Canon 50D

Started by ayshih, January 07, 2014, 03:38:12 AM

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Quote from: elhungarian on August 30, 2014, 07:00:23 PM
Hi all,

hope someone can help me figure this out. Sorry for newb question.. I have searched and researched but can't explain it.

So the 50D is only supposed to be able to record in 1568×882. Yet my ML menu only gives me 1920x1080 or 640x480  both 30FPS as options... I'm not in crop mode when i record and VLC claims the video is 1920x1080..

Which is the liar :) ? What am i missing?
where can i select 24fps?

Thanks for the help
If you can open your files with vlc then it's completely certain you are not recording raw, but h264. What is the extension of the files? MLV or RAW are the rawvideo formats.
You know how to enter the ML menu, right?
50D IR, 600D, 550D


When you're recording H.264 your only options are 1080p and 480p. You can override the encoder and shoot at 23.976 FPS, and for that you have to go into the FPS Override menu. I just wrote up a guide to that, so I'll quote it here:

QuoteIf you're on the August 8th nightly this is easier, so I'd recommend installing that.

- First, enable movie recording (you know where and how to do that).
- Farther down the page is the FPS override. Enter the Q menu for FPS override by pressing the FUNC button.
- There should be a variable called "Desired FPS". If you have live view on it'll say "X (from 30)", where X is the default; if you don't have live view on it'll say "X (from 0)".
- Adjust the desired framerate to either 23.976 or 24.
- Set the "Optimize for" variable to "Exact FPS".

And that should do it. You're now recording video at a framerate of 23.976, which is a version of 24FPS that is compatible with NTSC/ASTC 59.94Hz displays.

NOTE: If you play an H.264 file made on your 50D with these settings, it will look like it was sped up. This is normal. Find a way to conform these files to 23.976 in your NLE of choice and it will work exactly like regular old 23.976 footage.

As for the resolution, 1568x882 is what you'd record in if you were recording .raw or .mlv footage. To use either of those formats you have to install the latest nightly build and enable the mlv_rec or raw_rec modules. From there, restart the camera and head into the Q Menu for those modules. If you get there and you're still not too sure what to do, come back here and ask more questions. :)


Quote from: ayshih on August 30, 2014, 04:24:40 AM
I'm not familiar with this issue.  Are you using exposure override?

Yes, without exposure override enabled I can't change the aperture at all even in standby. With exposure override enabled I can adjust the aperture while in standby but not while recording in either H264 or RAW. In the stable build (and TL) I'm able to adjust the aperture but it does result in a brief pause in the video while doing so but still nice to have the ability to for any emergency adjustments needed. Camera is in 'M' mode.

On a side note I've also just noticed that in this nightly I'm using the blue LED doesn't turn off when you stop recording in RAW!


you need to install the latest nightly build and enable the mlv or raw_rec modules. Then use fps override to 24fps


Hi guys, i'm trying for the first time Raw and Magic Lantern with MLV (not just raw, leaved on Off).

A question: is it normal i see some pink dot? I'm doing some test at 800 iso (think this can help the DR), but i see some kind of "noise" (not depending from iso, i guess), and in some frame really pink dots.

Any suggestions? Really thanks a lot 

Edit: i'm converting mlv to dng with "mlv converter 1.9.1", didn't touch any option in the program..should i?


As I understand it, Canon DSLRs work very differently than other cinema cameras with regards to ISO; rather than shooting at a "native" ISO and then adjusting the middle grey point (Like the BMD or RED cameras), there is an analog gain stage at the sensor level, which means that changing ISO changes the response of the sensor. Therefore, for best latitude, noise, and colour response on the 50D you're going to want to shoot at the lowest possible ISO. (ISO 100)

I've never had pink pixels but I have had some dead ones. Have you worked with the MLV files in any other apps to see if it's just a debayering problem with MLV Converter? ML Raw Viewer works well too as I understand.


Nope. Use whatever ISO you need to use to expose the shot correctly. If you limit it to ISO 100 you will not get the best SNR, especially in low light. Anything up to ISO 1600 is useable but anything above 800 ISO will need some post NR. ISO 200 on the 50D should give you the most latitude. Use the raw histogram and raw zebras. Some clipping of specular highlights is unfortunately usually necessary with the 50D to limit noise levels in the shadows and mid-tones down.

Pink dots are symptomatic of either a debayering algorithm not being able to handle over exposed shots well (as sometimes happens with DaVinci Resolve) or it can be the DNG converter app. Try a different one. MLV2DNG (PC) works well if you are working with Resolve. I haven't used RawMagic for OSX but that's worth a try too.
Colorist working with Davinci Resolve, Baselight, Nuke, After Effects & Premier Pro. Occasional Sunday afternoon DOP. Developer of Cinelog-C Colorspace Management and LUTs -


Just took a look at DPreview's analysis and Andy600's post totally checks out.

QuoteThe EOS 50D produced a fairly consistent dynamic range of about 8.5 EV from ISO 100 to 1600 dropping to 7.6 EV at ISO 3200 and to a minimum of 5.5 EV at ISO 12800 (due to shadow noise). However, highlight range is consistent (around 3.5 EV) up to ISO 6400.


Well, for now did a manual cleaning of sensor and took some shots at 100iso, and the results are very impressive. We'll see, maybe could be the converter..


Quote from: rguk on September 01, 2014, 02:47:50 AM
Yes, without exposure override enabled I can't change the aperture at all even in standby. With exposure override enabled I can adjust the aperture while in standby but not while recording in either H264 or RAW. In the stable build (and TL) I'm able to adjust the aperture but it does result in a brief pause in the video while doing so but still nice to have the ability to for any emergency adjustments needed. Camera is in 'M' mode.
I'll look into it, but it might have been changed for a good reason.  You may also want to create an issue on Bitbucket.

Quote from: rguk on September 01, 2014, 02:47:50 AM
On a side note I've also just noticed that in this nightly I'm using the blue LED doesn't turn off when you stop recording in RAW!
Known issue
Canon EOS 50D | 17–40mm f/4L & 70–300mm f/4.5–5.6 DO IS | Lexar 1066x


My experience was that the blue light would hang when recording stopped due to buffer overrun. If you stop manually with the "set" button, it usually goes off as it should. This can probably be fixed by putting a check to see if recording was stopped by user (like movie restart does)

On another note, I got rid of my 50D when I bought a 7D, but I'm thinking of picking up another 50D for high FPS. Can someone please remind me what the max FPS that 50D can achieve in RAW? Also what is the max write speed the 50D can write to a CF card? Anywhere close to 82mbps like 7D?



50D max write speed: 70mbps
  7D max write speed: 80mbps

50Ds max. FPS is just 30 !!
While the 7D can go up to 50 or 60 FPS...I think...?

I think the 7D is better than the 50D, when it comes to RAW Video resolution. I'm not sure about which one has better low-light performance, but if you lookin at max write speed and max FPS, you should go with 7D...



My 50D goes up to 82mbps with no problems. Some data in the spreadsheet is not updated...
If you think it's impossible, you have lost beforehand


OK, 82mbps is good. 30fps is NOT the max for 50D, can someone please do the following:

set canon Q menu to 1920 30p and then open the fps override menu and  increase the fps number until it will not go any further. It will top out at either approx. 31fps or 36fps. I really need to know this so I can make an informed purchase.


from looking at fps-engio.c it looks like it will do 35fps, I just need someone to confirm please.


30.422 fps is the highest I can get.


Thanks for confirming!


Not able to use the latest ML firmware. No option to access ML menu. I can use the Canon Menu but that's it. When switching back to July 16th it works instantly. I'm using a Komputerbay 128 1050X card.

Anyone know of a stable firmware after 7/16? The 7/18 build had pink frame issues.

- - Dogmydog - -

The 50D Canon ML firmware is probably the best thing to ever happen to me since I started shooting back in 2001. Definitely counting my blessings with this ML Cinema camera. It's been the best tool, dollar per dollar, that I've ever owned for training purposes and also for providing a real passion for exposure and composition. Got to say, for months on end, every time I went to a shoot the results were getting better and better. What a tool!

You're review of the Pocket Cinema dynamic range test, inside the shop, led me to buy the BMPCC. Eventually sold the BMPCC and kept the 50D.

... Shooting primarily with a GH4 these days. Missing the extended bit-range. Fortunately I still have the privilege to apply in-camera and post-production techniques that I've learned from the 50D. The GH4 would be half the camera it is if weren't for ML over the last year. Glad to be around.
Levi S. Davis

Walter Schulz

Quote from: LEVISDAVIS on September 09, 2014, 09:14:43 AM
Not able to use the latest ML firmware. No option to access ML menu. I can use the Canon Menu but that's it. When switching back to July 16th it works instantly.

Delete ML directory and AUTOEXEC.BIN and copy extracted AUTOEXEC.BIN and ML directory to card. Try again.


After long time of absence on the forum I want to update my nightly builds, but I'm not up do date with changelog.
Is there a place where changelog for 50D is presented?


i have been looking on this site for simple instructions for the ml raw download in 50d,,i have found nothing,cant figure out why it says ml raw config and i click it and it comes back to people posts talking about there tests???what?raw on 50d is not tested and secure?is it a nite build?is there 1.2.3.etc,,, instructions on where and how to get it into camera,,50d?i have ml 1080p download ml,please all you intelegent people,,make a simple 1.2.3. install page with none of your chit chat about tests and what not.i would really like a understandable how to format.raw video in 50d canon with magic lantern 1080p to raw.i really thought 50d had raw capability secured...maybe im wrong.


i dont have the m ON MY ML MENU,,people put a link to download raw module but there all worthless junk,no instruction on wht to download or config,,just testers chit chat.amazing.iive now clicked on 5 links that took me back to same links,,,,haha,,,worthless.


Amazingly enough, there are updated instructions in the first post in this thread.
I have a nice flashy sticky in the general help section with updated installation instructions also.

Good luck enabling the raw module, I have a sticky thread about how to do that also, but you probably won't be able to find it.  That will be a shame!


I've been a long time user of ML on my T2i and happily donated to the project.  When I can afford more I will definitely donate more to help this great project!  So I want to first thank all of the developers, testers, commentors and idea are amazing!  I used ML extensively with the T2i and it never failed me.

So now that I'm getting older and my disabilities are making things a bit tougher, I decided to begin moving away from dedicated video gear and switch almost completely to DSLRs.  I decided to swap my old and trusty XHA1 to Adorama for a 50D and interesting lens.  I could not believe what I ended up getting...essentially a new 50D.  When I received it I noticed there wasn't a scratch on it.  No dirt, no dust, no prints.  I then checked the shutter activations --- 186 total !!!  This was after I did an initial test of maybe 25 clicks to just make sure it worked.  So yeah, I have a NEW 50D (for all intents and in my weird world).

Yes, I immediately installed ML and then the nightly build.  No, I did not read the instructions or advice (where is the fun in that, but I am doing it now).  Began pushing buttons, trying to do what I considered logical choices and voila, first RAW video shot 30 minutes after I opened the UPS box.  Yeah, it looked like crap, but it worked!  Next day I did another shoot, this time taking more time to figure things out, and it came out pretty good, not great, but in that I had not bothered to learn even the basic ops of the 50D and was just guessing at ML video, I'm happy.

So now I am reading all I can.  I'm watching scores of videos and fine tuning this monster down.  All I can say is...


This is FUN!!!  And it works beautifully.  I'm going on a short camping trip over the next couple of weeks, so I'll be shooting a bunch and will post some samples when I get back.

For things I have learned...

Main CF card is a San Disk Extreme 32GB, 120 MB/s.  It has worked flawlessly.

Secondary Card is something I wanted to a SDXC to CF II adapter.  Inserted my PNY Elite SDXC 90 MB/s into the adapter, installed ML nightly on the SD card and began blasting away.  Have not tested a long video (figure it is going to be iffy), but it did work well on a 20 second shoot, RAW video.  Will be interesting if this thing actually works for any amount of time.  What does work well is using it with the still side.  Since I have a bunch of fast SD cards, this is kind of cool for me.

Once again, thank you all...from the Old Guy  Dave


Is there a way to disable crop mode while shooting raw? I'd just like to use my zoom buttons for focus checking if possible, without going into crop mode.