm not surprised .r00 did not work.


both files were all garbage, noise, dngs. i 'll try it once more. i am just testing to see what happens on continuos raw recording. i hope it can be made to just be seamless to the end user and also not stop recording. It will keep recording and making files that it needs and then they just butt up in editing. I think the Panasonic cameras do that. The Sony video cameras used to do it.




From Raw Video/5DMkII Builds topic,

a.d. wrote:

"Joining files
    Start dialog: cmd
    1. cd C:\Users\my_destination_folder
    2. copy /B xyz.RAW+xyz.R00+xyz.R01 xyz.RAW

    Start Terminal
    1. cd /Volumes/my_destination_folder
    2. cat xyz.RAW xyz.R00 xyz.R01 > xyz.RAW

    Tips: cmd and Terminal support drag & drop => Don't need to type!"

So if you have windows, open a Command Prompt window, go to your destination folder,  type "Copy /B" then drag drop your files from Rar to R00 (and so on), then type the name of the final file (something.RAW), press enter.

If you have a mac, open terminal and do the same thing (you just need an extra > sign before the final file name.

Hope it helps.



thank you. that works.



I've downloaded the latest version from but get an error message during installation of ML - it misses some files (fonts in particular).

Should I compliment some 'basic' package with the content of the downloaded archive?


I wish he would put the font.dat file in the \data directory!  While I'm here.  I've created a single download of all the basic tools I use with the EOS-M, including one of the later builds.  (1% is there one you recommend as the most stable--I'll replace with that).  You can find it here.  You can also find the fonts.dat file in the build included.


Quote from: maxotics on October 08, 2013, 03:21:02 PM
I wish he would put the font.dat file in the \data directory!  While I'm here.  I've created a single download of all the basic tools I use with the EOS-M, including one of the later builds.  (1% is there one you recommend as the most stable--I'll replace with that).  You can find it here.  You can also find the fonts.dat file in the build included.

Thank you very much!! Everything works like a charm now.


Quote(1% is there one you recommend as the most stable--I'll replace with that).

Latest is the nicest... I need to add audio controls + fix photo overlays + add dual ISO preview.