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Topics - cmw

Hello everyone! I apologize in advance if this has already been answered, but I couldn't find an answer to this problem.  I am trying to use the HDR video function on my t3i and the issue I'm running into is that the ISO value takes about 4 - 5 seconds before it switches to the next and then keeps that pattern the entire time. Every tutorial I've watched the alternating speed happens at the rate set by the user, but I've tried multiple settings, 24fps, 60fps, 30fps, as well as adjusting the shutter speeds accordingly and the ISO alternation still sticks to 4 - 5 seconds in-between. I'm hoping that there's just a simple step I am missing in the camera. Also please let me know if I'm giving enough info or if I'm just being totally confusing haha.

Also, If anyone has a link to a solid post-processing workflow for mac it'd be much appreciated! Thank you.