
Started by escho, December 15, 2013, 11:09:41 PM

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Alex, you wrote in pull request #302:

"I mean, for this minor change I'd like to merge a single change. Look at the recent merges (10 commits for a tiny change, sometimes going back and forth). Would make things easier when looking back in history."

There is a little thing, I don´t understand:

I have a bitbucket-repo with a fork of magiclantern. I clone this repo to my harddisk to test some magiclantern-stuff. Now I find something beeing worth to be changed. I change this on the harddisk, compile and test it. Then I sync my repo with magiclantern-repo. Done this, I commit the change on my hd and push it to my repo. Then I create a pull request to magiclantern.
In this tiny change, you talked about, there is only one file changed, the file, I did a pull-request for. Both repos were synced before this pull request. But there are 10 commits, which are merged. I don´t understand, why this 10 commits are merged and not only my pull request.

If I want to create a pull request to magiclantern, have I to delete my repo first and then create a new one before doing this pull-request to prevent these 10 commits.

Feel free to give me an advice.

600D, 6D, openSUSE Tumbleweed


see the commit log: https://bitbucket.org/hudson/magic-lantern/commits/all

you can avoid this by exactly the way you described or by rebasing a patch to a recent commit.
i think it is best described here: http://blog.sourcetreeapp.com/2012/08/21/merge-or-rebase/

key-quote: Is the most intuitive and clutter-free way to combine commits from multiple developers in a shared branch
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I think, I realized now what happend and what I can do in the future.

Thank You for helping,  g3gg0.

600D, 6D, openSUSE Tumbleweed