MLV App 1.14 - All in one MLV Video Post Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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i did some 5.2k 1x3 footage on 100d. i use mlvapp to export cdng, none of the options do stretching. is there a way to stretch in mlvapp and then export to cdng? if not, i am going to do prores444 as usual. thx.


MLVApp also stretches cDNG (by metadata). Probably your used NLE/viewer/... is not able to read cDNG metadata completely.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: masc on January 29, 2024, 06:50:56 AM
MLVApp also stretches cDNG (by metadata). Probably your used NLE/viewer/... is not able to read cDNG metadata completely.

I use resolve 18, and it cannot stretch. thx for the explanation. will try later.

I also notice that there are red focusing pixels on 100d footage. I use 5x5 chroma smoothing getting rid of these. maybe the map for 100d is not ready?


Resolve is known to not read and use those cDNG metadata - whyever. Stretch manually.

I don't have a 100D. Please send a MLV clip with just a few frames and I can try to create the map.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202



5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Hello, I tested Danne's and ran into the following issue:
MLVApp 1.14, official build.
OSX 10.13.6

If I load a clip I just recorded using the new 1920x1080p preset, without the focus pixel map installed, the clip opens fine (With the focus dots showing).

If I shutdown MLV APP, Install the new 80000331_1992x1109.fpm; when I launch the app and open any 1920x1080p clip, I get a beach ball and I need to force-quit (I'm on OSX).

If I launch the app again, but load a 2.8k clip this time, all is well.

If I shutdown MLVApp, remove the 80000331_1992x1109.fpm file, relaunch and load a 1920x1080p Clip, the clip opens fine again.

In any case, as long as I load any previously recorded clip at a resolution other 1920x1080p, it works without a problem.


How does one create a focus pixel map for a particular camera model and picture size? I'm asking because I need a 1920x1080 1x1 map for 650D.

Edit: Following a tip, I renamed 80000301_1992x1308.fpm to 80000301_1992x1109.fpm and installed it in MLV App and it seems to work.

Also, if anyone needs to make a focus pixel map, here's dfort's tutorial:


Quote from: gabriielangel on February 19, 2024, 06:28:51 PM
Hello, I tested Danne's and ran into the following issue:
MLVApp 1.14, official build.
OSX 10.13.6

If I load a clip I just recorded using the new 1920x1080p preset, without the focus pixel map installed, the clip opens fine (With the focus dots showing).

If I shutdown MLV APP, Install the new 80000331_1992x1109.fpm; when I launch the app and open any 1920x1080p clip, I get a beach ball and I need to force-quit (I'm on OSX).

If I launch the app again, but load a 2.8k clip this time, all is well.

If I shutdown MLVApp, remove the 80000331_1992x1109.fpm file, relaunch and load a 1920x1080p Clip, the clip opens fine again.

In any case, as long as I load any previously recorded clip at a resolution other 1920x1080p, it works without a problem.
Could you please upload this clip, or at least some frames of it? (In the "hope" this also happens for the shortend clip.)
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: gabriielangel on February 19, 2024, 10:00:30 PM
Here is the complete file:
Here also: no problems. I can open, auto download the map. Afterwards the clips is shown immediately and the focus dots are removed. Clicking focus pixel fix to OFF makes the dots visible.
macOS BigSur, Apple M1.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202



Quote from: Danne on February 20, 2024, 07:46:45 AM
Check built in console while program is crashing for hints.

WIll have to do more investigation on my end then.
How do I display the console?
Are you guys using the MLVApp version downloaded from the official site, or the runner on the GitHub page?(That one won't run on my machine, OS too old I think)
Could you try the pixel map I downloaded:
(To make sure the error doesn't happen when downloading the file manually)

EDIT: It's because I downloaded the individual pixel map file manually. I just downloaded the whole MLVApp Code .zip file and got the pixel map from there. It works as expected now.
Maybe someone can have a look at the pixel file I downloaded individually (Linked above) to figure out what went wrong.


Haha... yes... found the problem! The file you downloaded is not a pixelmap - it has just the name of a pixelmap. You need to download using the "raw" button in github, else you get a webpage, maybe with the name of the file you wanted to load. In the end it looks MLVApp is kind of confused when trying to load this false pixel map.  :P :D If you open the files with any text editor, you'll see what I mean.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Experiencing wired behavior with Vertical Stripes on 5D3 with Danne's anamorphic 1x3 preset (FWIW, running asintes' 2023Sep01 build for 1.23).

Low-light scene with ISO 1600, exporting to DNG and grading in DVR, I get

  • Vertical Stripes = Off => no evident stripes
  • Vertical Stripes = Normal [which is default setting btw] => slightly darker stripes appear
  • Vertical Stripes = Force => ok, same as with Off

Re-tested with Dark Frame subtraction enabled => same results.

Just wondering if there is some known reason for this.
5D3 for video
70D for photo


Could you test exporting to dang also with this app?

There are a few different codebases out there with vertical stripes correction, not all is working perfect


Tested both with default settings and turning correction off, looks fine.
5D3 for video
70D for photo

Walter Schulz

Any metrics/benchmarks for Dual-ISO footage in 2160x1080 (1x1) conversion to medium quality H.264? OP (on discord) got about 90 minutes for 10 minute footage.
SSD, AMD 7745HX and according to OP no thermal throtteling.


Quote from: Walter Schulz on February 27, 2024, 08:04:36 AMAny metrics/benchmarks for Dual-ISO footage in 2160x1080 (1x1) conversion to medium quality H.264? OP (on discord) got about 90 minutes for 10 minute footage.
SSD, AMD 7745HX and according to OP no thermal throtteling.

Could you/OP please try this build and post your results?


Would be nice to go over above build so it can get merged into master branch. What is needed?


Quote from: Danne on February 27, 2024, 02:03:24 PMWould be nice to go over above build so it can get merged into master branch. What is needed?

cdric introduced a fix for the flickering in dual iso, but it was corrupting the exported video.
Tried to contact him but no answer.
I removed some bits of his code to get the export working, but ideally it should be fixed instead of partially removed, or removed completely.
We never merged the optimization because I got feedback asking for more testing, but didn't have much success when I look for testers  :-\


What kinds of tests and what fixes  8)? I remember It started out with some good results then it got a bit messy on the way? We need test files for sure. Then some way to test code in smaller steps.
How about yourself. Are you using dualiso a lot?


Fix his code, that looked good while editing but not when exporting, and then test with all the supported cams and recording modes, focusing on Dual ISO clips.
I would narrow the test clips to those recorded with the latest versions of ML, otherwise it might be too much...
I have many old test clips that hopefully will cover old versions.

I'm using dual iso a lot when recording in 3x1 mode, but lately I lean more towards the 1620p 1x1 mode. Dual iso has too many artifacts in any other mode but 3x1 in my opinion


But you were working on this before right, or am I remembering incorrectly?