Canon EOS M

Started by jordancolburn, December 30, 2013, 10:21:20 PM

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Just for more comparing and understanding the values differences between the models and trying to figure out the black vertical problem:

Log "Known registers" in x5 mode without overriding (the normal values) for EOS M & 100D

1-Enable adtg_gui
2-Change registers menu to Known registers only
3-Go to adtg_gui submenu --> Advanced --> Enable DIGIC registers
4-Go to PLAY mode then go back to live view and press magnification to get into x5 mode
5-Go to adtg_gui submenu --> Advanced --> Log displayed registers

Search for it ML folder .LOG --> it will look like this:

Canon EOS 700D 1.1.5
c0400008:236b1087 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=LVFACE pc=ff2c5da8 addr=182f98 Clock control
c0400048:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=LVFACE pc=ff2c600c addr=182fa8 LClk (from 5D classic)
c0f07148:       4 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=PowerMgr pc=ff56fdc4 addr=42890 HEAD4 timer (start?)
c0f07134:       4 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fd0c addr=42848 HEAD3 timer (start?)
c0f37ae4:     200 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f25f8 addr=17e2f8 ISO digital gain (5D3 photo mode)
c0f37af0:     200 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2604 addr=17e2f8 ISO digital gain (5D3 photo mode)
c0f37afc:     200 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2610 addr=17e2f8 ISO digital gain (5D3 photo mode)
c0f37b08:     200 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f261c addr=17e2f8 ISO digital gain (5D3 photo mode)
c0f08038:     800 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2658 addr=17e2f8 SHAD_POSTSETUP_14_12
c0f08030:    1000 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2664 addr=17e2f8 Digital gain for ISO (SHAD_GAIN)
c0f08024:    1000 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2670 addr=17e2f8 ISO related? (SHAD_MODE) (5D2: used for ISO 25600)
c0f0814c:       5 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f269c addr=17e2f8 DEFM_GRADE
c0f0819c:    12f0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f273c addr=17e2f8 Saturate Offset (photo mode) (HIV_POST_SETUP)
c0f37ae0:    6d10 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2908 addr=17e2f8 ISO black/white offset (5D3 photo mode)
c0f37aec:    6d10 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2928 addr=17e2f8 ISO black/white offset (5D3 photo mode)
c0f37af8:    6d10 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2948 addr=17e2f8 ISO black/white offset (5D3 photo mode)
c0f37b04:    6d10 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2968 addr=17e2f8 ISO black/white offset (5D3 photo mode)
00028830:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56d92c addr=40453348 Only slightly changes the color of the image (g3gg0)
00f00000:     803 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=4045368e Analog ISO (most cameras)
00f00001:     4ce ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=40453690 Vertical offset
00f00002:       2 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=40453692 Horizontal offset / column skipping
00f00003:     f00 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=40453694 Analog ISO on 6D
00f00004:       2 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=40453696 ISO-related?
00f00005:     300 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=40453698 Fine vertical offset, black area maybe
00f00006:     789 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=4045369a ISO 50 or timing related: FFF => darker image
00f00007:     a49 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56da64 addr=4045369c Looks like the cmos is dieing (g3gg0)
00028882:     446 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56dab4 addr=4045336c ISO ADTG gain (per column, mod 4 or mod 8)
00028884:     447 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56dab4 addr=40453370 ISO ADTG gain (per column, mod 4 or mod 8)
00028886:     446 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56dab4 addr=40453374 ISO ADTG gain (per column, mod 4 or mod 8)
00028888:     445 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56dab4 addr=40453378 ISO ADTG gain (per column, mod 4 or mod 8)
c0f06000:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56f590 addr=429e8 FPS register for confirming changes
c0f07048:       4 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=PowerMgr pc=ff56fb30 addr=427b8 HEAD1 timer (start?)
c0f37014:       e ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960e18 LV raw type (see lv_af_raw, lv_set_raw) - DIGIC V
c0f07010:    3fff ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff381124 addr=42a60 HEAD timers
c0f0700c:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fad8 addr=42530 HEAD timers, 0x01 to stop/standby
c0f0714c:       c ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff38086c addr=42868 HEAD4 timer
c0f07138:       c ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff380858 addr=42820 HEAD3 timer
00028000:       5 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56dbc8 addr=40452894 Causes interlacing (g3gg0)
c0f07000:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff380d1c addr=42730 HEAD timers (SSG counter, 0x01 to restart)
c0f0705c:       4 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff380d1c addr=42718 HEAD2 timer (start?)
c0f0704c:       c ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff380d2c addr=42790 HEAD1 timer
c0f03074:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f3af8 addr=ff961340 Playback: horizontal banding (500D only?)
00020009:    ff0e ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56e710 addr=404533d8 ADTG preamp (per column, mod 4 or mod 8)
0002000a:    3121 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56e710 addr=404533dc ADTG preamp (per column, mod 4 or mod 8)
0002000b:     c40 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56e710 addr=404533e0 ADTG preamp (per column, mod 4 or mod 8)
0002805e:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56e71c addr=4045263c Shutter blanking for x5/x10 zoom
00028060:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56ec58 addr=40452c24 Shutter blanking for LiveView 1x
000282f3:       c ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56efa8 addr=40452dd8 Line count that gets darker (top optical black related)
00028806:     408 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56e738 addr=40452f18 Causes interlacing artifacts
00028880:     800 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56e738 addr=40452f9c Black level (reference value for the feedback loop?)
c0f0601c:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56faa0 addr=42368 FPS related
c0f06084:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56faa0 addr=42430 RAW first line|column. Column is / 2. 600D: 0x0001007E.
c0f06088:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56faa0 addr=42438 RAW last line|column. 600D: FHD 1182|1070, 3x 1048|1102, HD 720|1070
c0f06018:      20 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56faa0 addr=424d0 FPS related
c0f06020:       2 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56faa0 addr=424d8 FPS related
c0f06008: 2cb02cb ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff570228 addr=42a90 FPS register A
c0f0600c: 2cb02cb ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff570228 addr=42a98 FPS related
c0f06010:     2cb ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff570228 addr=42aa0 FPS related
c0f06800:   10010 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff570228 addr=42aa8 RAW first line|column. Column is / 8 on 5D3 (parallel readout?)
c0f06804: 4540298 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff570228 addr=42ab0 RAW last line|column. 5D3: f6e|2fe, first 1|18 => 5936x3950
c0f07004:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fad8 addr=42500 HEAD timers
c0f07014:       3 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fad8 addr=42510 HEAD timers
c0f07018:      7c ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fad8 addr=42518 HEAD timers
c0f0707c:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fad8 addr=42520 HEAD timers
c0f071ac: 1000010 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fad8 addr=42528 HEAD timers
c0f07038:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56fad8 addr=42538 HEAD timers, 0x01 <- stops processing?
c0f06014:     5d3 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56f19c addr=428a0 FPS register B
c0f07050:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff380d2c addr=42780 HEAD1 timer (ticks?)
c0f0713c:     455 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff380858 addr=42810 HEAD3 timer (ticks?)
0002800c:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56dc9c addr=40452e50 Line skipping factor (2 = 1080p, 4 = 720p, 0 = zoom)
00028172:     67c ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56efa8 addr=40452dbc Line count to sample. same as video resolution (g3gg0)
00028178:     67c ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56efa8 addr=40452dc8 dwSrFstAdtg1[4], Line count + 1
00028179:     775 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56efa8 addr=40452dcc dwSrFstAdtg1[5]
00028196:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56f2f8 addr=40452e98 dwSrFstAdtg1[2], Line count + 1
00028197:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff56f2f8 addr=40452e9c dwSrFstAdtg1[3]
c0f08138:      10 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960a30 DEFM_MODE
c0f08158:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960a40 DEFM_INTR_EN
c0f08154:       8 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960a48 DEFM_INTR_CLR
c0f08140:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960a50 DEFM_INTR_NUM
c0f08150:     fff ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960a58 DEFM_DAT_TH
c0f0815c:       2 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960a60 DEFM_14_12_SEL
c0f08160:    3fff ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960a68 DEFM_DAT_TH_14_12
c0f08420:     5bf ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960b68 HIV_BASE_OFST
c0f08428:     111 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960b70 HIV_GAIN_DIV
c0f0842c:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960b78 HIV_PATH
c0f08184:     453 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960b90 LV resolution (RAW.height) aka HIV_V_SIZE
c0f08188:     a1f ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960b98 LV resolution (RAW.width) aka HIV_H_SIZE
c0f0818c:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960ba8 HIV_POS_V_OFST
c0f08190:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960bb0 HIV_POS_H_OFST
c0f08194:     a1f ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960bb8 LV resolution (RAW.width)
c0f08198:     a1f ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960bc0 LV resolution (RAW.width)
c0f082c4:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960c70 HIV_DEFMARK_CANCEL
c0f08028:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960d58 SHADE_PRESETUP
c0f0802c:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960d60 SHAD_POSTSETUP
c0f08034:    1800 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960d70 Black level in LiveView / BW offset in photo mode (SHAD_PRESETUP)
c0f08280:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960d80 SHAD_CBIT
c0f08284:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960d88 SHAD_C8MODE
c0f08288:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960d90 SHAD_C12MODE
c0f0828c:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960d98 SHAD_RMODE
c0f08290:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960da0 SHAD_COF_SEL
c0f082a8:       1 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f24d8 addr=ff960da8 SHAD_KZMK_SAV
c0f08214:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff382738 addr=17e288 HIV_PPR_EZ
c0f08548: 4530a1f ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff3826d4 addr=17e288 LV resolution * downsize factor? (RAW.height * D | RAW.width * D)
c0f08578:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff382750 addr=17e288 Vignetting correction data (DIGIC IV)
c0f383d4: 15300af ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff70c524 addr=17e010 Preview area (y1 | x1/4)
c0f383dc: 40c01b7 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff70c6b8 addr=17e020 Preview area (y2 | x2/4)
c0f1a00c: 2af0407 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4f2f0c addr=ff96254c LV resolution (raw.j.width | raw.j.height)
c0f11394:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff4fbe9c addr=ff977e14 LV resolution (raw.j.height | raw.j.width)
c0f07150:     428 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=Evf pc=ff38086c addr=42858 HEAD4 timer (ticks?)
c0f140c4:    8080 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6310 Display saturation
c0f14140:       0 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6540 Display filter (EnableFilter, DIGIC peaking)
c0f14164:   c0046 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e6588 Display position (vertical shift)
c0f141b8:      80 ISO=100 Tv=50 Av=41 lv=1 zoom=5 mv=1 res=0 crop=0 task=DisplayMgr pc=ff128e6c addr=ff8e65f0 Display brightness and contrast

These registers isn't in the Known registers menu:

C0F06824 (You will find it in Image size only)

ADTG2[82b6] (Fix vertical artifact in 700D) -->This isn't in above menus you can see it by using Modified from now --> First go into normal mode then change the menu to Modified from now and press x5 button to get into crop mode and write it manually. (We should make pull request for this).


On EOS M, an even more interesting comparison would be between 1080p standby vs recording. The former is actually 720p at some low FPS, so the only differences between these two modes are:
- vertical resolution (horizontal resolution is the same in all "1x" video modes)
- frame rate (30 during standby? no other cameras configure a 720p readout at low FPS, to my knowledge)
- H.264 activity (can be ignored)

Some results of the above comparison were linked above, but it's probably a good idea to double-check them. In particular, the comparison should be done at whatever FPS is used during standby, to minimize the number of variables that are going to change. Also, register 800C is not in the linked logs; it should be, according to previous discussion.


Most definitely will try and document and figure out changes/anomalys with eosm. Tried locking registers in standby going to recordings in raw with the thinking it might have kept the mv1080p mode in place  8). It did not work  :P


@Danne @loknar

Can you do this please for EOS M & 100D?
I'd like to test the resolution 2904x1248 for 700D and try to guess the full resolution live view for 100D & EOS M.



Great, appreciated:
Log for eosm in x5 zoom:

100D will not save to a log when selecting that option. It only goes out from the menu leaving the LOG folder empty...

By the way. These registers are set to get to 3096x1256 or 2520x1248(unsuccessful height):
       if (regs[reg].dst == 0xC0F0)

           switch (regs[reg].reg)
                case 0x6800:                /* C0F06804 - raw resolution */
                    return 0x10010;
                case 0x6804:                /* C0F06804 - raw resolution */
                    return 0x5040298;       /* Valid liveview 2520x1248 24fps 14-bit lossless */
                 /* return 0x5040328;       /* crushed liveview 3096x1256 24fps 14-bit lossless */
                case 0x6824:
                   return 0x4ca;
                case 0x6828:
                   return 0x4ca;
                case 0x682c:
                   return 0x4ca;
                case 0x6830:
                   return 0x4ca;
                case 0x6008:
                   return 0x35b035b;
                case 0x600c:
                   return 0x35b035b;
                case 0x6010:
                   return 0x35b;
                case 0x6014:
                   return 0x60b;
                case 0x7150:
                  return 0x428;
                case 0x713c:
                   return 0x505;

        else if (regs[reg].dst == 2)        /* ADTG 2 */
            switch (regs[reg].reg)
                 case 0x8172:
                    return 0x437;
                 case 0x8178:
                    return 0x437;
                 case 0x8179:
                    return 0x5a5;





@Danne thanks!

EOS M registers is identical 100% to 700D in x5 (I guess the other modes will be the same) ,, except I couldn't find "Timer B" in the log. I assuming the problem:
Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on February 27, 2018, 08:54:32 AM
Somethings I have noticed:
Disappearing Timer B in 1080p 23.976 (@a1ex this is a issue?).

So the best thing when overriding the registers is to make sure you are in mv1080 @ 25 fps (that's was better for 700D and I don't know if EOS M can do this without recording --> Make sure the Timer B isn't disappearing and maybe this is the problem for black vertical.) Edit before releasing the post  :P : I am pretty sure the problem is here:

                 case 0x8172:
                    return 0x437;
                 case 0x8178:
                    return 0x437;

You may change it to:

                 case 0x8172:
                    return 0x77c;
                 case 0x8178:
                    return 0x77c;

Now can you please try these presets for EOS M (I made it for 700D but it should work without problems in EOS M )

1-2520x1384 ~16:9 @ 23.976
Using this adtg_gui for EOS M & 700D

2- 3K 3072x1304 @ 20fps
Using this adtg_gui for EOS M & 700D

3- nearly Full-res 5208x3240 @ 6.5fps
Using this adtg_gui for EOS M & 700D

Follow the steps in the link!!

After applying Full-res preset or the other it's better to go to PLAY mode then get back to live-view and getting into x5 --> I noticed issues when using magnification button to update overriding registers .


Quote from: Danne on June 16, 2018, 12:00:38 AM
100D will not save to a log when selecting that option. It only goes out from the menu leaving the LOG folder empty...

This is bad --> @a1ex we need your help please why this happening ?


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on June 16, 2018, 01:51:35 AM
1-2520x1384 ~16:9 @ 23.976
Using this adtg_gui for EOS M & 700D

2- 3K 3072x1304 @ 20fps
Using this adtg_gui for EOS M & 700D

3- nearly Full-res 5208x3240 @ 6.5fps
Using this adtg_gui for EOS M & 700D

Do these resolutions and frame rates really work without corrupt frames and at what bit depth (14-bit lossless ???).  Have they been tested on the EOS M and 700D?  If yes, that is a remarkable progress, theBilalFakhouri !!!


Quote from: Danne on June 16, 2018, 12:00:38 AM
100D will not save to a log when selecting that option. It only goes out from the menu leaving the LOG folder empty...

If there's nothing screaming in the Debug menu, one has to debug it and see where it fails.

Best guess: out of memory => turn off raw video.


@a1ex. Best guess == good guess. Turned off raw video and log is produced. Will see if I can do something about getting it out with raw video on somehow. Maybe force low fps will help. Just ran out of battery. Meanwhile, here´s the log with raw video to off:

Awesome work @theBilalFakhouri. I can do recordings on the eosm in 2520x1384 ~16:9 @ 23.976 now, the black border is gone! I put your provided build into modules and then just ran my lua helper script which puts me right into action.
MLV proof:

Tested the other two as well, only briefly. 3K 3072x1304 @ 20fps was giving me a full view image when viewed with global draw to on and framing enabled. Recording was corrupted. Needs more tests.

nearly Full-res 5208x3240 @ 6.5fps needs more testing. Viewing lcd global draw on and framing shwed a 1/3 of the image black on the right side, but I need to test more on this.

Would be cool if you could print out the changes in your adtg_gui or are you using the ones in your 700D spreadsheet without modifications? I can check later with overriden register. Could you maybe publish code into a bitbucket branch?

Appreciate all the help here. Now let´s see if we can kickstart the 100D here :)


Just for comparison my ATDG.LOG  (As expected it's nearly same as @Danne's)
I tried your new atdg_gui module:
1-2520x1384 ~16:9 @ 23.976
So cool! :) It's almost there, black bar is gone, there is 1 red line and 7 white lines at the bottom. (Don't mind right side, that's window frame that's really there)

If that's caused by my processing, here is also pristine raw file.


Quote from: IDA_ML on June 16, 2018, 06:57:58 AM
Do these resolutions and frame rates really work without corrupt frames and at what bit depth (14-bit lossless ???).  Have they been tested on the EOS M and 700D?  If yes, that is a remarkable progress, theBilalFakhouri !!!

This was stable for 700D but write speed limit is confusing  :D Thanks!

@a1ex Thanks!


Quote from: Danne on June 16, 2018, 08:53:50 AM

nearly Full-res 5208x3240 @ 6.5fps needs more testing. Viewing lcd global draw on and framing shwed a 1/3 of the image black on the right side, but I need to test more on this.

Yes are right and this is because CMOS 5 wasn't overridden in adtg_gui I don't know why it didn't respond to the code (Full-res):

    if (regs[reg].dst == DST_CMOS)
        switch (regs[reg].reg)
case 5: return 0x0;
            case 7: return 0x800; /* CMOS[7]: ISO related? */
    else if (regs[reg].dst == 2)        /* ADTG 2 */
        switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x82b6: return 0x97f;      /* it's 5 in zoom mode and 6 in 1080p; this also overrides ADTG4 */
            case 0x8172: return 0x8fd; /* without this, you get some weird artifacts; this should only go to ADTG2, not 4 */
case 0x8178: return 0x8fd;
case 0x8000: return 0x5;
case 0x800c: return 0x0;

    return 0;

static int res3k_reg(int reg)
    if (regs[reg].dst == 0xC0F0)
        switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x6804:                /* C0F06804 - raw resolution */
                return 0xccc0538;       /* from 0x528011B -> 3072px in raw_rec */

case 0x6824: return 0x56a;
case 0x6828: return 0x56a;
case 0x682c: return 0x56a;
case 0x6830: return 0x56a;
case 0x6008: return 0x56b056b;
case 0x600c: return 0x56b056b;
case 0x6010: return 0x56b;
case 0x6014: return 0xdcb;
case 0x713c: return 0xca7;
case 0x6800: return 0x30010;


    return 0;

Just change CMOS 5 to 0x0 manually.

Quote from: Danne on June 16, 2018, 08:53:50 AM

Would be cool if you could print out the changes in your adtg_gui or are you using the ones in your 700D spreadsheet without modifications? I can check later with overriden register. Could you maybe publish code into a bitbucket branch?

Yes the same in spreadsheet --> This the last one for 3K:

    if (regs[reg].dst == DST_CMOS)
        switch (regs[reg].reg)
case 5: return 0x280;       /* CMOS[5]: ISO related? */
            case 7: return 0xa89;       /* CMOS[7]: ISO related? */
    else if (regs[reg].dst == 2)        /* ADTG 2 */
        switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x82b6: return 0x7f4;      /* it's 5 in zoom mode and 6 in 1080p; this also overrides ADTG4 */
            case 0x8172: return 0x77c; /* without this, you get some weird artifacts; this should only go to ADTG2, not 4 */
case 0x8178: return 0x77c;

    return 0;

static int res3k_reg(int reg)
    if (regs[reg].dst == 0xC0F0)
        switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x6804:                /* C0F06804 - raw resolution */
                return 0x5340322;       /* from 0x528011B -> 3072px in raw_rec */

case 0x6824: return 0x3ca;
case 0x6828: return 0x3ca;
case 0x682c: return 0x3ca;
case 0x6830: return 0x3ca;
case 0x6008: return 0x37b037b;
case 0x600c: return 0x37b037b;
case 0x6010: return 0x37b;
case 0x6014: return 0x6d7;
case 0x713c: return 0x555;


    return 0;

I will try to do it in bitbucket .

Quote from: Danne on June 16, 2018, 08:53:50 AM

Appreciate all the help here. Now let´s see if we can kickstart the 100D here :)

In progress  :D

Quote from: loknar on June 16, 2018, 09:15:22 AM

If that's caused by my processing, here is also pristine raw file.

This dng looking corrupted --> on 700D only the last few frames before the recording stops it's sometimes shows corrupted frames it's depending in scene, iso and whatever --> But we are here to fix all that problems  :D

The most shots was very stable on 700D --> I am thinking this because adtg_gui it's heavy on the camera and when loading other modules the more corrupted frames shows --> I tried to implement it in crop_rec no much luck yet let's ask a1ex some questions  :D


QuoteThis dng looking corrupted --> on 700D only the last few frames before the recording stops it's sometimes shows corrupted frames it's depending in scene, iso and whatever --> But we are here to fix all that problems  :D

You are right, frames at the end are garbled (test image was just random pick from the middle).

Also camera reacts kind of sloppy, so maybe there really is more load than CPU can handle.


3072x1304 working.
    else if (is_camera("EOSM", "2.0.2"))

       if (regs[reg].dst == DST_CMOS)
           switch (regs[reg].reg)
case 5:
      return 0x280;       /* CMOS[5]: ISO related? */
                 case 7:
    return 0xa89;       /* CMOS[7]: ISO related? */
       if (regs[reg].dst == 0xC0F0)

           switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x6804:                /* C0F06804 - raw resolution */
               return 0x5340322;       /* from 0x528011B -> 3072px in raw_rec */
    case 0x6824:
return 0x3ca;
    case 0x6828:
return 0x3ca;
    case 0x682c:
return 0x3ca;
    case 0x6830:
return 0x3ca;
    case 0x6008:
return 0x37b037b;
    case 0x600c:
return 0x37b037b;
    case 0x6010:
return 0x37b;
    case 0x6014:
return 0x6d7;
    case 0x713c:
return 0x555;

        else if (regs[reg].dst == 2)        /* ADTG 2 */
            switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x82b6:
       return 0x7f4;      /* it's 5 in zoom mode and 6 in 1080p; this also overrides ADTG4 */
            case 0x8172:
       return 0x77c; /* without this, you get some weird artifacts; this should only go to ADTG2, not 4 */
    case 0x8178:
       return 0x77c;



MLV proof:


Trying this for fullres but doesn´t work good. Also have to add cmos 5 manually. Do you see anything Bilal?:
    else if (is_camera("EOSM", "2.0.2"))

       if (regs[reg].dst == DST_CMOS)
           switch (regs[reg].reg)
case 5:
      return 0x0;       /* CMOS[5]: ISO related? */
                 case 7:
    return 0x800;       /* CMOS[7]: ISO related? */
       if (regs[reg].dst == 0xC0F0 && DST_CMOS)

           switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x6804:                /* C0F06804 - raw resolution */
               return 0xccc0538;       /* from 0x528011B -> 5208px in raw_rec */
    case 0x6800:
return 0x30010;
    case 0x6824:
return 0x56a;
    case 0x6828:
return 0x56a;
    case 0x682c:
return 0x56a;
    case 0x6830:
return 0x56a;
    case 0x6008:
return 0x56b056b;
    case 0x600c:
return 0x56b056b;
    case 0x6010:
return 0x56b;
    case 0x6014:
return 0xdcb;
    case 0x713c:
return 0xca7;

        else if (regs[reg].dst == 2)        /* ADTG 2 */
            switch (regs[reg].reg)
            case 0x82b6:
       return 0x97f;      /* it's 5 in zoom mode and 6 in 1080p; this also overrides ADTG4 */
            case 0x8172:
       return 0x8fd; /* without this, you get some weird artifacts; this should only go to ADTG2, not 4 */
    case 0x8178:
       return 0x8fd;
    case 0x8000:
       return 0x5;
    case 0x800c:
       return 0x0;



EDIT: adding cmos 5 and then turning on and off raw video finally breaks height from 696 to 2928 giving me 5208x2928. Recording anything is another story though. Getting a good liveview from framing and global draw on but once I hit record I get raw detect error or in best cases a 2kb file  :P


New version(thanks to bilal)
2.5k (2520x1336 24fps) EDIT: changed resolution to 2520x1320 24fps due to corruption.

Automation if wanted via lua script. Reworked/renamed to adtg_gui helper


Thanks Danne and Bilal, that's some incredible progress and really appreciated! With your latest 2.5k build (newest 16th June version), it works well with no glitches or corrupted lines. I've made a quick video recorded at 2520x1320 and also 2336x1314 for a slightly longer record time. This is 14 bit lossless (I briefly tried 10 bit lossless but immediately got error messages).

I had tried your 16th June build yesterday @Danne before you posted the edited version and was getting glitchy footage that was jumping everywhere. Same with Bilal's adtg_gui file. But this version is perfect.


Thanks for posting this. 14bit lossless works but not the lower bits. Too bad and probably very hard to get those bits going from what I heard...
Posted a new build with exfat compatibilty with the included lua scripts:
Will be no problems if running fat32 before but now it works for both.

Edit: Could 14-lossless record in a lossy format to gain longer recording times?


I got lower bit rates to work without error messages in earlier builds but the resulting footage had glitches. I might investigate that again when I have time. I can imagine it will be hard to find a way around that though - let's just hope there will be a way to achieve higher write speeds with the SD overclock hack in future, or that an SD card company manages to release a faster UHS-I card!

Thanks for changing the lua scripts file names, that will save some time!



14-bit lossless is only working ,, the lower lossless bit-depths isn't working (sometimes you can select it but this doesn't mean it's working ) = you will have glitch in the footage as you mentioned and corrupted frames --> But 14-bit lossless is working fine is there a problem with it ?

And the solution was for using lower bit-depths to override registers we don't know it yet:
Quote from: a1ex on May 28, 2018, 06:57:22 PM
Other image processing modules have to be reconfigured for the higher resolution. The solution is probably somewhere in these huge logs, but I didn't try to decipher them yet.

And if  we found it we will need at least 70mb/s write speed --> with sd_uhs only we can get 55mb/s effective speed so if we could push the write speed to the max @ 208MHz I think we will get 80mb/s effective speed or more and this will be better.

You are using EOS M right ? why you didn't use this adtg_gui ?
Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on June 16, 2018, 01:51:35 AM

1-2520x1384 ~16:9 @ 23.976
Using this adtg_gui for EOS M & 700D


@theBilalFakhouri  14-bit lossless works yes, and I'm using the EOS M. With one or two of Danne's earlier builds it was possible to get liveview to work and record fine with lower bit depths, but it's true that the recorded footage had glitches.

I did try your 2520x1384 adtg_gui file yesterday and all looked fine in liveview, but unfortunately when I looked at the footage on my computer it was jumping around and was glitchy. Danne posted an example (see here below) which is exactly what I was getting with my footage:

Quote from: Danne on June 16, 2018, 08:53:50 AM
MLV proof:

I'll try again to double check in case I did something wrong, but in any case Danne's newest build (2520x1320) works 100% as you can see in my video.

A higher write speed is definitely needed though. I wonder what it will take to push to 208MHz?


very cool. is it possible to get more than 1800 wide in crop mode 3x? crop mode also has real time preview, everyone im sure already knows this but just wondering. i heard someone mention it on sl1 thread. exciting times. i thought we reached an end to hardware tweaks and that software fo magic lantern would be the next big thing, im sure we will have higher res and 10 bit raw very soon.


Quote from: alpicat on June 17, 2018, 11:53:46 PM
I wonder what it will take to push to 208MHz?

Understanding how these registers works because these registers controls write & read speeds .

Or someone helping me with this:P

Do you mean increasing resolution in movie crop mode?

I think it's possible to do it but when you start increasing horizontal resolution the real time preview will be garbled and it's will show only the old frame size same of live-view as x5 crop mode .


levas probably knows


4k version:

Thanks to Levas, Bilal, Nikfreak

Automation if wanted via lua script. Reworked/renamed to adtg_gui helper