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Messages - names_are_hard

Quicker: taking less than 8 years :)

Having never looked at the MLVFS code, and never worked with FUSE either, I can only wildly speculate.  I assume MLVFS translates accesses to the MLV file, by indexing within the file to know where each frame is, checking what's being accessed, and turning that frame into DNG (or whatever, I've never used it).

So, assuming I'm guessing right, somewhere in there it maps access location to frame.  You'd want to change that mapping so accesses to frames 1 or 2 returned the data of the dng generated for 1, and you'd want to ensure there's caching.  I'd guess the FUSE layer does caching for you.

For example, if we pretend frames are at even 1000 byte offsets, and that 1000 bytes of MLV frame turns into 1000 bytes of DNG, reads from offset 10 and offset 1010 into the MLV should both return the data offset by 10 in the DNG generated for the first frame.
Nobody wanted to do it in the last 8 years.  I think it will be quicker if you learn how yourself.  No harm asking, of course.
Sounds plausible to me.  I think the bigger problem is, who's going to do the work?  Last time MLVFS was updated looks to be 8 years ago?
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 80D
May 08, 2024, 01:40:53 PM
Hi, that was me on Discord.

This is just a misunderstanding.  You asked how long it would take for 80D to be finished.  I told you the predicted time was currently "never", because nobody was currently working on it.

I didn't mean to imply "there never will be a 80D version of magic lantern".  But until somebody does work on it again, it will make no progress.  So what answer can I give to the question?
Quote from: falconWhat's the status of the 200D project? Is it getting close to release

I continue to work on it.  Dual iso will have a sensible, normal GUI soon.  Raw video will happen after that, perhaps another month or two.
Nice info, and good to hear you're still progressing :)  Doesn't make too much sense to me yet, but I'm sure it will be very useful next time I'm dealing with a CF cam.
Quote from: gabriielangelI have heard that when you use a usb powerbank with a usb voltage converter, the voltage is not as steady as with a powerbank with a straight 7.2-8v output, so it could damage the camera in the long run, because there is no regulator inside the camera (It expects a battery).

This is a matter of quality, same as with the battery.  Good voltage converters contain a regulator and can provide *more* stable output than an original battery.
Quote from: yolaoManual.., manual. What manual? Are you referring a manual from the EOS M? i bought that like a month ago second hand since is no longer being produced, so no manual.

Canon has the manuals freely available online.
Thanks.  I can only test 5d3 in qemu - is that still useful for you?  Can test both fw versions.

I'd be interested in getting high fps working, especially on newer cams.  These have a much higher base clock for the sensor, so possibly they can sample faster?  84MHz on 200D, compared to 24 or 32 on old cams.  Some of the new cams have 120fps native, which ones are capable but not enabled?  How far can we push this with raw video?  Fun to find out.

The only old cam I have is 70D, so if you have working code for high fps there, that would be ideal.  If not, a good write up so I can attempt to copy the approach would be great :)

I have a question about all these branches.  Do you like this approach?  Is it a good thing somehow, that the code is scattered across multiple branches, rather than in one place?  I don't even know which branches I'm supposed to use, there are so many.  In the repo I maintain I've merged many branches, so there is no need to switch.  Would you prefer that?
Their SDK is designed for Mac and Windows.  It still contains information that would be very useful in developing software on other platforms.  Someone certainly could develop e.g. Android software to control Sigma FP, and the SDK would help.  It just wouldn't be as easy as doing so on the officially supported platforms.

Don't worry about being off topic, you're posting in the right part of the forum for that :)
This is of course rather off topic for Magic Lantern :)

What are you expecting a phone app to do?  That will make a big difference to how long it takes to make, meaning a big difference to the price.  Taking a quick look at their SDK, it's not designed for Android or iOS, meaning this is not trivial work.  I have very little experience with mobile dev, so you don't really want me to do it anyway, I'd be inefficient.

By "firmware development" for Sigma or Leica, I guess you mean "get custom software to run on it"?  Magic Lantern, for example, is not firmware.  Assuming you mean something like that, I'd spend three months trying to get something working for about 15k USD.  Any useful software produced would be open sourced.  Docs on what major avenues I explored, whether successful or not, would also be included.

Paying for software is expensive.
Quote from: theBilalFakhouridm-spy-experiments, io_trace and io_trace_full branches

Thanks for explaining, but since I don't have those branches, I'm out until someone gives me a build they want tested :)
Quote from: reddeercityJust assumed that after 10 years there would a lot Log file around.

I think after 10 years most of those log files will be lost, or the people that had them no longer read the forum :)  And people that joined less than 10 years ago definitely don't have what you want.  If you give builds, people can make new logs.
Where's the code to generate the logs?  Lots of people have 5d3 and can run tests.
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon 5D Mark 3 Questions
April 18, 2024, 02:26:32 PM
I have no evidence it is faster or slower, and wasn't trying to explain that.
Did you try Levas's advice in the linked thread?  You should do that and report results.  In that thread, not this one :)
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon 5D Mark 3 Questions
April 15, 2024, 06:46:18 PM
1.2.3 quad buffers output, rather than triple buffers.  This is probably related to changes in output capability.  I don't know for sure if this is why things are "slower" (or even if 1.2.3 is slower!  There's certainly no "extra processor" allocated).  You would expect this to increase latency by about a frame, which is unlikely to be perceptible.

ML enables clean HDMI in the same way it works on every other cam, by stopping display of Canon decorations.  Not quite sure what you're asking here.

As always, if you're concerned about changes in performance: you have to measure it.  People are terrible about estimating performance and often think a change makes things worse (or better!) when really it just feels different.
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon 5D Mark 3 Questions
April 13, 2024, 03:25:41 AM
Technically we agree on point 4 - MLVFS converts MLV files, in a way which is generally not noticeable :)  I called this "yes" because you have to install this extra thing in order to use files from ML with other software.
General Help Q&A / Re: Canon 5D Mark 3 Questions
April 12, 2024, 06:44:25 PM
1 - probably not
4 - yes
5 - yes (ML lives on the card, not the cam)
Quoteever thing i have is in python 2 so i guess i'll stay there as its what i know

Python 2 is dead.  It's been dead since 2020.  You'll have to update at some point.

The good news is I already updated everything in my repo to work with modern linux and modern python.
General Help Q&A / Re: EOS M or 100D?
April 05, 2024, 06:00:01 PM
Quote from: vladddd on April 05, 2024, 04:00:25 PMAre you saying that from the hardware perspective any 100D will work perfectly and support all video recording modes specified in the crop mood topic if i have a compatible memory card and a correctly configured ML?

Nah, I was just saying you're mistaken to think the 100D has special problems.  You can find reports of problems for all cams.  You're checking the wrong thing.  Can you find reports of 100D *doing what you want it to do*?  The answer is yes.  There are still other reasonable questions in that area, including "can *I* make it do that reliably enough for my needs?"

And specifically re "will work perfectly" - that is not what Magic Lantern has ever been :)  It is glitchy, confusing, and will never be 100% reliable.  We try to improve it over time.
General Help Q&A / Re: EOS M or 100D?
April 05, 2024, 02:46:47 PM
You did, but you maybe didn't read as far forwards as you needed, and you don't have enough understanding of the context.

The reported problems were (probably, in both cases, provably in one case) due to the user not understanding how to setup ML to work properly on their cam.

Many people have reported 100D working fine.  Some have reported problems.  The conclusion to draw here is that ML can be awkward to configure correctly, and that variances in card performance can make very hi-res recordings unreliable for *some* people.

You can also find reports of people unable to get ML working how they want on M, 650D, 5D3 - in fact, every camera.
Found a quite interesting shell command, EngMirrorDump.  This takes an integer, and returns info on a shamem region.  This includes the name of the subsystem (engine), and address offset in shamem.  It also dumps content to card.  Results from 200D.  The full list is long, but these at least are interesting and show it's useful to us:

EngMirrorDump 3   (CHANNEL) Addr:4000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 29  (CHANNEL) Addr:26000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 37  (CHANNEL) Addr:30000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 65  (CHANNEL) Addr:57000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 66  (CHANNEL) Addr:58000,Size:1000,Flag:0

These are the EDMAC channel ranges.

Full list:
EngMirrorDump 0   (PWRCNT/SETTER) Addr:1000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 1   (KAISER) Addr:2000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 2   (SHAREMEM) Addr:3000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 3   (CHANNEL) Addr:4000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 4   (CHNSW) Addr:5000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 5   (HEAD) Addr:6000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 6   (HEAD) Addr:7000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 7   (PEPPER) Addr:8000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 8   (FAUST) Addr:9000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 9   (WOMBAT) Addr:a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 10  (WOMBAT) Addr:b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 11  (WOMBAT) Addr:c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 12  (AFFINE) Addr:10000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 13  (FIXER) Addr:11000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 14  (TAIWAN) Addr:12000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 15  (RABBIT) Addr:13000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 16  (POSTER/SARIDON) Addr:15000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 17  (HISTORY) Addr:16000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 18  (PCFG) Addr:18000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 19  (WOMBAT) Addr:19000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 20  (LUCKY) Addr:1a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 21  (DANCING) Addr:1b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 22  (DANCING) Addr:1c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 23  (PONY) Addr:1d000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 24  (LOTUS) Addr:1e000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 25  (LUCKY) Addr:20000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 26  (LUCKY) Addr:22000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 27  (CPUIF) Addr:24000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 28  (LUCKY) Addr:25000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 29  (CHANNEL) Addr:26000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 30  (DISTER) Addr:28000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 31  (SARIDON2) Addr:29000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 32  (QUARK) Addr:2a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 33  (SUMMA) Addr:2b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 34  (SMAP) Addr:2d000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 35  (OHYEAR) Addr:2e000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 36  (MICROU) Addr:2f000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 37  (CHANNEL) Addr:30000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 38  (MOSSY) Addr:34000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 39  (PEPPER) Addr:37000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 40  (SHREK) Addr:38000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 41  (SUSAN_A) Addr:39000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 42  (SUSAN_B) Addr:3a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 43  (LUCKY) Addr:3c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 44  (LUCKY) Addr:3e000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 45  (LUCKY) Addr:40000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 46  (LTKIDS) Addr:42000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 47  (SUSAN_A) Addr:43000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 48  (PEPPER) Addr:45000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 49  (BAUST) Addr:46000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 50  (HAIZEN) Addr:47000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 51  (HISTORY2) Addr:48000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 52  (HISTORY2) Addr:49000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 53  (HISTORY2) Addr:4a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 54  (HISTORY2) Addr:4b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 55  (CUMULO) Addr:4c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 56  (CAPTAIN) Addr:4d000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 57  (CDM) Addr:4e000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 58  (WEAVER) Addr:4f000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 59  (WEAVER) Addr:50000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 60  (VERSARCH) Addr:51000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 61  (OPTIMUS) Addr:52000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 62  (ELISION) Addr:53000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 63  (COMPASS) Addr:54000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 64  (PURE) Addr:55000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 65  (CHANNEL) Addr:57000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 66  (CHANNEL) Addr:58000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 67  (ECHIZEN) Addr:59000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 68  (ECHIZEN) Addr:5a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 69  (ECHIZEN) Addr:5b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 70  (ECHIGO) Addr:5c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 71  (ECHIGO) Addr:5d000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 72  (ECHIGO) Addr:5e000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 73  (POSTER) Addr:5f000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 74  (BIZEN) Addr:60000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 75  (BIZEN) Addr:61000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 76  (BIZEN) Addr:62000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 77  (BINGO) Addr:63000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 78  (BINGO) Addr:64000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 79  (BINGO) Addr:65000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 80  (COBALT) Addr:66000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 81  (COBALT_2) Addr:67000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 82  (CUMULO_2) Addr:68000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 83  (DAFIGARO) Addr:69000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 84  (ELISION_2) Addr:6a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 85  (LUCKY) Addr:6b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 86  (LUCKY) Addr:6c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 87  (PEPPER) Addr:6d000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 88  (SADIRS) Addr:6e000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 89  (SIBORE) Addr:6f000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 90  (POSTER) Addr:70000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 91  (XRESON) Addr:71000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 92  (OPTIMUS_2) Addr:72000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 93  (SUB_CTL_A_0) Addr:73000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 94  (SUB_CTL_A_1) Addr:74000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 95  (SUB_CTL_A_2) Addr:75000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 96  (SUB_CTL_B_12) Addr:76000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 97  (SUB_CTL_B_3) Addr:77000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 98  (SUB_CTL_C) Addr:78000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 99  (SUB_CTL_D_13) Addr:79000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 100 (SUB_CTL_D_2) Addr:7a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 100 (SUB_CTL_D_2) Addr:7a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 101 (SUB_CTL_D_4) Addr:7b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 102 (SUB_CTL_E_1) Addr:7c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 103 (SUB_CTL_E_2) Addr:7d000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 104 (SUB_CTL_F) Addr:7e000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 105 (SUB_CTL_G) Addr:7f000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 106 (SUB_CTL_H) Addr:80000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 107 (SUB_CTL_K) Addr:81000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 108 (SUB_CTL_M) Addr:82000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 109 (ELISION_MULTI) Addr:83000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 110 (CUMULO_MULTI) Addr:84000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 111 (OPTIMUS_MULTI) Addr:85000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 112 (COBALT_MULTI) Addr:86000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 113 (ECHIZEN2_MULTI) Addr:87000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 114 (ECHIZEN3_MULTI) Addr:88000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 115 (ECHIGO2_MULTI) Addr:89000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 116 (ECHIGO3_MULTI) Addr:8a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 116 (ECHIGO3_MULTI) Addr:8a000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 117 (LUCKY1_MULTI) Addr:8b000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 118 (LUCKY2_MULTI) Addr:8c000,Size:1000,Flag:0
EngMirrorDump 119 (LUCKY3_MULTI) Addr:8d000,Size:1000,Flag:0

If you know the name of an Engine, and want to monitor MMIO usage, this lets you find where it occurs.
Sorry, it's not that easy :)
Camera-specific Development / Re: Canon 7D Mark II
March 21, 2024, 03:53:00 PM
Progress does not happen at a steady speed :)

I'm still documenting DMA and EDMAC stuff, got distracted by not having working tools for benchmarks.

I know you got DMA working directly, but did you ever have dma_memcpy() work on 7D2?  Or related functions, there's an async one for example.