2nd 4K RAW video attempt on 5D Mark III and FINAL CONCLUSIONS

Started by EXIV, October 29, 2013, 12:53:17 AM

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Second 4K RAW video attempt made with the Canon 5D Mark III. Following the previous handheld test http://youtu.be/gONtARNBrbw we have now shot on tripod, in order to get as much details as possible. The main experiment consist in resizing the 1920x1080 dng frames to 3840x 2160 from Lightroom.

IMPORTANT: Having analyzed and compared the original files with the re-sized ones, we have found no difference at all in terms of details. In conclusion, up-scaling the files is not going to actually "resuscitate" any "lost detail", not at all. But for sure, when we upload the video on Youtube (or Vimeo) and we then compare it with the HD version of it, it is clear enough that the "4K" version offer a superior and impressive quality, even when it is played in HD resolution. So, nothing revolutionary as some people is suggesting, unfortunately not at all. This is our definitive thought.

All the best.

The video has been shot on:
Canon 5D Mark III
Tamron SP 70-200mm f2.8 USD
CF Lexar Professional 1000x 32GB

Special thanks to EXIV

Music: "Yiourgh" by DoKashiteru (feat. Coblat)
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