Help with time-lapse day to night etc.

Started by Moultz12, December 11, 2012, 02:02:23 AM

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G'day everyone,

First of all, thank you so much to the creators of magic lantern, bravo... I use it on both my 5D MK II and 600D.

Im fairly new to time lapse and still working to master the art of the day-night transition.

I have a couple of questions I hope you can answer or at least give me some clues on how to fix my problems:)

1) Is there a way to set the "start" and "finish" exposure/aperture/iso image settings and simply ramp between the two (similar to the Little Bramper device which is no longer available)

2) Once I reach the desired night shot, can that final image setting be maintained without further ramping to capture the stars moving (Previous attempts just keep stepping and blow the photo out and I use a slider so It would be very hard to stop reset settings to final image and then start again without disturbing the sequence. (see attached video)

3) When I use the "sunset preset" starting with 1/200, F8, ISO 100, 5 or 10 sec int, max EV/Shot 0.001 or 0.002   ...  The video seems to jump ISO every X amount of shots causing a nasty "pulse" as it adjusts - See attached video. (is there a way to review a graph of whats happening during the time-lapse?)

I hope other people new to this photography are in the same boat and I help a few people out with this.

Thanks in advance for your help, I look forward to learning from you all :)

PS: Once I work this out my time lapse's will be shot in Karajini National Park which is just down the road and ill post lots of video...

Newman, Western Australia.


Hi Blair, did you ever figure this out as i want to do the exact same  thing - Gary


What version of ML do you use?
With the upcoming version you could do this with picoc scripting. Try the nightly build.

It's possible to set:

set_iso(int iso);
set_shutter(float s);
set_aperture(float s);
and more...

and get the camera time ...


i got carried away and bought a stage zero, mx2 controller, merlin head and GB timelapse... so yes, i got it to work another way haha

I would really recommend GB timelapse for your "holy-grail" shots :)

look it up..



With the GB timelapse programming, are you needing to use ND filters during the daytime or can it be programmed with high shutter and low iso for daytime that gradually adjusts to higher iso and long exposures for night shooting?


Maybe you can try setting the camera to full-auto, then using the intervalometer, have the camera take a picture every minute.

I might test this out...