5d3 raw vs Epic comparison frames

Started by dopepope, November 12, 2013, 04:07:44 AM

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buddy did a shoot with an epic, and i tagged along with the 5d3. here are some comparison frames you can view/edit:



I think it's cool, but I would find it useful if you graded the two images to look similar. Right now the differences in look make it somewhat difficult to compare the two images effectively.


I think it would be easy to grade them to be identical (nearly, obviously), however i've uploaded the tiff's for each so anyone can take them and push them however they want to see how the image holds up.
however if people would find that to be useful I'll apply a grade to see how close I can match them.
but really, you can grade alexa footage to look like footage from an iphone, right?


Well, maybe you could offer both?

While it's true that creative grading can make cameras look similar as evidenced by the Zacuto tests, there are some limits , particularly in the highlights and in the noise in the dark areas.

What I found when I did a similar test against the Alexa is that there was simply no way for me to achieve the smoothness of the highlight rolloff that the Alexa gives me, even though the overall image was quite similar and I wouldn't hesitate using a 5D raw as B camera on an Alexa shoot.


Point taken, I'll do a basic grade of each and update.


[q]but really, you can grade alexa footage to look like footage from an iphone, right?[/q]
But you cannot do the opposite?
Canon EOS 5D Mk III + Canon 24-105 F/4 L IS USM + SanDisk Exreme Pro 64 GB (SD, ML Nightly.2021Feb07.5D3113) + SanDisk Extreme Pro 128 GB (CF).
