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Topics - kazizaman


The video is set as ''Unlisted'' as it will be released officially on Friday 24th May 2013 and screened on the same day at my college.

My first attempt at a psychological horror. I am a college student from England, in my first year of Media Production BTEC Level 3. For my enrichment project, the class were told to write up a treatment for a 2 minute horror film. The film cannot contain graphic violence, nudity or profanity. Knowing these restrictions, I began to write up my treatment and out of the 4 stories selected, mine was chosen to be made into a film. I was influenced by films such as Kotoko, Stoker and Berberian Sound Studio.

Through the eyes of a psychopathic school girl who yearns for blood. She conceals her true self by wearing her uniform perfectly, sitting up with her back straight and pretending to listen to the teacher. Inside, she feels empty, dying of starvation, the thirst for a killing.

I shot using Magic Lantern ISOs ranging from 50-200 at a shutter of 1/50s and 25fps with the bitrate set to CBR 3.0x

Camera: Canon 550D

Lenses: Canon 18-55mm f3.5, Canon 50mm f1.8

Tripod: Manfrotto MVH502A

Audio: Rode NTG-2 Shotgun Microphone, Zoom H4n

Firmware: Magic Lantern v2.3

Software: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, Red Giant Magic Bullet, Audacity

Other equipment: Track & Dolly, Rode Boompole
Share Your Videos / Green & Black's Advert (30s)
December 15, 2012, 08:44:00 PM

My first attempt at making an advert for my college (UK) project; what do you guys think? Promoting the product's fair trade and desirability was a little tricky to pull off within 30 seconds, but I hope you all understand what the advert was trying to convey.

Equipment: Canon 550D + 18-55mm kit lens, Rode NTG-2, Zoom H4n (Audio only used during walkie talkie shot; ''He's on the move''. The rest are sound effects from various sources including myself.

Colour Profile: Cinestyle

Bitrate: 3.0x (No audio)

ISO: Magic Lantern, 50-80

Software: Adobe Premier CS6, Adobe Photoshop CS6, Magic Bullet Suite
I can't seem to be able find a way on how to get 23.976 with 1/48s shutter speed. The closest it gets to is 46.9. Also, how do I set 24.000fps with 1/48s shutter? I really need help and 2.3 is a little confusing to use.

What are the best ISO settings in 2.3? How do I set them up?
Share Your Videos / Submarine Dinner Scene Remake
July 24, 2012, 09:35:47 PM
I shot this scene for Film4's 'scene stealers' competition. I used CBR 3.0x bitrate, disabled audio since it would stop recording, cinestyle picture style.

Share Your Videos / G E N R E (Short Film)
July 15, 2012, 03:29:48 AM
My first college (UK) short film. The entire video was shot on 3.0xCBR bitrate, used crop markers, disabled onboard audio as the card I was using (Trancend 16GB) would sometimes overload, making the camera stop recording. The ISOs I used were 160, 320 & 640.