[WONTFIX] Digital zoom for photography

Started by edingtong, August 20, 2013, 03:27:42 PM

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I have a Canon 600D/T3i and it allows me to record videos with 3x or 10x zoom. Although, when I choose to record with digital zoom it doesn't allow me to take pictures in movie mode as it normally does.

I was wondering if there could be a feature that allows us to take pictures with digital zoom, and not just videos.

I hope this is not a duplicate, I've seen similar posts but nothing that actually answers if this feature is possible or not.


Photos already are the whole sensor. dzoom is a crop of it with less line skipping, lv only.


I should have added that I'm fairly new to photography so my knowledge is still very basics.
But I looked into it and figured out the wait to do it is through Silent Picture, right?

Thanks for the reply  ;)


Yes, that's still live view though.


The pixel dimensions of the raw data from the 600D are 5184 x 3456.
HD video only uses 1920x1088 pixels.
You have 2 options when recording, squish all of the original pixels into 1920x1088 (resampling), or crop down the sensor so that you are only using 1920x1088 of the available pixels.
There is no true zoom happening.  You don't get any extra focal length on your lens.