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Hey everybody!

I've been interested in ML for some time and thought I'd give it a try (t3i user here) and I just wanted to double check on some things before I install. Some answers I found on the site and the forums, but I get cautious with doing things correctly so I'm just double checking here, if anyone can help me out, it will be greatly appreciated.

I have a 32gb 45mbs SDHC card that I use for just video, its a pretty nice card, is that card good for running ML?
Also, I use that for video and I have an 8gb and a 16gb that I use for just taking photographs, I like doing both, probably won't use ML for photography, so I was wondering if I switch the SD card to one with no ML will my camera run as normal? or do I need to have ML on each card?

Also, I updated the firmware a few weeks ago because I was going to install ML, but then thought I'd wait. But I also hear updates should be coming this month on the canon website, (I have a mac OS X 10.8 and I don't think canons software supports it yet, I may be wrong) but should I wait for another software update this month? Will future firmware updates affect ML
If I don't wait, should I be fine installing ML, providing i follow the directions appropriately?

Answer to any or all of these will be greatly appreciated. I'm shooting a short film this week and have been wanting to give ML a try for a while. (may not be the best idea to use ML without ever having used it before on a short I've planned for a while, but whatever, its all fun!)
