Latest & greatest 7D-build on a Mac

Started by bkummel, August 18, 2013, 04:16:10 PM

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Hi all,

I've just installed the latest and greatest 7D-build on my camera, using my MacBook. As I found the installation instructions for Mac users a little hard to find, I thought I'd share my experiences with you. I hope other Mac-using 7D-owners will appreciate my summary. Here we go...

Installing ML on a 7D using a Mac

1. Preparation
a. Download a ready-made Mac-installation kit from here: (Thanks, DenJS!)
b. Unzip the file if it isn't already unzipped. You should now have a folder called 7D, containing the following files:

- booton.fir – patched firmware which will enable boot flag in your camera
- bootoff.fir – patched firmware which will disable boot flag
- 7D000203.FIR – original firmware 2.0.3
- MacBoot.class – java application wich help you make your CF card bootable
- run.command – shell script to run java app properly.
- To root CF card – a folder containing the ML-build.

2. Enable the bootflag in your camera:
a. Take an empty CF-card, put in in a card-reader connected to your Mac and copy the booton.fir-file to it.
b. Put the CF-card in your camera and turn the camera on.
c. Open the menu, go to the 3rd yellow tab with the wrench-icon and choose the last option: "Firmware version 2.0.3"
d. Choose "Update firmware" and wait a few seconds. The firmware-update-program will start and after a few seconds you'll return to a black screen.
e. Now turn off you camera and eject the CF-card.
f. Remove the booton.fir-file from the CF-card.
g. Re-install the 2.0.3-firmware: follow the same steps as before, now with the 7D000203.FIR-file.

3. Create a bootable MagicLantern-card:
a. Put the CF-card in the card-reader.
b. Start the MacBoot-program, by double-clicking on the run.command. Enter you password if asked.
c. In the MacBoot program, select the size of the CF-card which you inserted and press Reresh.
d. Select Make DSLR-bootable and press Prepare Card.
e. Now copy all files from the folder To root CF card to the root of the CF-card.
f. Insert the CF-card in your camera and power it on.
g. You should hear a beep, indicating that MagicLantern has booted. You're ready to go! Press the trashcan-button on your 7D to enter the ML-menu.

Not booting?
Please make sure you have copied the files from the To root CF card-folder. If you have a bootable card, but not the files in the root folder, the camera will "hang" until you remove the battery.


Using Dual ISO on a 7D - postprocessing on a Mac

To post-process a dual ISO image on a Mac, you'll need the cr2hdr tool. It can be downloaded here: It can be called from the Terminal, as follows:

cr2hdr IMG_0001.CR2

Note that cr2hdr uses ExifTool to copy Exif-data, so make sure you have that one installed.

This will give you a IMG_0001.DNG-file. I was not able to import the DNG-file into Apple Aperture. So I searched for a work-around, which I found, using ImageMagick. You have to install both ImageMagick and ufraw to use this work-around. Once both are installed, you can use the following command to convert the DNG to TIFF:

convert IMG_0001.DNG IMG_0001.TIFF

Good luck!


GREAT Tutorial!
Thnx Alot!

I had problem with making card bootable than I realized I need to run "RUN" to allow program to write to root.


Quote from: bkummel on August 18, 2013, 04:30:37 PM
Using Dual ISO on a 7D - postprocessing on a Mac

To post-process a dual ISO image on a Mac, you'll need the cr2hdr tool. It can be downloaded here: It can be called from the Terminal, as follows:

cr2hdr IMG_0001.CR2

Note that cr2hdr uses ExifTool to copy Exif-data, so make sure you have that one installed.

This will give you a IMG_0001.DNG-file. I was not able to import the DNG-file into Apple Aperture. So I searched for a work-around, which I found, using ImageMagick. You have to install both ImageMagick and ufraw to use this work-around. Once both are installed, you can use the following command to convert the DNG to TIFF:

convert IMG_0001.DNG IMG_0001.TIFF

Good luck!

How do you exactly manage to convert the file through terminal?? I tried your description but no luck??


Hi all,

It seems my Dual ISO postproc instructions were not too clear. So here's a new attempt, a little bit more verbose...

Software Installation
1. Download the cr2hdr tool from here:
2. Unzip the file. You now have a directory tools inside your Downloads folder.
3. Open the program. (You can find it in the /Applications/Utilities/-folder.)
4. Type cd to change directory to your home-directory.
5. Type mkdir bin to create a directory called bin, in case you don't have it already.
6. Copy the files from the tools-directory to it. This can also be done in the Terminal: cp ~/Downloads/tools/* . (Don't forget the last period.)

You'll also need to have the following programs installed. Please follow the installation instructions on their respective websites:
- ExifTool
- ImageMagick
- ufraw

Conversion process
1. Copy the file you want to process to your Desktop. Let's suppose the file is called IMG_0002.CR2 for this example.
2. Open the program. (You can find it in the /Applications/Utilities/-folder.)
3. Type cd ~/Desktop to change directory to your Desktop-folder
4. Type ~/bin/cr2hdr IMG_0002.CR2 to convert the image to an HDR DNG-file.
5. Type convert IMG_0002.DNG IMG_0002.TIFF to convert the image to TIFF. (In case you are able to open the DNG-file in your favourite editor / photo manager, you can skip this step.)

I hope it is a bit more clear now. Good luck!



...CR2HDR (Mac OSX) with GUI !... download here :

Thanks to A.D. :)


Hi LOGAN570,

It doesn't work for me, here's the log:

BK_11395 File Supported
sh: dcraw: command not found Error: BK_11395.CR2 Input file : BK_11395.CR2

Am I doing something wrong?


Ok, it works. However, I still need to convert it to a TIFF with ImageMagick, because Aperture does not recognize the DNG.


I'm not sure if that is a good idea to save tiffs to Aperture. You then save not raw (CR2 or DNG) but already processed file (TIFF) even if it is 16-bit which increase size of file. So I'm not a raw/tiff/gif guru but if you need to convert DNG to TIFF you may use included dcraw with -T key and -6 for 16-bit file. Something like this: dcraw -T -6 _MG_5057.DNG


You are my hero.
Huge thank you for the app!


Question about the whole boot flag / bootable card issue:

Is it possible to run the ML 7D code (with the raw module) WITHOUT booting from the card, in other words loading ML manually each time the camera boots?

AFAIK there still isn't the ability to disable the boot flag on the 5DIII once you've enabled it, so I wouldn't want to... and I'm trying to emulate the ML 5DIII workflow as closely as possible on my 7D before I start messing with my 5DIII.

Any help from anybody more familiar with the ML code than I am is appreciated!


If you install the 7D alpha 2 (and not the 2.3) you will not have bootflags set (which is safer because if there is a problem and ML autoboots that can be difficult to fix)


Quote from: Pileot on August 19, 2013, 08:27:05 PM
If you install the 7D alpha 2 (and not the 2.3) you will not have bootflags set (which is safer because if there is a problem and ML autoboots that can be difficult to fix)

Many thanks Pileot!

Yeah, that's exactly my concern: I'd much rather ML be "opt-in" on my camera, so it can be easily removed if necessary, than "opt-out" and have to go through some hoops to remove it if something breaks.

I haven't had a chance to read all 52 pages of that thread yet so I apologize if this is addressed in there somewhere, but it sounds like the original alpha 2 did not include raw shooting (or the raw module). I know ML is in the process of getting modulized, can a raw module be loaded into the 7D alpha 2? If so, what file would that be?

Many thanks for the help!


Hi ChrisContiPhoto,

Yeah, the information about the 7D-port is a bit "fragmented" and unclear at times. This thread is an attempt to fix that. If you want RAW video and Dual ISO, you'll need the 2.3-version from the zip-file that is linked in the start of this thread. And that one works with autoboot. AFAIK, there is no way to fix that, but I'm not a ML-guru, so I may be wrong about that. What I know is:
- There is a bootoff.fir file included in that zip-file. It should be possible to reset the bootflag of your 7D with that, thus disabling autoboot for the camera. (I haven't tried this myself.)
- You can work with different CF-cards: if you don't make a card bootable, your camera will work with Canon-firmware if you're using that card. So If you'd like to switch between ML and Canon-only, I'd suggest working with different CF-cards. Then all you have to do to enable or disable ML is putting another CF-card in your camera.

Hope this helps...


Quote from: bkummel on August 20, 2013, 07:43:26 AM
- There is a bootoff.fir file included in that zip-file. It should be possible to reset the bootflag of your 7D with that, thus disabling autoboot for the camera. (I haven't tried this myself.)

I tried. It works perfect.



Quote from: DenJS on August 19, 2013, 03:33:08 PM
I'm not sure if that is a good idea to save tiffs to Aperture. You then save not raw (CR2 or DNG) but already processed file (TIFF) even if it is 16-bit which increase size of file.
You're totally right of course. The thing is: Aperture cannot read the DNG-file. (I also tried GIMP, but that wasn't able to open it either.) So: I know using TIFF is suboptimal, but it's still better than no image at all! ;)


Thank you for this tutorial.  I am curious if there's any risk when inserting a CF card with ML 7D firmware installed on a 5D3, or vice versa.  Thanks again.


Even tho i got my ML working nice and smooth through OSX this is a great tutorial. Hope it helps all young MacKubricks out there :)
Thanks bkummel!


before i do it I want to know if there a way to uninstall it if i don't want it or if I sell my 7D


Thank you so much for the cr2hdr Mac app.  Fresh Hackintosh here and didn't want to install the whole process to build, and the bash script was helpful as a 1 by 1 conversion, but this is amazing.  So much time saved!


Quote from: jsoucy on August 24, 2013, 11:24:34 PM
before i do it I want to know if there a way to uninstall it if i don't want it or if I sell my 7D
Hi jsoucy,

Yes, you can uninstall. As mentioned earlier, you can use bootoff.fir to disable the bootflag. Then format your CF-card and no trace is left of ML. Good luck!


Hi all, and thanks for the guide.
I did all by the book, but after the installation I get freezing screen when I record raw.
Here is video demostration

What I have forget or do I have some setup off?


Quote from: vjandrei on August 31, 2013, 09:07:19 AM
Hi all, and thanks for the guide.
I did all by the book, but after the installation I get freezing screen when I record raw.
Here is video demostration

What I have forget or do I have some setup off?

The build which you use is old.
This image is a ML menu of a latest build.

I use the britom's build.